This GC Awards Database is a resource for Georgia College faculty and staff. While comprehensive, it focuses on awards related to the disciplines practiced at Georgia College. The emphasis on SoTL and teaching awards reflects our core mission. Dissertation grants, travel awards, subventions, awards attached to academic conference presentations, awards with closed nomination processes, and institutional grants are not included. If there are awards within the scope of this database that are not yet included, you can make a recommendation to us here.
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Sponsoring Organization
Award website
Professional Practice Award
Southeast Region of AMTA
Music Therapy
No information available.
Research/Publications Award
Southeast Region of AMTA
Music Therapy
No information available.
Service Award
Southeast Region of AMTA
Music Therapy
No information available.
Advocacy of Music Therapy Award
Southeast Region of AMTA
Music Therapy
No information available.
International Project Support Grant
Southeast Region of AMTA
Music Therapy
The SER-AMTA International Project Support Grant was created to provide funding for professional music therapists who are engaged in international clinical work, research, service, or scholarly music therapy activities. Examples of projects considered include but are not limited to: teaching/training international students, providing music therapy workshops in other countries, or conducting a research project. Projects do not have to be conducted abroad to be considered, but must be focused on international populations.
Emerging Scholar Award
Technology and Innovation Management-Academy of Management
No information available.
Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Outstanding Early-Career Woman Scholar Award
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Mass Communication
Sponsored by The Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University and the AEJMC Commission on the Status of Women, this recognition is designed to honor early-career women faculty researchers and encourage them as they pursue their research agendas in the academy. An early-career faculty member is defined as a scholar who has the Ph.D., but does NOT have tenure, and is preferably on a tenure-track, but might be considered if a collegiate-level instructor/lecturer. Nominees must be members of AEJMC. **GC not currently accredited.
Kovacs Prize
Modern Language Association
Young Investigator Award
Society for Neuroscience
Douglas Greenlee Prize for Best Conference Paper by a junior scholar
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Ila and John Mellow Best Paper Prize that advances methods and ideas of American philosophy
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Josephy L. Blau Best Paper Prize in history of American philosophy
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Jane Addams Prize for best paper in feminist philosophy
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Hoffman Beller Medal for Optical Science Education
Optical Society of America*
Howery Award for Developing Teacher Scholars
Teaching and Learning Section of ASA
The award recognizes the importance of contributing to teaching sociology through training and mentoring future teacher-scholars who apply scholarly literature in their own teaching, contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning, and/or publicly document successful teaching strategies.
Outstanding Instructional Contribution Award
American Accounting Association
To encourage and recognize excellence in the development of original instructional materials.
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section Awards
American Accounting Association
To encourage and recognize excellence in accounting education research.
Section Hall of Honor Award
American Accounting Association
The purpose of the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (TLC) Section’s Hall of Honor Award is to recognize a TLC member who has provided outstanding service to the section for an extended period of time.
Bruce Smith, Sr. Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
Academy Fellow Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
Academy Founder’s Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
For outstanding service to ACJS and the profession.
Donal Macnamara Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
The MacNamara Award for Outstanding Journal Publication was created by a donation to ACJS from Dr. Donal MacNamara, one of Academy of Criminal Justice founding scholars. The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding scholarship published in one of the publication venues of the Academy (Justice Quarterly, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, and ACJS Today).
Outstanding Book Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
In recognition of the best book published in the area of criminal justice. Nominations for the Outstanding Book Award are restricted to members of the Academy.
Academy New Scholar Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
The Academy New Scholar Award recognizes outstanding scholarly contributions to the student of crime and/or criminal justice by someone who has received their most recent doctoral degree within the past six years. Scholarly contributions include, but are not limited to, books, articles, book chapters, reviews, technical reports, grants, or papers to scholarly associations.
Academy Leadership and Innovation Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
This award will be given in recognition of a practitioner whose work has had a direct, positive, and significant effect on the criminal justice system, with a commitment to improving the criminal justice system. These contributions may include program development, policy implementation, education, training, direct services, research, and legislative action.
ACJS Outstanding Mentor Awards
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
ACJS will honor outstanding mentors who during the course of their career have made a significant contribution to the professional development of graduate students and junior faculty members in criminal justice.
Paredes Prize
American Folklore Society
Recognizes excellence in integrating scholarship and engagement through products such as books, articles, software packages, or exhibits; or on the basis of the overall impact of engaged teaching and scholarship; or fostering work in one’s own community or culture.
Bea Sanders/AICPA Innovation in Teaching Award
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The Bea Sanders/AICPA Innovation in Teaching Award recognizes and disseminates successful teaching practices in the first sequence of accounting.
AMA Foundation Higher Education Marketer of the Year Awards
American Marketing Association
To be eligible for the AMA Higher Education Marketer of the Year Awards, individual nominees and teams must be currently employed at a higher education institution with focus on the branding, marketing, and communications aspects of a college or university.
Excellence in Teaching Award
National Council for Education for the Ceramic Arts
Recipients should be near or at the end of a career dedicated to the practice of teaching (may be awarded posthumously); shall have demonstrated excellence in their own creative work; shall have had previous recognition for and a history of awards in teaching; and should have highly visible former students in the field.
AIS Outstanding Contribution to Education Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
This award recognizes a faculty who has made outstanding contributions to information systems (IS) education. Contributions to IS pedagogy include:
Competence of the subject and continuous contribution to the field
Curriculum Development – design and redesign of courses
Ability to inspire independent and original thinking in students
Guidance of research projects (graduate and undergraduate)
Advising students
New teaching tools/methods
Publishing books or papers related to pedagogy
Other contributions that make a significant difference to IS pedagogy
AIS Outstanding Contribution to Education Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
This award recognizes a faculty who has made outstanding contributions to information systems (IS) education. Contributions to IS pedagogy include:
Competence of the subject and continuous contribution to the field
Curriculum Development – design and redesign of courses
Ability to inspire independent and original thinking in students
Guidance of research projects (graduate and undergraduate)
Advising students
New teaching tools/methods
Publishing books or papers related to pedagogy
Other contributions that make a significant difference to IS pedagogy
AIS Fellow Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
The AIS Fellow Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the information systems discipline in terms of research, teaching and service. A Fellow need not have excelled in all three categories. Nonetheless, she or he is expected to have made exceptional contributions in at least one of these categories and to have made significant contributions in the other two categories. A Fellow is also expected to have made significant global contributions to the information systems discipline as well as outstanding local contributions in the context of their country and region.
The AIS Fellow Award was established in 1999 by the AIS Council and the ICIS Executive Committee.
AIS Fellows are expected to act a role model and an inspiration to colleagues and students within the information systems discipline. In addition, they should be capable of garnering the respect of individuals from outside the discipline who from time to time have an interest in the discipline. AIS Fellows should be esteemed for their high levels of professional and personal integrity.
AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
The AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award was established in 2014 and was granted for the first time in 2015. This award recognizes longstanding members who have provided leadership and service within the association. Renamed in 2015, the award honors Sandra Slaughter, who served as Region 1 Representative on the AIS Council until her untimely death in 2014. Nominees for the AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award should have been AIS members for at least three years and have made significant contributions to the association through activities such as (but not limited to) the following: past Council positions (sitting Council members are not eligible to win this award); association committees; journal editorial boards; conference involvement; SIGs, chapters, or colleges. AIS members may only win the Service Award once in a five year period.
AIS Early Career Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
The AIS Early Career Award was established in 2014 and was granted for the first time in 2015. This award recognizes individuals in the early stages of their careers who have already made outstanding research, teaching, and/or service contributions to the field of information systems.
AIS Outreach Practice Publication Award
Association of Information Systems
Information Systems
The AIS Outreach Practice Publication Award was created to recognize members who successfully transfer research to practitioner audiences in practice-based publications.
Erin Anderson Award for an Emerging Female Marketing Scholar and Mentor
American Marketing Association
The Erin Anderson Award recognizes emerging female marketing scholars and mentors, while honoring and celebrating the life of Erin Anderson.
William L. Wilkie Marketing for a Better World Award
American Marketing Association
The William L. Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” will honor marketing thinkers who have significantly contributed to our understanding and appreciation for marketing’s potential to improve our world, and from whose work notable advances have ensued–in the mold of Bill Wilkie of the University of Notre Dame.Nominees must be marketing professors, and self-nominations will not be reviewed.
NAS Award for Chemistry in Service to Society
National Academy of Sciences
Established by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, the NAS Award for Chemistry in Service to Society is awarded biennially for contributions to chemistry, either in fundamental science or its application, that clearly satisfy a societal need. The award is given in alternate years to chemists working in industry and to those in academia, government, and nonprofit organizations. The award is presented with a $20,000 prize.
William and Katherine Estes Award
National Academy of Sciences
Cognitive Science, Behavioral Science
The William and Katherine Estes Award (formerly the NAS Award for Behavioral Research Relevant to the Prevention of Nuclear War) recognizes basic research in any field of cognitive or behavioral science that uses rigorous formal and empirical methods to advance our understanding of issues relating to the risk of nuclear war. This award was established by a gift of William and Katherine Estes and includes a $20,000 prize.
Michael and Shelia Held Prize
National Academy of Sciences
Computer Science
The Michael and Sheila Held Prize is presented annually and carries with it a $100,000 prize. The prize honors outstanding, innovative, creative, and influential research in the areas of combinatorial and discrete optimization, or related parts of computer science, such as the design and analysis of algorithms and complexity theory. This $100,000 prize is intended to recognize recent work (defined as published within the last eight years).
NAS Award in Early Earth and Life Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Earth Science
The award rotates presentation between the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal for research on Cambrian or pre-Cambrian life, and the Stanley Miller Medal which recognizes research on Earth’s early development as a planet, including prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life; planetary accretion, differentiation, and tectonics; and early evolution of the atmosphere and oceans. Each medal is presented with a $10,000 prize.
G.K. Warren Prize
National Academy of Sciences
Geological Sciences
Awarded to recognize distinguished accomplishment in fluviatile geology and closely related aspects of the geological sciences. The recipient is awarded a $20,000 prize.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize
National Academy of Sciences
The mathematics prize (formerly the NAS Award in Mathematics) was established in 1988 by the American Mathematical Society in honor of its centennial.
J. Lawrence Smith Medal
National Academy of Sciences
Meteoric Science
The J. Lawrence Smith Medal is awarded every three years for recent original and meritorious investigations of meteoric bodies. The award includes a $50,000 prize.
Selman A. Waksman Award in Microbiology
National Academy of Sciences
Established by the Waksman Foundation for Microbiology, the Selman A. Waksman Award is a prize of $20,000 that is presented to recognize a major advance in the field of microbiology.
Pradel Research Award
National Academy of Sciences
The Pradel Research Award is presented annually to recognize mid-career neuroscientists whose work is making major contributions to our understanding of the nervous system. The award is presented with a $50,000 research award to designate to an institution of the recipient’s choice to support neuroscience research.
NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing
National Academy of Sciences
Recognize authors whose reviews have synthesized extensive and difficult material
Arthur L. Day Prize and Lecturship
National Academy of Sciences
Awarded to a scientist making lasting contributions to the study of the physics of the Earth and whose lectures will provide solid, timely, and useful additions to the knowledge and literature in the field. The nominee should also be a good speaker with the ability to summarize and synthesize current knowledge in the field. The recipient is awarded a $50,000 prize and funds to present a series of Day Lectures.
Henry Draper Medal
National Academy of Sciences
The Henry Draper Medal is awarded every four years and is presented with a $25,000 prize. The Medal honors a recent, original investigation in astronomical physics, of sufficient importance and benefit to science to merit such recognition. “Recent” is defined as a major publication resulting from the investigation should have appeared since the last presentation of the award (2017).
Arctowski Medal
National Academy of Sciences
The Arctowski Medal is presented every two years to recognize outstanding contributions to the study of solar physics and solar terrestrial relationships. The Medal is now presented with an award of $100,000, plus $100,000 to support research in solar physics and solar terrestrial relationships at an institution of the recipient’s choice.
Comstock Prize in Physics
National Academy of Sciences
Awarded to recognize a North American resident for a recent innovative discovery or investigation in electricity, magnetism, or radiant energy. The award is presented with a $50,000 prize and $50,000 to support the recipient’s research. Established through the Cyrus B. Comstock Fund.*Nominations due
Troland Research Award
National Academy of Sciences
Two Troland Research Awards of $75,000 are given annually to recognize unusual achievement by early-career researchers (preferably 45 years of age or younger) and to further empirical research within the broad spectrum of experimental psychology. The Troland Research Award was established by a trust created in 1931 by the bequest of Leonard T. Troland.
Atkinson Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
Psychology, Cognitive Science
The Atkinson Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences (formerly the NAS Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences) is presented to honor significant advances in the psychological and cognitive sciences with important implications for formal and systematic theory in these fields. Two prizes of $100,000 are presented biennially.
John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science
National Academy of Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
The John J. Carty Award for the Advancement of Science is awarded every two years, to recognize noteworthy and distinguished accomplishments in any field of science within the National Academy of Science’s charter.
NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science
National Academy of Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Awarded for original scientific work of intrinsic scientific importance and with significant, beneficial applications in industry. The recipient is awarded a $25,000 prize. Established by the IBM Corporation in honor of Ralph E. Gomory.
NAS Public Welfare Medal
National Academy of Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
The NAS Public Welfare Medal is the Academy’s most prestigious award and is presented annually to honor extraordinary use of science for the public good.
NAS Award in the Evolution of Earth and Life
National Academy of Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Established by the NAS Council in June 2017 by combining two awards: the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal and the Mary Clark Thompson Medal. The award rotates presentation between the Elliot Medal that recognizes meritorious work in zoology or paleontology published no earlier than the last presentation of the medal (2018), and the Thompson Medal that honors important services to geology and paleontology. Each medal is presented with a $20,000 prize.
James Prize in Science and Technology Integration
National Academy of Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
The James Prize in Science and Technology Integration is presented annually and carries with it a $50,000 prize. The prize honors outstanding contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside their fields, and thus integrate knowledge from two or more disciplines (e.g., engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, geosciences, astronomy, or computational sciences) to solve a major contemporary challenge not addressable from a single disciplinary perspective.
Innovative Use of Technology
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
The AACTE Awards Program recognizes excellence in both member institutions and individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of educator preparation.
Global and International Perspectives
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
This award recognizes exemplary practice in the intercultural, global, cross-cultural, and international arenas. It is sponsored by AACTE’s Committee on Global Diversity as part of its mission to assure that a global/international perspective is brought to policy and programs associated with the preparation of education professionals. Institution award.
Multicultural Education and Diversity
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
This award, sponsored by AACTE’s Committee on Global Diversity, recognizes the infusion of diversity throughout all components of a school, college, or department of education (SCDE) as critical to quality teacher preparation and professional development. Specifically, the incorporation of issues related to culture, language, demographics, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, and exceptionalities in the education process are perceived as important. (Institutional award)
Research in Teacher Education
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
The Margaret B. Lindsey Award recognizes an individual whose research over the last decade has made a major impact on the field of teacher education.
Achievement in Teacher Education
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
The David G. Imig Award recognizes distinguished achievement in the field of policy or research in teacher education. The recipient(s) of this award need not be from an AACTE member institution or otherwise affiliated with AACTE, although there should be an obvious connection between the achievement recognized and AACTE’s mission and work.
Contributions to Teacher Education
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
The Edward C. Pomeroy Award recognizes outstanding contributions to teacher education, either through distinguished service to the teacher education community or through the development and promotion of outstanding practices in teacher education at the collegiate, state, or national level.
Outstanding JTE Article Award
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
This award, cosponsored by Sage, recognizes exemplary scholarship published in the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) in the area of educator preparation or of teaching and learning with implications for educator preparation.
SAGE Junior Faculty Professional Development Teaching Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
In recognition of significant promise as a teacher this travel reimbursement award is given to defray expenses in attending the ACJS Professional Development Teaching Workshop and ACJS Annual Meeting. Award recipients are expected to attend the ACJS annual meeting and participate in the ACJS Professional Development Teaching Workshop. Faculty teaching in associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral degree-granting institutions are encouraged to apply.
Ken Peak Innovations in Teaching Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
The purpose of this award is to recognize and honor criminal justice and criminology faculty members for innovative teaching methods.
AMA Fellows
American Marketing Association
The distinction of “AMA Fellow” is given to members in good standing of the AMA who have made significant contributions to the research, theory and practice of marketing, and/or to the service and activities of the AMA over a prolonged period of time. Nominations are invited from individuals and marketing departments.
Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience
The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience, along with Penguin Random House Publishing, will award the Excellence in Teaching First-Year Seminars Award to one exceptional teacher at the Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience.
AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award
American Marketing Association
The AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award honors living marketing educators for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in marketing education.
String Researcher Award
American String Teachers Association
ASTA sponsors an annual award to recognize excellence in string research. The String Researcher Award is given to those whose work has contributed significantly to scholarship in string education and/or performance.
Emergent String Researcher Award
American String Teachers Association
ASTA sponsors an annual award to recognize excellence in string research. The String Researcher Award is given to those whose work has contributed significantly to scholarship in string education and/or performance.
Outstanding Achievement Award
National Council for Education for the Ceramic Arts
Open to contemporary artists, educators, writers,and others, this award recognizes individuals who have successfully completed a singular project that has contributed to the field of ceramic arts in an extraordinary way. The scope of the venture should be above and beyond what would typically be considered his/her professional responsibilities.
CARA Award for Teaching
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
The CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching Medieval Studies recognizes Medieval Academy members who are outstanding teachers who have contributed to the profession by inspiring students at the undergraduate or graduate levels or by creating innovative and influential textbooks or other materials for teaching medieval subjects.
CUR Mentor Award in Humanities and Arts Disciplines
Council on Undergraduate Research
Faculty members in humanities and arts disciplines who have five or more years of teaching and scholarly/research/creative inquiry (URSCI) past the terminal degree in their discipline are eligible for the award. CUR membership is also a requirement.
Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring in Counseling Psychology
American Psychological Association
This Div. 17 award honors career excellent in mentoring related to counseling psychology.
CUR-Goldwater Scholars Faculty Mentor Award
Council on Undergraduate Research
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Faculty members in STEM disciplines, as defined by the Goldwater Scholars program, who have five or more years of teaching and who have mentored a minimum of three Goldwater Scholars during their career are eligible for the award.
Outstanding Book Award
American Education Research Association
The Outstanding Book Award was established to acknowledge and honor the year’s best book-length publication in education research and development. To be considered for the 2021 Outstanding Book Award, a book must be concerned with the improvement of the educational process through original research or scholarly inquiry, must have a research base, and must have a 2019 or 2020 copyright date.
Division K: Early Career Award
American Education Research Association
Recipients of this award must be engaged in inquiry that extends a significant line of research, addresses an issue that has been neglected in the field, fills a gap in current knowledge, or raises significant questions about extant knowledge. In addition, awardees should be engaged in studying problems or questions that are timely and that contribute to current policy debates or dilemmas of practice. The scholar’s body of work must be characterized by intellectual innovation and creativity, methodological rigor, momentum and coherence, and must show potential to contribute significantly to scholarship in the field.
Division K: Mid-Career Award
American Education Research Association
The purpose of this award is to honor an outstanding researcher in the second stage of his or her research career (i.e., between ten and fifteen years beyond the granting of the doctoral degree). It is designed to recognize a significant program of research on important issues in teaching or teacher education.
Division K: Innovations in Research on Equity and Social Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
American Education Research Association
The purpose of this award is to recognize research that demonstrates innovation in addressing issues of equity and social justice in teaching and/or teacher education. Nominees may be individuals or a small collaborative group whose innovative research offers an expanded vision of theoretical frameworks, research methodologies, partnership models, or practices in teaching and/or teacher education that is focused on equity and social justice. The innovative contribution may be the result of a single research project or the accumulation of projects and must have been published in peer-reviewed publications.
Division K: Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education
American Education Research Association
This award recognizes the significant contribution to teaching and teacher education scholarship represented by a journal article or book. Special consideration will be given to nominated articles or books that advance equity, generate insights that hold promise for ensuring the preparation of teachers who are equipped to serve all students, bring new methods to bear on the study of teaching and/or teacher education, reflect the highest standards of methodological rigor, and/or capture in groundbreaking ways the processes and outcomes of teaching and/or teacher education practice. In addition to criteria outlined here, the Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education Award committee will also consider the strength of nominees’ submitted works as they relate to the overarching Division K call for focused attention on persistent issues of urgent concern to the field.
Division K: Legacy Award
American Education Research Association
Division K Legacy Award recognizes senior members of Division K who have made significant and exemplary contributions to the field of teaching and teacher education through their research, teaching and professional service. Special consideration will be given to contributions that reflect the purposes and goals of Division K: (1) to advance knowledge about teaching and teacher education; (2) to encourage scholarly inquiry related to teaching and teacher education, and; (3) to promote the use of research to improve teaching and teacher education to serve the public good. Recipients will be recognized at and in the proceedings of the annual Division K Business meeting and featured on the Legacy Award Hall of Fame page of the Division’s website. In addition, a donation will be given to the recipient’s university to support graduate student travel to present at an AERA Annual Meeting. Priority will be given to emeriti and newly deceased members so that their contributions can be honored in a timely and worthy fashion.
CUR Fellows Awards
Council on Undergraduate Research
The CUR Fellows awards are presented every two years to two CUR members who have enabled research and/or creative projects among undergraduates at their institution through mentorship and demonstrated leadership activities. CUR Fellows are leaders and role models for those involved in undergraduate research/creative activities.
AATF / Concordia Language Villages Outstanding Administrator Award
American Association of Teachers of French
World Languages
The AATF and Concordia Language Villages Administrator of the Year Award, to be given annually, is intended to recognize a school principal or superintendent who actively supports the study of French. Any AATF member in good standing can nominate an administrator for this award.
Google Research Scholar Program
Information Systems, Computer Science
Awards are disbursed as unrestricted gifts to the university and are not intended for overhead or indirect costs. They are intended for use during the academic year in which the award is provided to support the professor’s research efforts.
Eligibility criteria
Open to professors (assistant, associate, etc) at a university or degree-granting research institution.
Applicants must have received their PhD within seven years of submission (e.g. applicant in 2020 must have received PhD in 2013 or later). Exceptions will be made for applicants who have been teaching seven years or fewer and had delays, such as working in industry, leave of absence, etc.
Applicants can submit one application per round, and apply a maximum of three times.
Funding amounts
The funds granted will be up to $60,000 USD and are intended to support the advancement of the professor’s research.
Visiting Researcher Program
Information Systems, Computer Science
AERA Fellows
American Education Research Association
The AERA Fellows Program honors education researchers for their exceptional contributions to, and excellence in, education research. The program is intended to be inclusive of the scholarship that constitutes and enriches education research as an interdisciplinary field.
Outstanding String Project of the Year Award
American String Teachers Association
Award for projects that exceed NSPC’s mission to train future string players.
Stanley Sue Award for Distinguished Contributions to Diversity in Clinical Psychology
American Psychological Association
This award honors psychologists who have made remarkable contributions to the understanding of human diversity and whose contributions have significant promise for bettering the human condition, overcoming prejudice, and enhancing the quality of life for humankind.
Historical Mini-Grant Award
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
Criminal Justice
The purpose of this award is to provide quality documentation of the history of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) and related significant milestones in the development of the field of criminal justice. This award will facilitate the systematic documentation of ACJS and criminal justice history. It offers a broad opportunity for ACJS members to enhance their research productivity.
Early Career Award
American Education Research Association
Established to honor an individual in the early stages of their career no later than 10 years after receipt of the doctoral degree, this award can be granted for study in any field of educational inquiry.
Distinguished Public Service Award
American Education Research Association
This award is granted annually in recognition of an individual who has worked to enact or implement policies that are well-grounded in education research, or who has been at the forefront of efforts to increase recognition and support for education research.
Social Justice in Education Award
American Education Research Association
Established in 2004, the AERA Social Justice in Education Award honors an individual who has advanced social justice through education research and exemplified the goal of linking education research to social justice.
Scholars of Color in Education Award
American Education Research Association
The AERA Committee on Scholars of Color in Education seeks nominations for three awards. These awards are intended to recognize (a) scholars who have made significant research contributions to the understanding of issues that disproportionately affect minority populations, and (b) scholars of color who have made significant contributions to education research and development.
Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award
American Education Research Association
Award recognizes distinguished research, professional practice, and activities that advance public understanding of gender and/or sexuality at any level in the education community.
Exemplary Contributions to Practice-Engaged Research Award
American Education Research Association
The AERA Award for Exemplary Contributions to Practice-Engaged Research is presented to an education research scholar or scholars in recognition of collaborative project(s) between researchers and practitioners that have had sustained and observable effects on contexts of practice.
Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research Award
American Education Research Association
The AERA Award for Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research is presented to honor scholars exemplary in their capacity to communicate the importance of education research to the broad public, including education communities. Each year, the award recognizes a scholar who has excelled in conveying important findings and research to wide audiences and who has demonstrated the capacity to deepen understanding and appreciation of the value of education research in the public sphere. Awardees are notable for their commitment to effective communication, whether sustained over a long period of time or substantial in its significance.
Excellence in Media Reporting on Education Research Award
American Education Research Association
Education, Communications
The AERA Award for Excellence in Media Reporting on Education Research is presented to an individual in the media who has demonstrated excellence in raising awareness, knowledge, and understanding of education research. Recipients of this award are persons who have made noteworthy contributions to reporting on findings, bodies of research, or scholarship in the field of education research in any medium of public communication. The award honors a media professional whose work exemplifies promoting a broader vision of the value of education research to society, whether sustained over a long period of time or substantial in its significance.
E. F. Lindquist Award
American Education Research Association
Education, Psychology
The award is meant to acknowledge a body of research of an empirical, theoretical, or integrative nature rather than a single study. Although the research is not required to have led directly to improved educational practices, it should nevertheless be rich in suggestions for additional research that does hold such promise. Particular emphasis will be given to research that has advanced the companion goals of greater understanding and improved use of testing and measurement techniques. Awardees may include individuals conducting research in a broad array of disciplines, such as education and psychology.
CUR Health Sciences Mentor Award
Council on Undergraduate Research
Health Sciences
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Health Sciences Division seeks to honor exceptional mentoring and advising by higher education faculty across all subdivisions of health sciences with an Outstanding Mentorship Award. Mentors are leaders and role models for those involved in undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative activities. Health science disciplines are those that focus on health, wellness, disease, health care or health management as the core curriculum. In addition to traditionally considered health science disciplines, kinesiology, counseling, and speech language pathology are examples of other disciplines also considered part of health sciences.
George R. Terry Book Award
Academy of Management
The Terry Book Award is granted annually to the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the global advancement of management knowledge during the last two years. Books that contribute to the advancement of management theory, conceptualization, research, or practice are eligible for this prestigious award.
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award
American Sociological Association
Honors outstanding contributions to the teaching of sociology. Recognizes contributions that have made a significant impact on the manner in which sociology is taught at a regional, state, national, or international level such as preparation of teaching- and curriculum-related materials and publications, participation in the scholarship of teaching and learning, development and communication of innovative teaching techniques, leadership in teaching-related workshops or symposia, and/or involvement in innovative program development.
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award
American Sociological Association
The ASA Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award honors ASA members’ outstanding contributions to the teaching of undergraduate and/or graduate sociology.
Derwent Art Prize
Derwent Art Prize
The Derwent Art Prize is a global art competition and exhibition. Open to artists from around the world, the Prize rewards excellence by showcasing the very best 2D & 3D artworks created in pencil or coloured pencil as well as water soluble, pastel, graphite and charcoal.
Freshley Outstanding New Teacher Award
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors Southern States Communication Association members who have demonstrated teaching excellence early in their careers.
Johnson Southern Communication Journal Best Article Award
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors SSCA members who have consistently demonstrated excellence in teaching communication throughout their academic careers.
Osborn Teacher-Scholar Award
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors SSCA members who have balanced professional careers, having achieved excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service.
The Outreach Award (outreach to under-represented groups in community, profession, etc.)
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors SSCA members who have made significant contributions to the profession by facilitating the success and access of under-represented populations or the integration of specific groups of students, professionals, or scholars into the communication discipline or professional organizations
Rushing Early Career Research Award
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors SSCA members who have demonstrated exceptional scholarly ability through research and publication early in their academic careers.
Sisco Excellence in Teaching Award
Southern States Communication Association
Mass Communication
Honors SSCA members who have consistently demonstrated excellence in teaching communication throughout their academic careers.
Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training
Society of Addiction Psychology Division of APA
This award recognizes a distinguished contribution to the advancement of education and training in the addictions field.
Mary D. Sheriff Research and Travel Award
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Mary D. Sheriff Travel and Research Award is sponsored by ASECS and by HECAA, the Historians of Eighteenth Century Art and Architecture. It supports the study of feminist topics in eighteenth-century art history and visual culture.
ACE/Fidelity Investments Award for Institutional Transformation
American Council on Education
The ACE/Fidelity Investments Award for Institutional Transformation recognizes colleges or universities that, in a period of great change in higher education, have responded to challenges in innovative and creative ways that allow the institution to thrive.
Kate Van Winkle Keller Fellowship
Society for American Music
The fellowship supports scholars at all levels (graduate student to senior scholar) engaged in scholarly research and writing on American music or dance, which must be appropriate to research collections at the AAS. It is open to individuals affiliated with academic institutions as well as independent scholars. Awardees who are not currently members of the Society for American Music will also be awarded a one-year membership in SAM.
Robert S. Daniel Teaching Award
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
The Robert S. Daniel Teaching Excellence Award recognizes teaching excellence at 4-year colleges or universities.
Jane S. Halonen Early Career Teaching Excellence Award
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
The Jane S. Halonen Teaching Excellence Award recognizes excellence for Early Career Psychologists. STP defines an Early Career Psychologist as a member who is within ten years of beginning teaching of psychology and who is not a student. Applicants will follow the criteria related to the category for which they are eligible (i.e., 4-year college (Robert S. Daniel), 2-year college (Wayne Weiten), high school (Mary Margaret Moffett Memorial). Applicants must be currently teaching. Applicants must be members of STP and may joint STP at any time.
APSA-IPSA Lowi First Book Award
American Political Science Association
Political Science
The Lowi Award honors the author of a first book in any field of political science that exemplifies qualities of broad ambition, high originality, and intellectual daring, showing promise of having a substantive impact on the overall discipline, regardless of method, specific focus of inquiry or approach to subject.
Fellows’ Early Career Award
Rhetoric Society of America
Honors a current member of the Rhetoric Society of America who has established an innovative and robust research record within eight years of having earned the Ph.D. degree.
CUR Engineering Division Mentor Award (Early-Career Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award)
Council on Undergraduate Research
The mentoring awards are granted annually but only presented at the CUR Biennial Conference to mentors who have influenced undergraduate research through direct mentoring of individuals or groups of undergraduate students in engineering research. Early-Career Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award (ECURMA).
CUR Engineering Division Mentor Award (Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award)
Council on Undergraduate Research
The mentoring awards are granted annually but only presented at the CUR Biennial Conference to mentors who have influenced undergraduate research through direct mentoring of individuals or groups of undergraduate students in engineering research. Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award (URMA) – awarded annually but recognized biannually
CUR Engineering Division Mentor Award (Leadership in Undergraduate Research Award )
Council on Undergraduate Research
The leadership awards are solicited biannually and are meant to recognize sustained leadership in engaging engineering students in research activities.
Claude V. Palisca Award
American Musicological Society
The Claude V. Palisca Award honors each year a scholarly edition or translation in the field of musicology published during the previous year in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States, deemed by a committee of scholars to best exemplify the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, logic and clarity of thought, and communication. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book. Three categories of musicological works are eligible for the Palisca award: translations into English of musicologically significant texts; editions of music; or editions of musicologically significant texts.
Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy Division of APA
This award is given annually to a member of Div. 29 who exerted a significant impact on the development of students and/or early career psychologists in their careers as psychotherapists.
SAMLA Studies Book Awards
Modern Languages Association (South Atlantic)
Each year, SAMLA honors two outstanding scholarly works: one monograph and one edited collection.
Saldana Outstanding Professor of Theatre Education Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
*Must be nominated by member. The award is open to any college/university professor who has demonstrated excellence in all of the following areas: teaching, research and/or creative activity, and service.
Lin Wright Special Recognition Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
*Must be nominated by member. Open to members of AATE, this award honors persons who have established special programs, developed experimental work, made a distinctive educational contribution or provided meritorious service thus furthering theatre and drama for young people.
Monte Meacham Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
*Must be nominated by member. Open to individuals and organizations outside of AATE, this award honors persons or organizations for outstanding contributions to theatre for youth.
Orlin Corey Award for Artistic Excellence
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
*Must be nominated by member. Open to members or non-members of AATE, this award honors a particular artistic achievement or a unique artistic contribution to theatre for young audiences.
Sara Spencer Artistic Achievement Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE. This award honors artistic theatre practice of long duration and wide recognition by either an established theatre for sustained and exceptional achievement or an individual who has accomplished meritorious achievement in the field of theatre for young audiences.
Distinguished Book Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE. This award honors an author and publisher for the outstanding book relating to any aspect of the field published during the past calendar year (January through December). The book should be one in which the scholarship or resources of the field is enhanced by its publication.
Distinguished Play Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE. This award honors playwrights and publishers of the most outstanding plays for young people published during the past calendar year (January to December).
AATE Research Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE. This award honors scholars whose research contributes significantly to the field of drama/theatre with or for young people.
Judith Kase-Cooper Honorary Research Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to long-standing members of AATE. This award honors distinguished scholars who have contributed significantly to the development of theory and research in the field of drama/Theatre & Education. The focus is on cumulative work accomplished over a number of years rather than on one study.
Barbara Salisbury Wills Alliance Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members of AATE. This award honors an individual for long-term and sustained service to the organization.
Campton Bell Lifetime Achievement Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members of AATE, this award honors an individual for a lifetime of outstanding contributions to the field.
Charlotte B. Chorpenning Playwright Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE, this award honors a nationally known writer of outstanding plays for children, recognizing a body of work as opposed to a single play.
Flagg Multicultural Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
Open to members or non-members of AATE of any ethnic, racial or cultural background, this award honors an individual, organization or company who has made significant contributions to the field of theatre/drama for youth or arts education dealing with multicultural issues and/or reaching diverse audiences and constituencies.
Ann Elgood Youth Theatre Director Award
American Alliance for Theatre and Education
The Ann Elgood Youth Theatre Director Award honors an individual for outstanding achievement as a director in a youth theatre.
ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship
American Society for Theatre Research
The Joint ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship is awarded each year to an individual or team that demonstrates innovation and rigor in the use of electronic/digital media for the purpose of producing or disseminating knowledge about theatre and performance.
AATF Dorothy S. Ludwig Excellence in Teaching Awards
American Association of Teachers of French
World Languages
Endowed by the late Robert Ludwig, former AATF Regional Representative, these awards may be made at four levels: elementary, middle school, high school, and post-secondary.
ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
The Joint ATHE-ASTR Award for Excellence in Digital Theatre and Performance Scholarship is awarded each year to an individual or team that demonstrates innovation and rigor in the use of electronic/digital media for the purpose of producing or disseminating knowledge about theatre and performance.
Oscar Brockett Outstanding Teacher of Theatre in Higher Education
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
The Award for Outstanding Teacher of Theatre in Higher Education honors a college-level faculty member whose superiority as a teacher of theatre is recognized by students and colleagues, who has provided inspiration through instruction in theatre to students and teachers of theatre, who has promulgated and practiced high standards of teaching and theatre, and who has created strong and effective interpersonal communication in studios, shops, rehearsal halls, and/or classrooms through advising, mentoring and all aspects of the student/teacher relationship.
Career Achievement in Academic Theatre Award
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
Each award indicates a career of distinguished service to the field. Frequently recipients have distinguished careers that overlap both areas.
Leadership in Community-Based Theatre and Civic Engagement
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
In order to honor a high level of commitment and longevity, this award for Leadership in Community-Based Theatre and Civic Engagement is reserved for an individual or theatre company that has worked in the field of community-based theatre and civic engagement for a minimum of ten years.
AATF Exemplary Programs
American Association of Teachers of French
World Languages
In 2014, the AATF instituted an award to honor Exemplary Programs in schools across the country.
SPSSI Awards for Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) confers one or two annual awards for outstanding teaching and mentoring in areas related to the psychological study of social issues. This award recognizes teaching excellence in a variety of contexts. In years when two awards are given this will normally recognize one early career winner (within ten years of the Ph.D.) and the other a later career winner.
APSA Distinguished Teaching Award
American Poltical Science Association
Political Science
The Distinguished Teaching Award honors outstanding contributions to undergraduate and graduate teaching of political science at two- and four-year institutions.
Excellence in Education Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
Plant Biology
This award was initiated in 1988 to recognize outstanding teaching, mentoring, and/or educational outreach in plant biology. It is a monetary award to be made annually in recognition of excellence in teaching, leadership in curricular development, or authorship of effective teaching materials in the science of plant biology
Conn Young Investigator Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
Plant Biology
The Eric E. Conn Young Investigator Award, first given by the Society in 2011, honors Eric E. Conn’s contributions in plant biology by recognizing young scientists who will be inspired to follow in his footsteps.
Award Series
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
Awards for the publication of new book-length works for novels, creative nonfiction, short fiction, and poetry.
Louis W. Stern Award
American Marketing Association
By nomination. Recognizes the outstanding article, in a widely recognized and highly respected refereed journal, which has made a significant contribution to the literature on marketing and channels distribution.
Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education
American Accounting Association
The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward faculty members who have created or written innovative pedagogical practices or curriculum materials in the area of management accounting. The winner is honored with a plaque and $2,000. The award is generously sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA).
Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
American Accounting Association
Consideration is given to books, monographs, and journal articles on management accounting topics published within the past five calendar years. Books, monographs, and journal articles on management accounting topics are eligible. Nominations for books or monographs will not be considered unless they are provided free of charge to all committee members. Works in languages other than English must be translated prior to submission.
Winners do not have to be members of the AAA MAS to receive the plaque but must be members to receive the cash prize.
Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting Award
American Accounting Association
The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward the early-career researcher with the best overall body of research in management accounting. The winner is honored with a plaque and $2,000. The award is generously sponsored by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.
FARS Lifetime Service Award
American Accounting Association
The Lifetime Service Award recognizes distinguished service contributions to the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section through activities such as: 1. Service to the Section in multiple leadership and/or committee positions over a sustained period of time; 2. Leadership in championing new initiatives that increase the scope of the Section’s activities and its scholarly impact to better serve its members; 3. Frequent participation as a keynote speaker or panelist at Section meetings
FARS Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award
American Accounting Association
The Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award is conferred annually to an individual or a group of individuals (at least one of which must be a section member), and is intended to: 1. Encourage innovation that improves financial accounting education, and; 2. Recognize significant programmatic changes or significant activities, concepts, or educational materials that can be adopted by others within the academy.
KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
American Accounting Association
An Outstanding Published Manuscript Award will be awarded each year to the outstanding manuscript selected from published articles published in the prior calendar year submitted to the Section for consideration. The winning manuscript need not be focused solely on gender issues and worklife balance, but must include some aspects of gender issues and worklife balance. In order for a manuscript to be considered, at least one author must be a member of the section. The selection will be made by a Committee co-chaired by the President and Vice-President of Research.
KPMG Mentoring Award
American Accounting Association
A Mentoring Award will be awarded each year to a special mentor (female or male) who has affected the lives of students in accounting. Nominated candidates (men and women) will be judged on the following criteria: a) Demonstrated significant mentoring of women and men in the accounting profession; mentoring will be measured by the levels of achievement of those women and men; b) A demonstration of such activities for at least ten years. The selection will be made by a Committee co-chaired by President and President-Elect of the Section. The award will be given each year to the most outstanding person nominated.
Outstanding Researcher Award
American Accounting Association
The Outstanding Researcher Award is given in recognition of a researcher for their outstanding published research in the field of strategic and emerging technologies. The winner of this award is honored with a plaque usually presented at the Annual SET Section Business Meeting.
Outstanding Educator Award
American Accounting Association
The Outstanding Educator Award is given in recognition of an educator for their outstanding education contribution in the field of strategic and emerging technologies. The winner of this award is honored with a plaque usually presented at the Annual SET Section Business Meeting.
CUR Biology Division Mentor Award
Council on Undergraduate Research
The CUR Biology Division Mentor Awards honor biology mentors for their long-term efforts in supervising undergraduate research (UGR) students. Individuals may be self-nominated or be nominated by CUR Institutional or Institutional-Enhanced members, individual CUR members of the Biology Division, or the mentor’s research students. Faculty mentoring interdisciplinary projects are eligible as long as such projects involve a major biological component. Awards will be made in three categories: Early Career, Mid-Career, and Advanced Career.
Haimo Award for Distinguished Teaching
Mathematical Association of America
Honors college or university teachers who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful and whose teaching effectiveness has been shown to have had influence beyond their own institutions.
MLA Prize for a first book
Awarded for an outstanding scholarly work published in 2020 as the first book-length publication by a current member of the association.
Affordable Materials Grants
Affordable Learning Georgia
The State of Georgia’s budget includes funding to support a USG initiative, Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG), which focuses on reducing the costs of textbooks and the enhancement of GALILEO, Georgia’s Virtual Library and ALG’s parent initiative. A key strategy is to provide grant-supported opportunities for USG faculty, libraries, and institutions to transform their use of textbooks and other learning materials into lower cost options.
Richman Distinguished Fellow in Public Life
Brandeis University
The Richman Distinguished Fellow in Public Life recognizes an individual who has improved American society, strengthened democratic institutions, advanced social justice or increased opportunities for all Americans to share in the benefits of the United States. $25,000 award. Deadline March 1.
Charles Dunn Award for Faculty
Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges
Therefore the COPLAC Award recognizes a faculty member whose commitment to student success goes “above and beyond” the classroom and office, the traditional roles of teacher, academic advisor, and mentor.
Innovative Teaching Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) confers an annual award for innovative teaching in areas related to the psychological study of social issues. This award recognizes effective courses, assignments, or classroom activities addressing social issues.
Klineberg Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is proud to announce the Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award honoring Dr. Otto Klineberg (1899-1992), an early president of SPSSI and distinguished figure in these fields.
CUR Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research in the Social Sciences Award
Council on Undergraduate Research
Social Sciences
This award recognizes an outstanding mentor of undergraduate research in the social sciences who supports, encourages, and promotes a positive and inclusive scholarly and teaching environment for undergraduate students, as well as contributes to professional and personal development of students inside and outside of the classroom. The awardee will receive $100 and a plaque, and will be featured in the CUR Social Sciences Division’s newsletter.
Rebecca & Jean-Paul Valette AATF Legacy Award
American Association of Teachers of French
World Languages
This award, given for the first time in 2017, will be made to an AATF member whose program has shown significant and steady growth over the last 3-5 years.
AATF Small Grants
American Association of Teachers of French
World Languages
Small Grants are intended to support local projects by members or chapters . The total amount of funds available is $4000, with the maximum award being $500. Matching funds from the chapter to which the applicant belongs or from another source must be committed.
National Program Directors’ Prize
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
Prizes for undergraduate literary magazines are awarded annually to outstanding journals in the categories of content and design.
Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading
International Literacy Association
Teacher Education
The International Literacy Association (ILA) Jerry Johns Outstanding Teacher Educator in Reading Award is a US$1,000 award honoring an outstanding college or university teacher of reading methods or reading-related courses.
Jeanne Chall Research Fellowship
International Literacy Association
Teacher Education
The International Literacy Association’s (ILA) Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship is a US$5,000 grant that was established to encourage and support promising scholars whose dissertation research addresses reading. The special emphasis of the fellowship is to support research efforts in the following areas: beginning reading (theory, research, and practice that improves the effectiveness of learning to read); readability (methods of predicting the difficulty of texts); reading difficulty (diagnosis, treatment, and prevention); stages of reading development; the relation of vocabulary to reading; and diagnosing and teaching adults with limited reading ability. Because this grant program has been established to honor and carry on the work to which Dr. Jeanne S. Chall dedicated her academic life, proposal excellence will be a primary consideration in the selection process.
William S. Grey Award Citation of Merit
International Literacy Association
Teacher Education
The William S. Gray Citation of Merit is a nonmonetary award reserved for those ILA members who have made outstanding contributions to multiple facets of literacy development—research, theory, and practice.
CUR Math and Computer Sciences Faculty Mentor Award
Council on Undergraduate Research
Computer Science
The Math, Computer Science, and Statistics (MCS) Division of CUR is pleased to announce three awards to honor mentors for their success in mentoring undergraduate students in research. Faculty mentoring interdisciplinary projects are encouraged to apply as long as those projects involve a major mathematics, computer science, or statistics component.
Literacy Grants
Phi Kappa Phi
The Literacy Grants program was initiated to mobilize members and resources of Phi Kappa Phi and the higher education community to champion literacy initiatives. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives.
John Lewis Award for Public Service to the Discipline of History
American Historical Association
Established in 2021, the prize is offered annually to recognize individuals outside the ranks of professional historians who have made a significant contribution to the study, teaching, and public understanding of history, in the interest of social justice. The prize is named in memory of John Lewis (1940–2020), the civil rights leader who represented Georgia with grace and distinction in the United States House of Representatives for 34 years.
Award for Scholarly Distinction
American Historical Association
In 1984 the AHA Council established the American Historical Association Award for Scholarly Distinction to honor senior historians in the United States.
Gerald E. Hills
American Marketing Association
The Gerald E. Hills Award Best Paper on Entrepreneurial Marketing award is presented annually (normally in conjunction with the Summer AMA) to the author(s) of the “best paper” who have made a significant impact on the marketing and entrepreneurship interface.
V. Seenu Srinivasan Young Scholar Award in Quantitative Marketing
American Marketing Association
This award will recognize important contributions by a young scholar to methodology development in quantitative marketing. The paper and the research must be about methodology to assess or measure some important construct or phenomenon of interest to both academics and practitioners, and it must be about some new quantitative and empirical methodology. A nomination letter is sent to chair of the Marketing Research Special Interest Group (MRSIG) highlighting the scholar’s contribution(s) to the theory and practice of quantitative methodologies in marketing.
Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize
Brandeis University
Recipients of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize will have produced a body of published work that reflects scholarly excellence and a lasting contribution to racial, ethnic and/or religious relations anywhere in the world. Recipients need not be American citizens or reside in the United States.
Leadership in Education Award
Psychologists in Public Service Division of APA
Honor an outstanding educator whose work has enhanced the field of public service psychology.
Scaglione Prize for Translation of a Literary Work
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
The Committee on Honors and Awards of the Modern Language Association invites translators and publishers to compete for the seventeenth Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Literary Work.
Lois Roth Award for Translation of a Literary Work
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
For a translation of a literary work.
GSSI-ACSM Young Investigator in Sports Nutrition Award
American College of Sports Medicine
Excercise Science
To recognize innovative, high quality research in the field of sports nutrition being presented at ACSM’s 68th Annual Meeting June 1-5, 2021. Recognized work will be high impact science and may include applied, mechanistic, protocol development or clinical research. All work must have the potential for practical outcomes in the translation of sports nutrition science for sports health professionals and athletes.
Emmons Terman Award
American Society for Engineering Education
Computer Science
The Terman Award is bestowed annually upon an outstanding young electrical/computer engineering educator in recognition of the educator’s contributions to the profession.
Public Philosophy Op-Ed Contest
American Philosophical Association
The APA committee on public philosophy sponsors a contest for the best opinion-editorials published by philosophers. The goal is to honor up to five standout pieces that successfully blend philosophical argumentation with an op-ed writing style. Winning submissions will call public attention, either directly or indirectly, to the value of philosophical thinking. The pieces will be judged in terms of their success as examples of public philosophy, and should be accessible to the general public, focused on important topics of public concern, and characterized by sound reasoning.
Excellence in Geophysical Education Award
American Geophysical Union
Awarded to a mid-career individual,or group demonstrating a sustained commitment to excellence in geophysical education.
Oscar G. Brockett Essay Prize
American Society for Theatre Research
The Oscar G. Brockett Essay Prize is jointly awarded by the American Society for Theatre Research and the Oscar G. Brockett Center for Theatre History and Criticism at the University of Texas-Austin. There is a monetary prize of $1,500 ($1,000 from the Brockett Center and $500 from ASTR) plus free conference registration recognizes the best essay written and published in English in a refereed scholarly journal or volume published by a scholarly press and relating to any subject in theatre research, broadly construed.
Distinguished Scholar Award
American Society for Theatre Research
The Distinguished Scholar Award is given each year to a scholar whose body of work has made a significant contribution to the field of theatre, dance, opera, and/or performance studies.
Barnard Hewitt Award
American Society for Theatre Research
The Barnard Hewitt Award for Outstanding Research in Theatre History is awarded each year to the best book in “theatre history or cognate disciplines” published during the previous calendar year (2020).
Errol Hill Award
American Society for Theatre Research
The Errol Hill Award is given in recognition of outstanding scholarship in African American theater, drama, and/or performance studies, as demonstrated in the form of a published book-length project (monograph or essay collection) or scholarly article.
Gerald Kahan Scholar’s Prize
American Society for Theatre Research
The American Society for Theatre Research offers an annual award for the best essay written and published in English in a refereed scholarly journal. The essay can be on any subject in theater research, broadly construed.
ASTR Translation Prize
American Society for Theatre Research
ASTR recognizes that translators and translations make significant contributions to the field of theater and performance on a worldwide scale. To fully acknowledge and promote the scholarly value of translations, beginning in 2021 ASTR will offer an award for an outstanding translation into English of a work in the field of theater and performance studies. Works eligible for consideration would include individual plays, performance texts, collections of plays and/or performance texts, scholarly books, essays, and articles.
ASA Book Prize (Herskovits Prize)
African Studies Association
African Studies
The African Studies Association (ASA) invites publishers to nominate titles for the ASA Book Prize (Herskovits Prize). The ASA presents the ASA Book Prize (Herskovits Prize) to the author of the most important scholarly work in African studies published in English during the preceding year.
Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies
To be awarded for an outstanding scholarly work in the field of French or francophone linguistic or literary studies.
James Russell Lowell Prize
Literary Theory
The Committee on Honors and Awards of the Modern Language Association invites authors to compete for the fifty-second annual James Russell Lowell Prize, which will be awarded for a scholarly book published in 2020 by a current member of the association
Alfred Einstein Award
American Musicological Society
The Alfred Einstein Award will honor each year a musicological article of exceptional merit, published during the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar in the early stages of his or her career who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early stages” of the career is normally considered to mean no more than ten years beyond completion of the Ph. D. degree; if the nominator wishes to nominate an author who is more than ten years beyond the Ph.D., she or he should communicate with the AMS regarding the circumstances involved. “Previous year” refers to the de facto year of publication of the article.
Roland Jacskon Award
American Musicological Society
Thanks to a generous bequest by long-time AMS member Roland Jackson, the American Musicological Society has instituted the Roland Jackson Award. It will recognize an article in the English language of exceptional merit in the field of music analysis by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States.
Otto Kinkeldey Award
American Musicological Society
The Otto Kinkeldey Award will honor each year a musicological book of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is past the early stages of his or her career and who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early stages” of the career is normally considered to mean no more than ten years beyond completion of the Ph. D. degree; if the nominator wishes to nominate an author who is fewer than ten years beyond the Ph.D., she or he should communicate with the AMS regarding the circumstances involved. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book.
Lewis Lockwood Award
American Musicological Society
The Lewis Lockwood Award honors each year a musicological book of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar in the early stages of his or her career who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early stages” of the career is normally considered to mean no more than ten years beyond completion of the Ph.D. degree; if the nominator wishes to nominate an author who is more than ten years beyond the Ph.D., she or he should communicate with the AMS regarding the circumstances involved. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book.
Music in American Culture Award
American Musicological Society
The Music in American Culture Award honors each year a book of exceptional merit that both illuminates some important aspect of the music of the United States and places that music in a rich cultural context. The goal of this award is to recognize the best writing on music in American culture, regardless of the source or intended audience of that writing; hence work by a broad range of authors—including performing musicians, journalists, and music critics, as well as academic scholars—will be considered. Books published in the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country are eligible. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book. The author must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada.
H. Colin Slim Award
American Musicological Society
The H. Colin Slim Award honors each year a musicological article of exceptional merit, published during the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is past the early stages of her or his career and who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Early stages” of the career is normally considered to mean no more than ten years beyond completion of the Ph.D. degree; if the nominator wishes to nominate an author who is fewer than ten years beyond the Ph.D., she or he should communicate with the AMS regarding the circumstances involved. “Previous year” refers to the de facto year of publication of the article.
AMS Teaching Award
American Musicological Society
The AMS Teaching Award will honor an exceptional pedagogical resource for musicology by an AMS member or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States published during the previous two years (2019 and 2020). Publication year may refer to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the book or journal; online and non-traditional sources must make clear the year of publication. By “resource” is meant a published article, book (including textbook), digital medium, online material, other scholarly endeavor, or non-traditional source (e.g. white paper, curriculum, blog, etc.). This resource should best exemplify the highest qualities of originality, theory, application, and communication for teaching and pedagogy in any of the various fields of music as a branch of learning and scholarship.
Philip Brett Award
American Musicological Society
The Philip Brett Award, sponsored by the LGBTQ Study Group of the American Musicological Society, is named in honor of Philip Brett (1937–2002), one of the founding members of the study group. Each year it honors exceptional musicological work in the field of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual studies completed during the previous two calendar years (next offered in 2021 for work completed in 2019 or 2020), in any country and in any language. By “work” is meant a published article, book, edition, annotated translation, a paper read at a conference, teaching materials (course descriptions and syllabi), and other scholarly work accepted by the award committee that best exemplifies the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, theory, and communication in this field of study. By “completion” is meant the publication in the case of articles, books, editions, etc.; and delivery at a conference or the like in the case of a paper.
Robert M. Stevenson Award
American Musicological Society
The Robert M. Stevenson Award recognizes outstanding scholarship in Iberian and Latin American music. The designation “Iberian music” refers to music composed, performed, created, collected, belonging to, or descended from the musical cultures of Spain and Portugal. “Latin American music” refers to music composed, created, collected, or descended from the musical cultures of all the countries in South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. The award will be given annually to a book, monograph, edition, or journal article by a member of the AMS. The publication must be written in English and must have been published during the preceding three calendar years (2018 to 2020).
Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award
American Musicological Society
The Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award honors each year outstanding musicological work in the field of critical race and/or critical ethnic studies. By “work” is meant a published article, book, edition, or other scholarly entity that best exemplifies the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, theory, and communication in this area. Work published during the preceding three calendar years (2018 to 2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States is eligible for the award.
Early Music Award
American Musicological Society
The Early Music Award will honor each year a substantial, single-author work of scholarship on music before 1550. Nominations may be accepted for publications in a variety of formats: articles, books, and scholarly editions with significant editorial commentaries are all eligible for consideration. Work published during the preceding three calendar years (2018-2020) in any language and in any country by a scholar who is a member of the AMS or a citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States is eligible for the award.
H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Award
American Musicological Society
The H. Robert Cohen Award honors each year a publication related to the goals of RIPM (Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals), a long-standing enterprise internationally recognized as one of the primary tools for research in music and musicology. The award will honor each year a work of scholarship of exceptional merit based upon eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century periodical literature related to music. Works eligible for this award include, but are not limited to, books, articles, or widely-disseminated databases focusing on one or more journals, music critics and criticism, reception history, critical and cultural histories (e.g. of nationalism, genres, race, gender, class), and issues of access and preservation.
Ruth A. Solie Award
American Musicological Society
The Ruth A. Solie Award honors each year a collection of musicological essays of exceptional merit published during the previous year (2020) in any language and in any country and edited by a scholar or scholars, one of whom is a member of the AMS or citizen or permanent resident of Canada or the United States. “Previous year” refers to the copyright year as found on the copyright page of the collection. Both books and collections that form themed journal issues or volumes are eligible. Established to honor the editor of Musicology and Difference: Gender and Sexuality in Music Scholarship (University of California Press, 1995), a field-defining and field-changing book, the award acknowledges the value of the individual authors’ contributions to the collection while r
Walsh Teaching the Psychology of Women Award
American Psychological Association
Award for junior faculty innovately teaching the psychology of women or gender.
Mildenberger Prize for work with application to teaching of foreign languages
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
The Committee on Honors and Awards of the Modern Language Association invites authors to compete for the thirty-sixth Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize, to be presented for an outstanding scholarly book in the fields of language, culture, literacy, and literature that has a strong application to the teaching of languages other than English.
POD Network Grant Program
POD Network
The purpose of the POD Network Research Grant Program is to promote a greater culture of evidenced-based research designed to contribute new knowledge in the fields of educational, instructional, and organizational development, including the preparation of future faculty. POD Network is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and we are especially interested in receiving applications from those whose voices are typically underrepresented in educational development. Please share this call with colleagues who might be interested, especially those who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and/or LGBTQIA+. Proposed research may be carried out within an existing program or as part of a new initiative. The duration of the grant is for one full year.
Curt Brown Prizes
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
Scholarships awarded first-place winners in the genres of creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize annually for a distinguished book published in English in the field of European history. The Adams prize was established in 1905 in memory of the first secretary of the Association, Herbert Adams of Johns Hopkins University, who was also one of the Association’s founders. The Adams Prize and the Leo Gershoy Award (also bestowed by the AHA) are widely considered to be the most prestigious prizes in the field of European history. The prize is offered on a rotating basis: in even years for books on European history from ancient times to 1815; in odd years for books on European history from 1815 through the 20th century.
George Louis Beer Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the George Louis Beer Prize in recognition of outstanding historical writing in European international history since 1895. This prize was established in accordance with the terms of a bequest by George Louis Beer (1872–1920), historian of the British colonial system before 1765, to be awarded annually for the best work on any phase of European international history since the year 1895 that is submitted by a scholar who is a United States citizen or permanent resident. The phrase “European international history since the year 1895” may be understood to mean any study of international history since the year 1895 with a significant European dimension.
Jerry Bentley Prize
American Historical Association
In 2014 the American Historical Association established the Jerry Bentley Prize in World History, which honors Jerry Bentley’s tireless efforts to promote the field of world history, and his signal contributions to it. A professor at the University of Hawaii, Bentley was one of the leading figures in the world history movement and the founding editor of the Journal of World History. The Bentley prize is awarded annually to the best book in each calendar year in the field of world history.
Albert J. Beveridge Award
American Historical Association
The award is given for a distinguished book in English on the history of the United States, Latin America, or Canada, from 1492 to the present. Books that employ new methodological or conceptual tools or that constitute significant reexaminations of important interpretive problems will be given preference. Literary merit is also an important criterion.
James Henry Breasted Prize
American Historical Association
Established in 1985 and named in honor of James Henry Breasted, a pioneer in ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern history and president of the Association in 1928, this prize is offered for the best book in English in any field of history prior to CE 1000.
John H. Dunning Prize
American Historical Association
The John H. Dunning Prize is awarded for an outstanding monograph on any subject relating to United States history.
John K. Fairbank Prize
American Historical Association
The John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History is offered annually for an outstanding book in the history of China proper, Vietnam, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, or Japan, substantially after 1800.
Morris D. Forkosch Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Morris D. Forkosch Prize annually in recognition of the best book in English in the field of British, British imperial, or British Commonwealth history since 1485.
Leo Gershoy Award
American Historical Association
The prize named in his honor is awarded to the author of the most outstanding work published in English on any aspect of 17th- and 18th-century western European history.
William and Edwyna Gilbert Award
American Historical Association
The William and Edwyna Gilbert Award for the Best Article on Teaching History annually recognizes outstanding contributions to the teaching of history through the publication of articles in journals, magazines, and other serials.
Clarence H. Haring Prize
American Historical Association
The Haring Prize is a quinquennial prize awarded to the Latin American author who has published the most outstanding book on Latin American history during the five years preceding the year of the award.
J. Franklin Jameson Award
American Historical Association
The Jameson Award was established in 1974 for outstanding achievement in the editing of historical sources.
Friedrich Katz Prize
American Historical Association
The prize will be awarded annually to the best book published in English focusing on Latin America, including the Caribbean.
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize
American Historical Association
Established in 1984 and named in memory of Joan Kelly (1928–82), this prize is awarded annually for the book in women’s history and/or feminist theory that best reflects the high intellectual and scholarly ideals exemplified by the life and work of Joan Kelly.
Martin A. Klein Prize
American Historical Association
The Martin A. Klein Prize in African History recognizes the most distinguished work of scholarship on African history published in English during the previous calendar year. The books must focus primarily on continental Africa (including those islands usually treated as countries of Africa).
Waldo G. Leland Prize
American Historical Association
This prize, established by the AHA Council in 1981, is offered every five years for the most outstanding reference tool in the field of history.
Littleton-Griswold Prize
American Historical Association
The Littleton-Griswold Prize is an annual award for the best book in any subject on the history of American law and society, broadly defined.
J. Russell Major Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association awards the J. Russell Major Prize annually for the best work in English on any aspect of French history.
Helen & Howard R. Marraro Prize
American Historical Association
The Marraro Prize is one of three annual awards for the best book on Italian history, Italian cultural history, or Italo-American cultural relations established by Howard R. Marraro (b. 1897), a historian of Italian culture.
George L. Mosse Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association awards the George L. Mosse Prize annually for an outstanding major work of extraordinary scholarly distinction, creativity, and originality in the intellectual and cultural history of Europe since 1500.
John E. O’Connor Film Award
American Historical Association
The honorific award seeks to recognize outstanding interpretations of history through the medium of film or video and may be awarded in each of two categories: Dramatic Feature and Documentary.
Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize
American Historical Association
The Eugenia M. Palmegiano Prize in the History of Journalism is awarded annually to the author of the most outstanding book published in English on any aspect of the history of journalism, concerning any area of the world, and any period. Books that focus on the recent past should have a significant historical component. Books that deal with journalism in relation to other forms of mass communication are eligible for consideration.
James A. Rawley Prize
American Historical Association
The James A. Rawley Prize in Atlantic History was created in 1998 in accordance with the terms of a gift from James A. Rawley, Carl Adolph Happold Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. It is offered annually to recognize outstanding historical writing that explores aspects of integration of Atlantic worlds before the 20th century.
Premio del Rey
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association awards the Premio del Rey biennially for a distinguished book in English in the field of early Spanish history.
John F. Richards Prize
American Historical Association
The John F. Richards Prize in South Asian History recognizes the most distinguished work of scholarship on South Asian history published in English. South Asia is defined as the geographic area included in the modern states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Eligibility will be defined quite broadly, including books on any period or field of South Asian historical studies and works which integrate South Asian history with broader global issues and movements.
Dorothy Rosenberg Prize
American Historical Association
The Dorothy Rosenberg Prize for the history of the Jewish diaspora recognizes the most distinguished work of scholarship on the history of the Jewish diaspora published in English during the previous calendar year. Eligibility will otherwise be defined quite broadly, to include books on any period and from any disciplinary field that incorporates a historical perspective. In making its selection, the prize committee will pay particular attention to depth of research, methodological innovation, conceptual originality and literary excellence. Works that reinterpret old themes or develop new theoretical perspectives are welcome. Anthologies, encyclopedias and other edited volumes will not be considered.
Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History
American Historical Association
This prize is awarded annually to honor and support work on an innovative and freely available new media project, and in particular for work that reflects thoughtful, critical, and rigorous engagement with technology and the practice of history.
Wesley-Logan Prize
American Historical Association
The Wesley-Logan Prize in African diaspora history is jointly sponsored by the American Historical Association and the Association for the Study of African American Life & History. The prize is awarded annually for an outstanding book in African diaspora history.
Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award
American Historical Association
Established in 1986, the Eugene Asher Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes outstanding teaching and advocacy for history teaching at two-year, four-year, and graduate colleges and universities. The award is named for the late Eugene Asher, for many years a leading advocate for history teaching. The Society for History Education shares the sponsorship of the award.
Equity Award
American Historical Association
AHA has established two equity awards to be given annually: one for individuals and another for academic units. The award can be conferred for new initiatives or for sustained efforts. These equity awards are meant to recognize and publicize individuals and institutions that have achieved excellence in recruiting and retaining underrepresented racial and ethnic groups into the historical professions.
Herbert Feis Award
American Historical Association
Established in 1984, this prize is offered annually to recognize distinguished contributions to public history, broadly defined. The prize is named in memory of Herbert Feis (1893–1972), public servant and historian of recent American foreign policy, with an initial endowment from the Rockefeller Foundation.
John Lewis Award for History and Social Justice
American Historical Association
Established in 2021, the prize is offered annually to recognize a historian for leadership and sustained engagement at the intersection of historical work, public culture, and social justice. The prize is named in memory of John Lewis (1940–2020), the civil rights leader who represented Georgia with grace and distinction in the United States House of Representatives for 34 years.
Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award
American Historical Association
The Nancy Lyman Roelker Mentorship Award was established to honor teachers of history who taught, guided, and inspired their students in a way that changed their lives. Mentoring is as important to the discipline of history as fine scholarship and good teaching. The ideal mentor is forthright, supportive, and constructively critical, committed to the student as a person, regardless of age or career goals.
Leonard L. Berry Marketing Book Award
American Marketing Association
This award recognizes books that have had a significant impact in marketing and related sub-fields. Self nominations accepted.
Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award
American Marketing Association
The Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award recognizes a marketing practitioner or educator who has devised and successfully implemented a research/insight procedure that has practical implications for use by others. All nominations must be made online by clicking the nomination form at the top of this page and all materials must be submitted at one time. To be considered, the nominee’s contact information, current vita and details on the research procedure must be included in the nomination.
Williams-Qualls-Spratlen (WQS) Award: Multicultural Mentoring Award of Excellence
American Marketing Association
The award will be given to a marketing professor who has made research contributions, such as publications in leading journals, and should also be making teaching contributions as a mentor to students and professors of color from underrepresented groups in the field of marketing, particularly, students and professors who are African American, Hispanic and Native American.All nominations must be made using the online application and self-nominations will not be reviewed.
AMA 4 Under 40 Emerging Leaders Award
American Marketing Association
Candidates who meet the following criteria are eligible for the award: Have consistently demonstrated a commitment to their industry, and the advancement of Marketing in general or any sub-field (e.g., advertising; analytics; brand; channels; digital; insights; etc.). Are passionate leaders who have a high potential for collaboration and success, including leading by example, mentoring, transferring knowledge, taking a risk to achieve a desired outcome and motivating others. Are under 40 years of age at time of nomination
The Leonard L. Berry Marketing Book Award
American Marketing Association
This award recognizes books that have had a significant impact in marketing and related sub-fields.
Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education is given to honor an NCA member who exemplifies superlative teaching in higher education. NCA presented the first Ecroyd Award in 1988.
Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Service in Family Communication
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The purpose of the Brommel Award is to recognize an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the area of family communication
Woolbert Research Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Woolbert Award is named in honor of one of the field’s earliest and most distinguished social scientists. The award is given to a journal article or book chapter that has stood the test of time and has become a stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena.
Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression was originally established as the Herbert A. Wichelns Freedom of Speech Award in 1976.
Phillips Award for Applied Communicaton Scholarship
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Phillips Award is presented to scholars responsible for authoring bodies of published research and creative scholarship in applied communication.
Knapp Award in Interpersonal Communication
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The award recognizes individuals who have made significant scholarly contributions to the study of interaction and/or relational processes.
Lucas Debut Publication Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Lucas Debut Publication Award seeks to encourage and reward new scholars in the communication discipline. It aims to identify and hold up for praise a contribution to the discipline by an author or authors publishing their first scholarly book or monograph.
Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award Trust
American Psychological Association
vThe award is given to professors who inspired their former students to achieve greatness.
Sedgwick Memorial Medal for Distinguished Service in Public Health
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The Sedgwick Memorial Medal for Distinguished Service in Public Health established in honor of the late Professor William Thompson Sedgwick has been awarded by APHA for distinguished service and advancement of public health knowledge and practice since 1929.
APHA Award for Excellence
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The APHA Award for Excellence is given each year to a living individual in recognition of his/her exceptionally meritorious contribution to the improvement of health of the people. It honors creative work of particular effectiveness in applying scientific knowledge or innovative organizational work to the betterment of community health. Individuals nominated for the award have made significant and well-recognized contributions to the improvement of public health, but should be at a point in their career where they can reasonably be expected to make further contributions.
David P. Rall Award for Advocacy in Public Health
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The David P. Rall Award for Advocacy in Public Health is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to public health through science-based advocacy. Priority shall be given to recognize individuals at mid-career whose accomplishments have advanced prevention through policy change.
Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award is awarded to a person who has worked toward social justice for underserved and disadvantaged populations. This individual’s work should focus on improving the health and well being of these populations and should include the activities of leading, advocating and mentoring (any or all three of these activities).
Lyndon Haviland Public Health Mentoring Award
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The Lyndon Haviland Public Health Mentoring Award is intended to recognize the essential role of mentoring in public health and leadership development. It will be given annually to senior public health practitioners or academics who take an active role in mentoring students and young professionals through regular contact, professional development, research support or joint publications.
Martha May Eliot Award
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The Martha May Eliot Award honors extraordinary health services to mothers and children; to bring such achievement to the eyes of related professional people and the public; to stimulate young people in the field to emulate efforts resulting in such recognition; and to add within the profession and in the eyes of the public to the stature of professional workers in the field of maternal and child health.
Victor Sidel and Barry Levy Award for Peace
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The Victor Sidel and Barry Levy Award for Peace is awarded to an APHA member who has made outstanding contributions to preventing war and promote international peace. The award draws attention to the profound health consequences of war and what public health workers can do to help prevent war and promote international peace.
APHA Ayman El-Monhandes Young Professional Public Health Innovation Award
American Public Health Association
Health Sciences
The APHA Ayman El-Monhandes Young Professional Public Health Innovation Award recognizes a public health professional, age 40 or younger, who is using an innovative solution to address a complex public health issue.
National Awards (Educator)
Freedoms Foundation
This award honors teachers and administrators who go above and beyond the call of duty for their students and America’s youth. These educators also instill in their students a sense of the importance of community involvement, responsible citizenship and patriotism. Entries should include a one-page summary on the teacher/administrator’s accomplishments and qualifications.
National Awards (School)
Freedoms Foundation
Honoring activities by a school or classroom. Focus should be placed on students’ community involvement in action, with emphasis on patriotism, individual character and responsible citizenship. Evidence of student involvement and a complete one-page summary listing project goals and objectives must be included. Please list school level on entry form.
Irving Lowens Book Award
Society for American Music
Irving Lowens’ research and writing in American music form a cornerstone for American music history. As the principal founder and guiding spirit of the Sonneck Society (now the Society for American Music) and its first president from 1974 to 1981, he was largely responsible for making the study of American music a respected and thriving area in musicology today. During his remarkable career he became distinguished in music criticism, musicology, and music librarianship. In his positions as music critic for the Washington Star (1953–1977), music reference librarian at the Library of Congress (1962–1966), and as Dean at the Peabody Conservatory of Music (1977–1982), he served in turn the public, the scholar, and the music student. The Irving Lowens Book Award commemorates this remarkable man and his contributions to the study of American music.
The Lowens Book Award represents one of our most prestigious honors and carries with it a monetary prize as well as a citation that will be presented at the annual national conference each spring.
We define “American music” in its broadest, most inclusive sense meaning all musics of the Americas, in their historical and contemporary styles and contexts, including art and popular cultures, ethnic groups and minorities, immigrant composers, performers, and communities, along with American music’s ramifications on cultures elsewhere in the world.
Irving Lowens Article Award
Society for American Music
Irving Lowens’ research and writing in American music form a cornerstone for American music history. As the principal founder of the Sonneck Society (now the Society for American Music) and its first president from 1974 to 1981, he was largely responsible for making the study of American music a respective and thriving area in musicology today. During his remarkable career he became distinguished in music criticism, musicology, and music librarianship. In his positions as music critic for the Washington Star (1953–1977), music reference librarian at the Library of Congress (1962–1966), and as Dean at the Peabody Conservatory of Music (1977–1982), he served in turn the public, the scholar, and the music student.
The Irving Lowens Article Award commemorates this remarkable man and his achievements. It is granted annually by the Society for American Music for an article that makes an outstanding contribution to the study of American music, and consists of a plaque and cash award.
Research in an Undergraduate Institution Prize
American Physical Society
To honor a physicist whose research in an undergraduate setting has achieved wide recognition and contributed significantly to physics and who has contributed substantially to the professional development of undergraduate physics students
Springer Early Career Achievement Award in Research on Adult Development and Aging
Adult Development and Aging Division of American Psychological Association
This award honors an individual whose work has made significant early career contributions to understanding critical issues in the psychology of adult development and aging.
Baltes Distinguished Research Achievement Award
Adult Development and Aging Division of American Psychological Association
It has been established to honor researchers with distinguished careers that have featured exceptional theoretical and empirical contributions to the psychological science of aging.
Mentorship Awards in Aging
Adult Development and Aging Division of American Psychological Association
This award will be presented to an individual who has consistently provided support, guidance and strong direction to undergraduate and graduate students in aging and adult development.
APA Early Career Scientific Awards
American Psychological Association
This award recognizes excellent psychologists who are at early stages of their research careers.
APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Education and Training
American Psychological Association
This award recognizes specific contributions in education and training.
Kidder Early Career Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, American Psychological Association
To recognize social issues researchers who have made substantial contributions to the field early in their careers, this award is named for a living person—Louise Kidder—in honor of her own early career accomplishments and contributions to SPSSI.
ACM Senior Member
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
Successful candidates for Senior Member must have demonstrated performance through technical leadership, and technical or professional contributions.
AMA Foundation Nonprofit Marketer of the Year Award
American Marketing Association
The American Marketing Association Nonprofit Marketer of the Year Award honors extraordinary leadership and achievement in the field of nonprofit marketing.
Outstanding Book Award
American Association Colleges of Teacher Education
This award recognizes as exemplary books that make a significant contribution to the knowledge base of educator preparation or of teaching and learning with implications for educator preparation. AACTE will accept ebooks should your warehouse not be able to ship hard copies by the deadline
Allport Intergroup Relations Prize
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is proud to announce the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize honoring the memory of the late Dr. Gordon W. Allport, a founder and past president of SPSSI.
Excellence in Foreign Language Instruction Using Technology with IALLT
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
The ACTFL/Cengage Learning Awards are presented annually to recognize excellence in the integration and use of technology in world language instruction at the post-secondary level.
Anthony Papalia Award
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
The ACTFL Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education was established by ACTFL in 1987 to recognize a world language educator who has demonstrated excellence in the preparation and continuing education of teachers for the profession.
Paul Pimsleur Award
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
ACTFL will solicit nominations for the award from editors of relevant North American journals. The recipient(s) of the Pimsleur Award shall be the author(s) of an outstanding contribution to research in world language or second language education. The study shall have been published during the previous calendar year (i.e., the 2020 Award will be given for work published during the calendar year 2019).
Wilga Rivers Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
Nomination by ACTFL members. Evidence of the nominee’s leadership should consist of a record of active participation in the activities of various world language organizations. This would include not only membership and holding office but also work on committees, significant publications, conference presentations, and other organizational activities. One award may be made annually to a postsecondary world language educator or administrator.
Nelson Brooks Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Culture
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
Nomination by ACTFL members. The Nelson Brooks Award recognizes the contributions of a preeminent author and teacher whose work and writings changed the course of our profession.
FPA Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
This award was created by the FPA Section to honor outstanding scholarship in foreign policy analysis.
ICOMM Book Award
International Studies Association
Mass Communication
The International Communication Book Award is presented at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting to the book that is nominated and deemed to have made the most substantial impact in the area of International Communication in the context of international studies.
FTGS Eminent Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
FTGS annually honors an eminent scholar in the International Relations sub-field of Feminist Theory and Gender Studies. Through their research, eminent scholars have made a significant impact and have pushed the boundaries of the sub-field. Many FTGS eminent scholars also have distinguished themselves through their commitment to the section and have advanced feminist scholarship through their teaching, mentoring and leadership.
Russell Sage Foundation Fellowships
Russell Sage Foundation
Political Science, Behavioral Science
The Visiting Scholars Program provides a unique opportunity for select scholars in the social, economic, political and behavioral sciences to pursue their research and writing while in residence at the foundation in New York City. The fellowship period is September 1st through June 30th.
Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
This award recognizes an author whose publications in operations research and management science have set an exemplary standard of exposition. The awardee’s written work, published over a period of at least ten years, should indicate (in terms of breadth of readership) an influence and accessibility enhanced by expository excellence. Criteria include the lucidity, conciseness, logic and interest of the writing at all levels, from the general organization to the details. The author must have affected, through these publications, how something is done, studied, taught, or thought about by some group within the OR/MS community.
Prize for the Teaching of the OR/MS Practice
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice will be given annually, if there is a suitable recipient, to a university or college teacher for excellence in teaching the practice of OR/MS. The purpose of this award is to recognize a teacher who has succeeded in helping his or her students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective practitioners of operations research or the management sciences.
Award for Distinguished Public Service
American Mathematical Society
The Award for Distinguished Public Service recognizes a research mathematician who has made recent or sustained distinguished contributions to the mathematics profession through public service.
Love of Learning Awards
Phi Kappa Phi
Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate professional development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc.
Global Engagement Initiative Award
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
World Languages
The ACTFL Global Engagement Initiative Award is intended to recognize outstanding community-engaged learning experiences within the world languages curriculum at all levels of instruction. Such initiatives may include a variety of experiences which engage students in cultural communities beyond tourism-based travel.
Global Development Studies Book Award
International Studies Association
The International Studies Association (ISA) Global Development Studies (GDS) section is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the GDS Book Prize. Books should meet the goals of the section, including a scholarly concern “with development and global justice working across a number of fields, for example, postcolonial studies, development studies, critical political economy, critical security studies, social and political theory, history, sociology, gender studies, and public policy.”
Distinguished Research in Teacher Education
Association of Teacher Educators
The award for Distinguished Research in Teacher Education has been established to recognize and promote exceptional research that substantially contributes to the improvement of teacher education. The Association of Teacher Educators presents this award in anticipation that such recognition will stimulate research to: (1) further the development of teacher education; (2) disseminate related information nationally and internationally; and (3) expand the knowledge base relative to teacher education.
Anne Emery Kyllo Professional Scholarship
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The award may be used for national and/or regional conferences, CMTE (continuing music therapy education) courses, and/or other continuing education courses that meet the Educational Activity guidelines as established by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT).
Florence Tyson Grant to Study Music Psychotherapy
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The Tyson Grant provides free registration to attend the upcoming Annual AMTA Conference and attend a CMTE. Continuing education credits selected should focus on training in music psychotherapy, music and psychotherapy, or psychotherapy (if available).
Conference Scholar and AMTA Past Presidents’ Conference Scholar
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
Conference Scholar awards are designed to help support AMTA members cover the cost of attending the AMTA annual conference. Conference Scholar monies are donated by AMTA, while Past Presidents’ Conference Scholar monies are thanks to generous donations by former presidents of national music therapy organizations.
ENMISA Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
Robert J. Stevenson Scholarship
Association of Teacher Educators
The Robert J. Stevenson Scholarship has been established by the Leadership Foundation for Teacher Education of the Association of Teacher Educators with major contribution from the Stevenson family to assist a classroom teacher working towards an advanced degree to enhance teacher leadership skills through the study of teaching. Applicants taking coursework leading to National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certification are encouraged to apply, as are those engaged in the study of curriculum and instruction and/or supervision.
Targeted Research Area Grants
American Society for Theatre Research
This grant of up to $3000 total per annum (which may be split among more than one award) is intended to support specific projects by scholars working in areas important to ASTR’s mission that are currently under-represented in its various activities. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the following: pre-1900 research and Asian, African, Latin American, and Middle Eastern theatre, dance, and performance. Translations of important theatre documents, including plays, will also be considered. This award is not intended to support curriculum development. Recipients are encouraged to submit their resulting work, if appropriate, to Theatre Survey and to liaise with the editors as the project develops.
Grants for Researchers with Heavy Teaching Loads
American Society for Theatre Research
Recognizing the deep disparities in available resources that distinguish institutions across our profession and that ultimately impede exchange between scholars within the broadly defined field of theatre studies, the ASTR Grants for Researchers with Heavy Teaching Loads of up to $1000 promote scholarly and practical exchange among theatre researchers by providing opportunities to faculty at institutions with heavy teaching loads and limited support for scholarship.
ASTR Collaborative Research Award
American Society for Theatre Research
To foster the exchange of research across different academic and community contexts within the U.S. or between U.S. scholars/artists and those abroad. To foster long-term relationships benefiting faculty who work in different types of institutional environments. To foster the exchange of research in subject areas underrepresented in U.S. theatre scholarship, pedagogy, and performance practice. To enrich and diversify ASTR’s membership.
Research Fellowships
American Society for Theatre Research
The purpose of the ASTR Research Fellowships is to underwrite some of the research expenses of scholars undertaking projects significant to the field of theatre and/or performance studies.
Hans C. Olsen Award for the Distinguished Teacher Educator
Association of Teacher Educators
The Hans C. Olsen Award for the Distinguished Teacher Educator has been established by the Association of Teacher Educators to select and honor those individuals whose contributions to the preparation of teachers is worthy of special recognition.
FTGS Book Prize
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
FTGS annually awards a prize for new publications making a substantial contribution to our understanding of international studies and global politics through feminist theory and gender studies. The award recognizes a book published in the preceding two calendar years that excels in originality, impact, and rigor towards furthering feminist theory and gender studies within the discipline of international relations.
ACM Distinguished Members
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
Successful candidates for Distinguished Member must have achieved a significant level of accomplishment or made a significant impact in the field of computing, computer science, and/or information technology. This means that he/she demonstrates substantial depth and breadth of understanding of the field, including the creation of new ideas and the synthesis of work by others. In addition, it is expected that a Distinguished Member serves as a mentor and role model guiding technical career development for others and exhibits eminence by contributing to the field beyond the norm.
Excellence in Teaching Award
American Academy of Religion
Award recognizes the importance of teaching and honors outstanding teaching in the field. Given the considerable shifts in the higher education landscape in recent years, and the effects these shifts have had on teaching and learning about religion, this award underscores the importance of recognizing teaching excellence across a wide variety of contexts
Harold & Margaret Sprout Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, Ecology, open
The Harold and Margaret Sprout Award was established in 1972 and named in honor of two pioneers in the study of international environmental problems. The award is sponsored by the Environmental Studies Section (ESS), and is given annually to the best book in the field – one that makes a contribution to theory and interdisciplinarity, shows rigor and coherence in research and writing, and offers accessibility and practical relevance. Nominated books should address some aspect of one or more environmental, pollution or resource issues from a broadly international or transnational perspective, including works in (for example) global, interstate, transboundary, North-South, foreign policy, comparative or area studies. Environmental subjects of books can include (for example) environmental law, diplomacy, transnational activism, natural resource use, global change, sustainable development, biodiversity, transboundary pollution control, and the like.
Clay Morgan Award for Best Book in Environmental Political Theory
Western Political Science Association
Anthropology, Liberal Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Social Sciences
The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding scholarship, published in a book-length monograph, which utilizes the resources, literatures, and approaches of the field of political theory to address intersections between contemporary or historical environmental challenges on the one hand and the philosophical and ideological concepts, principles, and debates animating political life on the other. While the focus of the award is on political theory, we welcome books that make a contribution to the field from related disciplines – including, but not limited to, anthropology, environmental humanities, ethnic studies, geography, indigenous studies, philosophy, political economy, science and technology studies, or sociology.
Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching
American Philosophical Association
The Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching, sponsored by the American Philosophical Association (APA), the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), and the Teaching Philosophy Association (TPA), recognizes a philosophy teacher who has had a profound impact on the student learning of philosophy in undergraduate and/or pre-college settings.
ENMISA Best Article & Chapter Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The ENMISA Best Article & Chapter Award recognizes outstanding journal articles or stand alone book chapters published in edited volumes from any discipline advancing our understanding of ethnicity, nationalism, and/or migration.
ENMISA Distinguished Book Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The ENMISA Book Award, sponsored by the ENMISA Section, recognizes the best book published over the past two years in the study of the international politics of ethnicity, nationalism or migration. The Award Committee is particularly interested in books that engage multiple areas of analytical interest to ENMISA members.
ENMISA Emerging Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The ENMISA Emerging Scholar Award recognizes outstanding early career scholar from any discipline who have made a significant contribution to the field of ethnicity, nationalism, or migration studies.
Noah Greenberg Award
American Musicological Society
The Noah Greenberg Award was established by the Trustees of the New York Pro Musica Antiqua in memory of their founder and first director. The award is intended as a grant-in-aid to stimulate active cooperation between scholars and performers by recognizing and fostering outstanding contributions to historical performing practices. Both scholars and performers may apply, since the Award may subsidize the publication costs of articles, monographs, or editions, as well as public performance, recordings, or other projects.
Thomas Hampson Fund
American Musicological Society
The Thomas Hampson Fund was established in 2009 in honor of the OPUS Campaign and by the AMS in recognition of Hampson’s outstanding contributions to the field of music as a performer, teacher, and scholar. The fund is dedicated to fostering editions and scholarship on classic song in all its contexts (including American song, contemporary song, etc.), as well as new and innovative technologies for promoting and understanding classic song via interactive media and the Internet.
GNSA Award for PhD-DNP Collaboration Excellence
American Association of College of Nursing
The Graduate Nursing Student Academy (GNSA) is offering an award recognizing excellence in collaboration among students in PhD and DNP programs. As the need for greater interaction among students in these two doctoral-level programs becomes more evident, this award will recognize the outstanding work underway to advance the nursing profession through an innovative and synergistic approach in translating research into practice and generating new knowledge. Award recipients will offer examples for how future doctoral students can collaborate in ways that advance nursing science and practice.
SECAC Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research and Publication
Awarded for outstanding research shown in the recent publication (within the last two years) of a book, article or series of articles. A precise description of research accomplishments and the nominee’s research agenda should accompany the nomination.
SECAC Award for Outstanding Exhibition and Catalogue of Historical Materials
Awarded in recognition of an exhibition (within the last two years) of historical materials, which by its design, installation, and/or catalog is considered exemplary. Support materials should include an abstract that summarizes the concept and execution of the nominated exhibition.
SECAC Award for Outstanding Exhibition and Catalogue of Contemporary Materials
Awarded in recognition of an exhibition (within the last two years) of historical materials, which by its design, installation, and/or catalog is considered exemplary. Supporting materials should include an abstract that summarizes the concept and execution of the nominated exhibition.
SECAC Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement
Awarded to recognize, encourage, and reward individuals who have been particularly successful in their creative work as demonstrated through regional, national or international exhibitions or presentations. The nominee’s artist’s statement should be included.
SECAC Award for Outstanding Achievement in Graphic Design
Awarded to recognize, encourage, and reward individuals who have been particularly successful in their design practice as demonstrated through regional, national, or international professional activities.
SECAC Award for Excellence in Teaching
Awarded in recognition of outstanding teaching by a SECAC member who demonstrates an exceptional command of his or her discipline through the ability to teach effectively, impart knowledge, and inspire students.
Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Award
American Accounting Association
This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contribution to the Management Accounting Section.
Journal of Management Accounting Best Paper Award
American Accounting Association
The Journal of Management Accounting Best Paper Award is presented annually to the JMAR paper deemed to have the greatest potential impact on management accounting research.
Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award
Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award is awarded to an individual who has been actively engaged in teaching for most of his or her career. Among the range of criteria that may be applied in evaluating candidates are: inspiration to a broad range of students in the pursuit of humanistic studies; rigorous intellectual standards and outstanding success in both scholarly and class presentation; contribution to the advancement of knowledge and methodology in the discipline including integration of art historical knowledge with other disciplines; and aid to students in the development of their careers.
Radcliffe Institute Fellowships
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University
Lewin Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Named for the late Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in the science of group dynamics & a founder of the SPSSI, this award is presented annually for “outstanding contributions to the development and integration of psychological research and social action.”
Andrew Price-Smith Book Award [GHS]
International Studies Association
Political Science
Andrew Price-Smith Book Award: Andrew Price-Smith, one of the leading scholars of global health security and the David Packard Smith Professor of International Relations at Colorado College, died of cancer on July 11, 2019. His 2001 book, The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and Their Effects on National Security and Development, was one of the first books that combined political science with global health, and it made a seminal impact on the burgeoning field of global health security. To recognize his legacy and the impact he made on global health politics, we have renamed the GHS Book Award the Andrew Price-Smith Book Award. We hope that the winner of this award will carry on his legacy of engaged scholarship, creative thinking, and relentless curiosity.
Best Book in Interdisciplinary Studies
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
Best Book in Interdisciplinary Studies: The IDSS has established a book award prize that recognizes a work that is an original and outstanding contribution to interdisciplinary studies, broadly defined. Interdisciplinary studies are unique in making conceptual and methodological connections across disciplines, challenging disciplinary orthodoxies, and critically applying research techniques and approaches across multiple disciplines. Given the interconnectedness of our globalized world, researchers need to use techniques and methods inspired by various disciplines to comprehensively address a wider array of transnational events, issues, and challenges.
Service Award
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The purpose of this award is to recognize individual members of the American Music Therapy Association who have provided service to the Association and profession either through long term commitments or task limited activities, such as serving in national offices, as chairs of commissions, chairs of standing and ad hoc committees, and as members of the Board of Directors and/or the Assembly of Delegates.
Award of Merit
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The purpose of this award is to honor a member of the American Music Therapy Association who has contributed to the development of the profession in a unique and remarkable way. (Seems like an award for someone later in their career.)
Research/Publication Award
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The purpose of this award is to honor a member of the American Music Therapy Association who has contributed to the development of the profession through research, scholarly activity or creative products resulting in advanced knowledge and development in the profession of music therapy.
Advocacy of Music Therapy Award
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The purpose of this award is to honor a person who is not a music therapist but who has contributed significantly to the field. This contribution could take the form of major and/or repeated public acknowledgement of the field of music therapy, major support through scholarships or other types of funding, or major volunteer time spent bettering the interests of the music therapy profession, or music therapy groups such as a specific region. These are examples of the kinds of contributions that could be cited in this award, but do not exclude other ways that an individual might have contributed.
Professional Practice Award
American Music Therapy Association
Music Therapy
The purpose of this award is to recognize members of the American Music Therapy Association who have made a significant contribution to the practice of music therapy. The nominee shall be recognized by his/her peers as having made a significant contribution to the profession by utilizing special skills and/or knowledge in therapeutic practice, clinical supervision, education and/or administration. Both scholarly contribution and organizational leadership will be considered. (seems like an award geared to someone who is late in their career.)
ACM Fellows
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
Successful candidates for Fellow must have achieved lasting impact on the field of computing, in terms of both technical and leadership contributions. At this level of recognition, there must be clear and compelling evidence that the individual has significantly influenced the directions of groups and organizations beyond those where he/she was employed.
POD Innovation Award
POD Network
The POD Innovation Award recognizes POD Network members who have developed and implemented creative ideas for educational development. This recognition is presented at the annual conference. The purpose of the award is twofold: To encourage participants to share their ideas with colleagues in the POD Network. To recognize those working in any area of educational development: faculty, graduate student, instructional, or organizational development.
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
Institute for International Education
All disciplines
Typically semester-long awards to teach, research, and conduct professional projects in over 135 countries
AMS Award for Impact on Teaching and Learning of Mathematics
American Mathematical Society
This award is given annually to a mathematician (or group of mathematicians) who has made significant contributions of lasting value to mathematics education.
Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department Award
American Mathematical Society
This award recognizes a department which has distinguished itself by undertaking an unusual or particularly effective program of value to the mathematics community, internally or in relation to the rest of society.
Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award
American Mathematical Society
This Award for Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference was established in 2005 by the AMS’s Committee on the Profession to compile and publish a series of profiles of programs that: aim to bring more persons from underrepresented backgrounds into some portion of the pipeline beginning at the undergraduate level and leading to advanced degrees in mathematics and professional success, or retain them once in the pipeline; have achieved documentable success in doing so; and are replicable models.
Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award
Campus Compact
The Thomas Ehrlich Civically Engaged Faculty Award recognizes one senior faculty member (post-tenure or middle-to-late career if not in a tenure line) each year. Honorees (who must be affiliated with a Campus Compact member institution) are recognized for exemplary engaged scholarship, including leadership in advancing students’ civic learning, conducting community-based research, fostering reciprocal community partnerships, building institutional commitments to service-learning and civic engagement, and other means of enhancing higher education’s contributions to the public good.
Richard Guarasci and Eduardo J. Padrón Awards for Institutional Transformation
Campus Compact
Through these awards, Campus Compact will recognize member institutions that have undertaken comprehensive, planned efforts to advance the values articulated in our 30th Anniversary Action Statement of Presidents and Chancellors. These values include a commitment to prepare students for lives of engaged citizenship, to embrace place-based responsibilities to contribute to the health and strength of our communities, to use the full capacity of the institution to challenge social and economic inequalities that threaten our democratic future, and to undertake this work through mutually respectful partnerships.
Nadinne Cruz Community Engagement Professional Award
Campus Compact
The Nadinne Cruz Community Engagement Professional Award recognizes an exemplary Community Engagement Professional who has demonstrated collaboration with communities focused on transformative change, a commitment to justice-oriented work, and an impact on the larger movement to build ethical and effective community engagement locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
SPSSI Teaching Resources Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) is issuing a new award for teaching resources to reward innovative activities, assignments, and projects related to the psychological study of social issues.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship Competition
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
Kalman Silvert Award
Latin American Studies Association
The Kalman Silvert Award was created in 1982 to honor of the first president of the Latin American Studies Association and the leading figures in Latin American studies during his lifetime. It “recognizes senior members of the profession who have made distinguished lifetime contributions to the study of Latin America”. The award is given at each LASA International Congress.
Luciano Tomassini Latin American International Relations Book Award
Latin American Studies Association
International Relations
The Luciano Tomassini Latin American International Relations Book Award is presented at each LASA International Congress to the author(s) of an outstanding book on Latin American foreign policies and international relations published in English, Spanish or Portuguese in any country.
Howard F. Cline Book Prize
Latin American Studies Association
The Howard F. Cline Book Prize in Mexican History is presented at each LASA International Congress to the author of an outstanding book of major importance to the development of the field of Mexican history, published in English or Spanish.
Premio Iberoamericano Book Award
Latin American Studies Association
The Premio Iberoamericano is presented at each of LASA’s International Congresses for the outstanding book on Latin America in the social sciences and humanities published in Spanish or Portuguese in any country.
Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship
Latin American Studies Association
Political Science, International Relations
The Guillermo O’Donnell Democracy Award and Lectureship honors the distinguished career and pioneering intellectual leadership of the late Guillermo O’Donnell. This annual, Association-wide award and lectureship recognizes either outstanding scholarship in the field of democracy studies or particularly meritorious public service that promotes democracy and democratic values in Latin America and the Caribbean. The recipient is invited to give a keynote lecture at each LASA Congress at which the award is made.
LASA/Oxfam America Martin Diskin Memorial Lectureship
Latin American Studies Association
The Memorial Lectureship award is given to an outstanding individual who embodies Professor Martin Diskin’s commitment to the combination of activism and scholarship.
Impact on Management Accounting Practice Award
American Accounting Association
This award recognizes the paper that is judged to have the greatest potential impact on management accounting practice. The award is in the amount of $2,000, sponsored by the Association of International Certified Practicing Accountants (the unified voice of AICPA and CIMA) and will be presented annually at the Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting.
George Garrett Award
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
Contemporary literature and AWP have benefited from the efforts of many teachers, writers, editors, and administrators who have done their utmost to help the next generation of writers find their way as artists and as literary professionals. In bestowing the annual George Garrett Award for Outstanding Community Service in Literature, AWP recognizes a few of those individuals who have made notable donations of care, time, labor, and money to support writers and their literary accomplishments.
AWP Small Press Publisher Award
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
AWP’s Small Press Publisher Award is an annual prize for nonprofit presses and literary journals that recognizes the important role such organizations play in publishing creative works and introducing new authors to the reading public. The award acknowledges the hard work, creativity, and innovation of these presses and journals, and honors their contributions to the literary landscape through their publication of consistently excellent work.
Ray M. Sommerfeld Outstanding Tax Educator
American Accounting Association
The American Taxation Association, in cooperation with the Ernst & Young Foundation, presents the Outstanding Tax Educator Award. The Award’s purpose is to recognize, honor and reward outstanding contributions by a faculty member teaching taxation at a recognized academic institution. The award is named after Professor Ray M. Sommerfeld, the first recipient of the award, who earned a reputation as a pioneer of tax education and provided a lifetime of service to students, colleagues, and the profession of taxation.
Holman Award
Society for the Study of Southern Literature
American Literature
The Holman Award, established in 1985 by the SSSL Executive Council, is named for the late highly esteemed scholar of southern literature, C. Hugh Holman, who taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The SSSL awards the prize annually for the best book of literary scholarship or literary criticism in the field of southern literature published during the preceding calendar year.
Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning Faculty Member
Mathematical Association of America
For Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member to honor beginning college or university faculty whose teaching has been extra ordinarily successful and whose effectiveness in teaching undergraduate mathematics is shown to have influence beyond their own classrooms.
Doliciani Award
Mathematical Association of America
The Mary P. Dolciani Award recognizes a pure or applied mathematician who is making a distinguished contribution to the mathematical education of K-16 students in the United States or Canada.
Annie and John Selden Prize
Mathematical Association of America
In November 2004, the MAA Board of Governors approved the Mathematical Association of America’s Annie and John Selden Prize for Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education honoring a researcher who has established a significant record of published research in undergraduate mathematics education and who has been in the field at most ten years.
Alexander Early Career Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Michele Alexander Early Career Award for Scholarship and Service (Alexander Award) award was established in 2005 to recognize early career excellence in scholarship as well as in service.
Mary Kenneth Keller Computer Science & Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award
Computer Science
Mary Kenneth Keller, B.V.M., was a Roman Catholic religious sister and educator. In 1965, Keller was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in Computer Science in the United States. She played an active role in computer science education when it was still in its formative years in the United States and was an advocate for women in computer science. A plaque, certificate and a stipend of $2,000 is awarded to recognize outstanding contributions to undergraduate education through both teaching and service and for helping to maintain interest, increase the visibility of the society, and make a statement about the importance with which we view undergraduate education.
Bertha Lutz Award [DPLST]
International Studies Association
Political Science
The Diplomatic Studies Section (DPLST) of the International Studies Association (ISA) invites nominations for the Bertha Lutz Prize. In 2017 the DPLST, in cooperation with the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD) at SOAS – University of London, established the prize to award a scholar who is considered to be conducting the highest quality public writing and research on women in diplomacy, defined broadly.
Deborah Gerner Grant For Professional Development
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The Deborah “Misty” Gerner Grant for Professional Development (“Gerner Award”) is awarded by the Women’s Caucus for International Studies (WCIS) and sponsored by Lynne Rienner Publishers. Deborah Gerner (1956-2006) was a much-loved and inspirational scholar who worked extensively on contributing to conflict resolution and peace in the Middle East. She was also a great advocate for women scholars in the international relations discipline.
The $2,000 grant is intended to support activities during the early stages of an academic career (primarily at the assistant professor level, though requests from individuals at the late stages of dissertation research also will be considered). The kinds of activities appropriate for grant funding include, but are not restricted to, travel to a professional conference or workshop; conducting field research; and the purchase of books, software, databases, etc., needed for research.
DPLST Anthony Deos Young Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
DPLST Anthony Deos Young Scholar Award: Anthony Deos was a young scholar of intellectual curiosity, creativity and tremendous promise. In his career Deos combined scholarly research with applied work in the communications, marketing, and public relations fields in the private sector and in government. In the early days of social media, even before digital diplomacy, Tony Deos’ innovative insights heralded how social media was transforming the practice and vision of public diplomacy. The Diplomatic Studies section in collaboration with the Anthony Deos Memorial Foundation believe in the value of advancing Anthony’s research and passions through support of our young scholars.
Taylor L. Booth Education Award
Computer Science
A bronze medal and $5,000 honorarium are awarded for an outstanding record in computer science and engineering education. The individual must meet two or more of the following criteria in the computer science and engineering field: 1. Achieving recognition as a teacher of renown. 2. Writing an influential text. 3. Leading, inspiring or providing significant education content during the creation of a curriculum in the field. 4. Inspiring others to a career in computer science and engineering education.
James Craig Watson Medal
National Academy of Sciences
The James Craig Watson Medal is presented every two years for outstanding contributions to the science of astronomy and carries with it a gold-plated bronze medal, a $25,000 prize, and $50,000 to support the recipient’s research
The NAS Award for Scientific Discovery is presented every two years to recognize an accomplishment or discovery in basic research, achieved within the previous five years, that is expected to have a significant impact on one or more of the following fields: astronomy, biochemistry, biophysics, chemistry, materials science, or physics through the selection of recipients of the Award.
Richard Lounsbery Award
National Academy of Sciences
The Richard Lounsbery Award is a $75,000 prize given in alternate years by the National Academy of Sciences and the French Académie des Sciences, to young (no older than 45) French and American scientists to recognize extraordinary scientific achievement in biology and medicine. In addition to honoring scientific excellence, the award is intended to stimulate research and encourage reciprocal scientific exchanges between the United States and France.
NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
The NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences recognizes research by a mid-career scientist (defined as up to 20 years since completion of PhD) at a U.S. institution who has made an extraordinary contribution to agriculture or to the understanding of the biology of a species fundamentally important to agriculture or food production. For the purpose of the prize, areas of science with applications to agriculture include plant and animal sciences, microbiology, nutrition and food science, soil science, entomology, veterinary medicine, and agricultural economics. The recipient will be awarded a medal and a $100,000 prize.
NAS Award in Molecular Biology
National Academy of Sciences
The NAS Award in Molecular Biology is supported by Pfizer Inc. and recognizes a recent notable discovery by a young scientist (defined as no older than 45) who is a citizen of the United States. The award is presented with a medal and a $25,000 prize.
Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal
National Academy of Sciences
The Gilbert Morgan Smith Medal recognizes excellence in published research on marine or freshwater algae. The award is presented every three years and consists of a gold-plated bronze medal and a $50,000 prize.
NAS Award for Scientific Reviewing
National Academy of Sciences
Recognize authors whose reviews have synthesized extensive and difficult material
Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics
National Academy of Sciences
The Award recognizes outstanding contributions made to the field of biophysics.
Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics
American Mathematical Society
The Maryam Mirzakhani Prize in Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences will be awarded every other year for exceptional contributions to the mathematical sciences by a mid-career mathematician. Start date is to be determined. The National Academy of Sciences Award in Mathematics, established by the AMS in 1988 in commemoration of its Centennial, was funded mainly by gifts to the Society from Morris Yachter and Sydney Gould.
DPLST Article Award
This annual award is presented to the author(s) of the article that best advances the theoretical and empirical study of diplomacy. We especially welcome those articles that attempt to connect the study of diplomacy with broader issues and trends in the discipline.
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
This annual award is presented to the author(s) of the article that best advances the theoretical and empirical study of diplomacy. We especially welcome those articles that attempt to connect the study of diplomacy with broader issues and trends in the discipline.
Harry Levin Prize
American Comparative Literature Association
Comparative Literature
The Harry Levin Prize recognizes an outstanding first book in the discipline of comparative literature. Fields may include literary or cultural theory or history, or any other field of comparative literature.
Distinguished Clinician in Teacher Education (DCTE) Award
Association of Teacher Educators
Division I-
The M. Jane Grubb Award, educators whose dual roles include classroom teaching and supervising preserves teachers. This award was established in 1995, in honor of ATE Distinguished member Jane Grubb. Jane was a school-based educator from the Lincoln, Nebraska area.
Division II-
Educators whose dual roles include classroom teaching and mentoring other teachers
Division III-
The Donna Wharton Award, those school district employees whose primary role is staff development/ in-service teacher education. The Donna Wharton Memorial Fund was established in 1996, in honor of Donna who ws the first recipient of the Distinguished Clinician Award. Donna was a school-based educator from Phoenix, AZ.
Division IV-
University faculty whose primary responsibility is mentoring and staff development of preservice and classroom teachers in professional development schools.
Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD Award
POD Network
The “Bob Pierleoni Spirit of POD Award” is POD’s highest honor. It recognizes members who: Exemplify the philosophy, principles, and practices of POD, such as generosity of spirit, kindness, compassion, sincerity, inclusiveness, and civility; Have served the organization and its members for at least five years in more than routine ways, such as: sharing knowledge, experience, materials, ideas, and support freely with other POD members; mentoring or helping colleagues enter the field and engage in the work; and/or exercising innovative or equity-minded leadership in the organization; Contribute to the profession of faculty, instructional, and organizational development in ways that help the POD Network enact its mission and values. As recently affirmed in the strategic plan, key values include collaboration, equity, and evidence.
Meritorious Service to MMA
Mathematical Association of America
The Certificate of Meritorious Service is to be presented for service at the national level or for service to a Section of the Association.
Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching Award: The Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching in International Studies Award honors the legacy of Misty Gerner as not only a fine scholar, but also as a passionate and dedicated teacher and mentor. Sponsored to carry her memory and mission forward by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers and the editorial board of the New Millennium Books in International Studies, the award is granted annually to an instructor who has developed effective new approaches to teaching in the discipline. Examples could include innovative case studies, teaching software, and simulations. Preference will be given to materials that can be easily adapted by other instructors. In keeping with Misty’s interests and commitments and the goals of the New Millennium Book Series, emphasis will be on pedagogy that engages students with issues of war, peace, identity, sovereignty, security, and sustainability—economic, environmental, or ethical—as they are evolving in the 21st century.
Research Fellow of SHAPE America
SHAPE America
Exercise Science, Physical Education
Fellow status is reserved for members who have made significant and sustained contributions to scholarship (research, creative, or scholarly activity) and related service in the areas of interest to SHAPE America. The purpose of Fellow status is to promote scholarship as an integral component of SHAPE America as well as to:
Recognize accomplishments in scholarship by SHAPE America members
Recognize and promote participation in the research activities of SHAPE America
Eisner Lifetime Achievement Award
National Art Education Association
The Elliot W. Eisner Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual for their lifetime professional achievement that has advanced art and art education
Lowenfeld Award
National Art Education Association
NAEA members who have made distinguished contributions to the art education profession are eligible.
National Art Educator Award
National Art Education Association
Active NAEA members who have performed outstanding service on a national level are eligible.
National Division Art Educator Awards
National Art Education Association
These awards honor one outstanding NAEA member from each of the seven divisions for outstanding service and achievement of national significance during previous years
Regional Division Art Educator Awards
National Art Education Association
These awards honor one outstanding NAEA member from each of the seven divisions within each of the four geographic regions. This award recognizes exemplary service and achievement of regional significance within each division
Regional Art Educator Awards
National Art Education Association
These awards honor one outstanding NAEA member from each of the four regions for outstanding service and achievement of regional significance during previous years.
Mac Arthur Goodwin Award
National Art Education Association
This award recognizes outstanding achievement, contribution, and service in previous years to the field of art education. It is open to individuals as well as state/province associations.
NAEA, The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), VSA Peter J. Geisser Special Needs Art Educator of the Year Award
National Art Education Association
This award recognizes an NAEA member who has made distinguished professional contributions to art education for students with special needs through scholarly writing, research, professional leadership, teaching, and/or community service.
NAEA, The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), VSA Beverly Levett Gerber Special Needs Lifetime Achievement Award
National Art Education Association
This award recognizes an NAEA/SNAE member whose exemplary lifetime career has made a unique and lasting impact on art education’s important role in the lives of people with special needs.
The Gilbert A. Clark and Enid Zimmerman Leadership Advocacy Award
National Art Education Association
The Clark and Zimmerman Leadership Advocacy Award honors art educators who donate their time, effort, and expertise to advancing art education in all sectors, yet frequently their contributions are not brought to public notice. This award pays tribute to those who are outspoken leaders and advocates for art education in schools, museums, community centers, or other settings where art education is researched and practiced. The awardee should have held leadership roles in NAEA and been an active advocate for art education programs not only locally, but regionally, nationally, and/or internationally.
Young Chemists Committee Leadership Development Award
American Chemical Society
The award covers the registration fee, transportation, lodging, and meals associated with attending the Young Chemist Leadership Development Workshop at the ACS Leadership Development Institute. Participants will explore the behaviors and characteristics exhibited by effective leaders at any level. Potential leadership opportunities, both within and outside the workplace, will be discussed and personal plans for improving leadership skills will be developed. Participants will also work alongside other ACS local, regional, and national leaders who are looking to strengthen their own leadership, management, and communication skills. This is an excellent opportunity to network and build the qualities that successful leaders possess!
ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry
American Chemical Society
To recognize outstanding contributions to experimental research that have increased our understanding of chemical pedagogy and led to the improved teaching and learning of chemistry.
ACS Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution
American Chemical Society
To recognize the importance of research with undergraduates. The award will honor a chemistry faculty member whose research in an undergraduate setting has achieved wide recognition and contributed significantly to chemistry and to the professional development of undergraduate students.
Rene Wellek Prize
American Comparative Literature Association
Comparative Literature
The René Wellek Prize recognizes an outstanding book in the discipline of comparative literature; fields may include literary or cultural theory or history, or any other field of comparative literature.
Adrienne Fried Block Fellowship
Society for American Music
This fellowship, endowed in honor of Adrienne Fried Block, shall be given to support scholarly research leading to publication on topics that illuminate musical life in large urban communities. Preference shall be given to projects that focus on the interconnections among the groups and organizations present in these metropolitan settings and their participation in the wide range of genres that inform the musical life and culture of their cities.
Edward T. Cone Fellowship
Society for American Music
The Edward T. Cone Fellowship is awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers whose research interest is focused on the history, creation, and analysis of American concert music, ranging from solo or chamber music to symphonic works. The Fellowship may support research expenses, including but not limited to travel expenses, books, and media resources. The maximum award is $2,000. A one-page budget and final report are to be submitted by the recipient to the Executive Director of the Society no more than one year after the award is presented.
Richard Crawford Fellowship
Society for American Music
This Fellowship honors Richard Crawford, the innovative and widely influential historian of American music, two-time winner of the society’s Lowens Book Award, recipient of the society’s Lifetime Achievement Award, and founding editor-in-chief of Music of the United States of America (MUSA) – a series of scholarly editions representing the full range of genres and idioms in American music. This fellowship supports research conducted by contracted MUSA volume editors. It funds research expenses involved in the preparation of critical editions, including but not limited to travel expenses, lodging, books, and media resources.
John and Roberta Graziano Fellowship
Society for American Music
This fellowship, endowed by John and Roberta Graziano, shall be given to support scholarly research in all genres of music that originated in the United States in the nineteenth century, as well as other music performed in North America during that historical period.
Charles Hamm Fellowship
Society for American Music
This fellowship is given annually to support a one-week research residency at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s Library and Archives facility on the campus of Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio. The fellowship program is co-sponsored by SAM and the Center for Popular Music Studies at Case Western Reserve University. Awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers, the fellowship is designed to support expenses (such as travel, lodging, and duplication) associated with the residency.
Hampsong Education Fellowship in American Song
Society for American Music
The Hampsong Education Fellowship in American Song is awarded competitively to educators at any phase of their careers who wish to help students and the general public understand American history and culture through the medium of song, by developing curricular or co-curricular projects that utilize materials from the Song of America database and Voices Across Time, as well as other primary resources in American song. Song of America is an online database created by the Hampsong Foundation for the purpose of understanding American culture through classic song; Voices Across Time is a resource guide created by the Society for American Music and the University of Pittsburgh Center for American Music, offering materials and strategies for using historic American songs as primary sources for studying American history and literature.
Judith McCulloh Fellowship
Society for American Music
This fellowship honors the achievements of Judith McCulloh as a scholar, folklorist, editor, and folk arts advocate. She created and championed the “Music in American Life” series renowned for its wide embrace of popular, folk, and concert musics and the “Folklore in Society” series during her prolific tenure at the University of Illinois Press. She received, among numerous honors, the Bess Lomax Hawes National Heritage Fellowship and the Society for American Music Distinguished Service Award. This fellowship is given annually to support research on a folk-based music culture of the Americas. Awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers, the fellowship is designed to support expenses (such as travel, lodging, and duplication) associated with residency at a research center or archive, or with fieldwork. Potential research center sites include the Folklife Center at the Library of Congress, where McCulloh worked extensively, and other repositories that reflect her broad interests in folk music.
Wayne Shirley Research Fellowship
Society for American Music
The fellowship is given annually to support a short-term research residency at the Library of Congress on any topic relating to musics of the Americas. Awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers, the fellowship is designed to support expenses (such as travel, lodging, and duplication) associated with residency at the library.
Eileen Southern Fellowship
Society for American Music
The Eileen Southern Fellowship is awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers in support of research on music of the African diaspora in the Americas. The fellowship may support research expenses for archival or ethnographic research, including but not limited to travel expenses, lodging, books, and media resources.
Virgil Thompson Fellowship
Society for American Music
The Virgil Thomson Fellowship is awarded competitively to scholars at any phase of their careers whose research interest is focused on the history, creation, and analysis of American music on stage and screen, including opera. The Fellowship may support research expenses, including but not limited to travel expenses, books, and media resources.
H. Earle Johnson Book Publication Subvention Award
Society for American Music
The H. Earle Johnson Book Publication Subvention Award of the Society for American Music is intended to support the costs of the publication of significant books on American music.
Sight and Sound Subvention
Society for American Music
The Sight and Sound Subvention Committee will consider applications regarding financial assistance to facilitate the publication of non-print material concerning American music. Such material may include film, DVD, CD and other audio/visual formats, radio programs, website development, or other projects that further the Society’s mission and goals. These materials should be available through a commercial source, not on the applicant’s personal pages.
Judith Tick Fellowship
Society for American Music
This fellowship shall be given to support scholarly research leading to publication on musical topics involving women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. Preference will be given to projects that resonate with the primary research areas that have been the focus of Prof. Tick’s distinguished career, including women’s music-making across time and musical genres; musical biography; and source studies in American music.
CABE Teaching Resources Award
Committee on Associate and Baccalaureat Education of the APA
The purpose of the CABE Teaching Resources Award is to encourage the development and dissemination of teaching resource materials (in such places as APA Project Assessment and in the Psychology Teacher Network newsletter) to enhance the teaching of psychology to undergraduates.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research Grant
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Research projects in any phase of development are eligible for funding (e.g., materials design, data collection, manuscript writing). However, the proposed project must have a high probability of producing a product that will be presented and/or published in a peer-reviewed outlet in a timely manner. Proposals will be evaluated on the degree to which proposal fits STP’s description of the SoTL. Proposals that align with the STP President’ preferred themes, will be given top priority.
Joy of Effort Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Joy of Effort Award honors individuals who, by performance and style, have personified the concept that the effort made to enrich the goals and objectives of health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport is a labor of love, inspired by commitment and dedication.
Julian U. Stein Lifetime Achievement Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Julian U. Stein Lifetime Achievement Award is given to a SHAPE America professional who best exemplifies Dr. Stein’s leadership in teaching, mentorship, writing, speaking and volunteerism at all levels of professional involvement including higher education, as well as educational and community programming. As an innovator, creator, visionary, and risk-taker, Dr. Stein represents the very best in dedication to an active and healthy lifestyle for all individuals.
Leroy T. Walker Young Professional Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The LeRoy T. Walker Young Professional Award is given to a minority member of SHAPE America who is 36 years old or younger who has demonstrated superior promise in the areas of service, teaching, scholarship and commitment to the goals of SHAPE America focusing specifically on under-represented and/or underserved populations and promotion of diversity and inclusiveness.
Luther Halsey Gulick Distinguished Service Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Luther Halsey Gulick Medal is awarded as the highest honor SHAPE America bestows in recognition of long and distinguished service to one or more of the professions represented in the Association. It shall be presented annually (unless the committee agrees that no worthy candidate has been nominated for any given year) at the national convention.
Mabel Lee Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Mabel Lee Award recognizes younger members who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership. The Mabel Lee Awards are chosen in two membership categories, “college and university” and “non college and university.”
Mentor of the Year Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Mentor of the Year Award is given to an outstanding role model who encourages student involvement in professional opportunities and provides exemplary academic and professional preparation advisement.
Meritorious Service Honor Award
SHAPE America
Excercise Science
The Meritorious Service Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated distinguished service to health, physical education, recreation, dance and/or sport. Recipients are persons of personal integrity who exemplify the spirit of devoted service to the profession.
Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award
SHAPE America
Exercise Science
The Curriculum and Instruction Honor Award recognizes an outstanding professional for his/her exceptional contributions to research in the field of curriculum and instruction.
E.B. Henderson Award
SHAPE America
Exercise Science
The E.B. Henderson Award recognizes minority SHAPE America members who, through numerous years of proven dedication to scholarship, mentorship, and service to ethnic minorities, have increased involvement of ethnic minorities and/or underserved populations within their profession, SHAPE America, or society.
Hall of Fame Award
SHAPE America
Exercise Science
The Hall of Fame Award honors outstanding individuals who make significant contributions to maintaining physical and health education, physical activity, dance and sport as important parts of the total educational program.
Helen M. Heitmann Young Scholar Award
SHAPE America
Exercise Science
The Helen M. Heitmann Young Scholar Award recognizes an outstanding young professional for his/her exceptional contributions to research in the field of curriculum and instruction.
Measurement and Evaluation Honor Award
SHAPE America
Physical Education
The Measurement and Evaluation Honor Award honors a SHAPE America professional who has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the Measurement and Evaluation SIG and its mission.
Measurement and Evaluation Lifetime Achievement Award
SHAPE America
Physical Education
The Measurement and Evaluation Lifetime Achievement Award honors a SHAPE America professional who has made a significant impact in enhancing the theory and scholarly application of measurement and evaluation in health and physical education.
NAGWS Legacy Award
SHAPE America
Physical Education
National Girls and Women in Sports (NAGWS) was founded in 1899 with the mission of increasing opportunities for girls and women in sport. With the re-organization of AAHPERD to SHAPE America, all of the national associations including NAGWS unified as SHAPE America. NAGWS & SHAPE America owned the Wade Trophy and sold the trophy to the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA). With the sale of the trophy, SHAPE America established the NAGWS Legacy Award.
A.C. Elias, Jr. Irish-American Research Travel Fellowship
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
ASECS’ A. C. Elias Irish-American Research Travel Fellowship, with $2500 in annual funding, supports “documentary scholarship on Ireland in the period between the Treaty of Limerick (1691) and the Act of Union (1800), by enabling North American-based scholars to travel to Ireland and Irish-based scholars to travel to North America for furthering their research.” Projects conducting original research on any aspect of 18C Ireland qualify for consideration, but recipients must be members of ASECS who have permanent residence in the United States or Canada or be members of its Irish sister organization, The Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, residing on the island of Ireland. Prize winners are chosen by an independent jury of three scholars from different disciplines, after each is seen by readers in the applicant’s field.
Louis Gottschalk Prize
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Louis Gottschalk Prize recognizes an outstanding historical or critical study on the eighteenth century and carries an award of $1,000. Louis Gottschalk (1899-1975) was the second President of ASECS, a President of the American Historical Association, and for many years Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago; his scholarship exemplified the humanistic ideals that this award is meant to encourage.
North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals Induction
SHAPE America, North American Society
Health Sciences, Physical Education, Exercise, Dance
Established in 1999, the North American Society (NAS) recognizes outstanding professionals from within the allied professions of health education, physical education, recreation, sport and dance in North America.
Billy G. Dixon Distinguished Program in Teacher Education for 2021
Association of Teacher Educators
The award for the Billy G. Dixon Distinguished Program in Teacher Education has been established to recognize and honor outstanding teacher education programs that exemplify collaboration between local education agencies and institutions of higher education in program development and administration. The Association stands committed to recognizing this critical connection. This award is designed to stimulate development and innovation, which will bring into harmony all those agencies which have direct involvement in the preparation of teachers. It also is intended to emphasize the Association’s concern for quality in teacher preparation.
Annual “ALL Color” Online Art Competition
Contemporary Art Gallery Online
Contemporary Art Gallery Online encourages entries from all 2D and 3D artists regardless of their experience and/or education in the art field or where they may reside.
Emerging Artists
SlowArt Productions
The competition is open to all artists, national and international, working in all media. All forms of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, graphics, digital and installation art, etc. are eligible.
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian Magazine
The Grand Prize, Readers’ Choice prize, Natural World, Travel, People, The American Experience, Altered Images and Mobile category prizes are open to photographers who are 18 years old or older. Individuals affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution, including employees, emeriti, Regents, trustees, interns, volunteers, fellows, research associates and their immediate families (children, parents, siblings and spouses) and others living in their households are not eligible for any prize. The Smithsonian will determine winners’ eligibility in its sole discretion. The following six contest categories are drawn from subjects of special interest to Smithsonian magazine: 1. Natural World: Animals, plants and landscapes; geological or climatological features; and scientific processes and endeavors; 2. Travel: Locales, peoples or activities in the United States and abroad that convey a sense of place; 3. People: Portraits and photos of groups or individuals; 4. The American Experience: Events, objects or activities connecting the American people to their history or their cultural heritage; photographs that tell us what it means to be an American and provide a sense of what it is like to live in this country.
5. Altered Images: Photographs manipulated for artistic purposes by applying digital and/or traditional special effects.
6. Mobile: Any photograph taken with a mobile device (phone or tablet).
Postsecondary Teacher of the Year Award
National Business Education Association
John Robert Gregg Award
National Business Education Association
The John Robert Gregg Award is presented each year to an individual who has been widely recognized by colleagues and students as having made outstanding contributions to the advancement of business education. Individuals eligible for this award have been exemplary in business education leadership and active in NBEA for at least a decade.
Collegiate or University Teacher of the Year
National Business Education Association
The nominee must be primarily engaged in teaching business at the collegiate/university level (including business education). If the nominee has dual responsibilities, at least 50 percent of those responsibilities at the major employing institution must be in teaching. The nominee’s contributions may have been made over an extended period of time, but the major impact must have occurred within three years prior to the nomination. The nominee must be a current member of NBEA and have been a member for a minimum of three (3) years, and must be present at the annual convention.
Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Contribution to Business Education by an Administrator or Supervisor of Business Education
National Business Education Association
The following will be considered for this award: 1.) Contributions to business education through teaching, 2.) participation held in local, state, regional and national professional association. 3.) Contributions through religious, civic, government, cultural and private business organizations. 4.) Contribution through major articles, refereed publications, non-refereed publications and research activities including grant proposals. 5.) Involvement in other activities.
Intro Journals Project
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Creative Writing
Literary competition for the discovery and publication of the best new works by students currently enrolled in AWP member programs.
Distinguished ATE Member Award
Association of Teacher Educators
The Distinguished Member of the Association of Teacher Educators exemplifies the best of teacher education in this nation, which includes outstanding contributions to the Association; outstanding contributions to teacher education; and professional, academic, and ethical standards.
Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award for Distinguished Service
Mathematical Association of America
It is to be made for service to mathematics that has been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful.
Distinguised Contributions to Teaching
Southern Sociological Society
The purpose of this award is to honor individuals, departments, schools, institutions, or other collective actors for their outstanding contributions to the teaching of sociology at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. The award may recognize contributions over the course of a career, over the history of a program, or for a specific project or projects. Teaching is broadly defined to include: classroom instruction, curriculum design, directing and mentoring students, developing instructional materials, producing educational films or videos, creating educational software or web sites, writing or editing textbooks or teacher manuals, conducting workshops on pedagogy, training student teachers, and publishing teaching-related research.
Roll of Honor
Southern Sociological Society
The greatest recognition given by the Southern Sociological Society is an appointment to the Roll of Honor. This award recognizes a career of distinguished intellectual contribution to Sociology. Awardees must be members of the Southern Sociological Society (or whose significant contributions to Sociology were made while a member of SSS) and have made stellar contributions to the discipline across their career.
Distinguished Lectureship Award
Southern Sociological Society
A new award, the Southern Sociological Society Distinguished Lectureship Award, may be awarded annually to a member of the Southern Sociological Society in recognition of his/her excellence as a scholar and lecturer. This award has three key goals. First, it allows the Society to honor one of its distinguished scholar/teachers in a public manner. Second, it allows SSS to provide a much-needed resource to departments that typically lack the resources to bring distinguished scholars to their campuses. Third, it serves to promote SSS.
Charles Gomillion-Joseph Sandy Himes Award
Southern Sociological Society
This award is given to an individual for a career of distinguished sociological practice through service and teaching or research at a minority serving institution or through work in civic organizations that contribute to a better understanding of the sociology of race and a better functioning of citizens in society. The award carries a $500 honorarium.
Junior Scholar Award
Southern Sociological Society
This award recognizes scholars at the early stage of their career (within ten years of receiving the PhD). Members of the SSS whose scholarly work demonstrates career promise and who are making a significant contribution to the field are eligible for this award.
Martin L. Levin Distinguished Service Award
Southern Sociological Society
The Martin L. Levin Distinguished Service Award honors outstanding service to the Southern Sociological Society by recognizing those members who have made exemplary contributions to the Southern Sociological Society through direct service over a lifetime or significant portion of their professional careers. Contributions of recipients should have been vital in fulfilling the Society’s mission and sustaining its annual meetings. Their record may include serving in major fiduciary and organizational leadership roles, either as an officer or chair/member of committees, or as a program chair, session organizer, discussant, etc.; or it may involve providing leadership for innovative changes in the organization and functioning of the Society, in building the Society’s membership, or in other ways.
Recipients of this award are expected to have been members of the Society for a considerable portion of their careers.
Katharine Jocher-Belle Boone Award
Southern Sociological Society
This award recognizes distinguished scholarly contributions to the understanding of gender and society. The award honors a significant career of professional achievements. Award recipients may organize a session at the annual meeting.
Anschutz Distinguished Fellow in American Studies
Princeton University
American Studies
Endowed in 1997 through the generosity of Philip and Nancy Anschutz and their daughters Sarah Anschutz Hunt ’93 and Elizabeth Anschutz ’96, the Anschutz fellowship program is designed to bring to Princeton for one semester a leading scholar or practitioner in American arts, letters, politics, or commerce. The chief goal is to widen the American studies community’s intellectual horizons, and offer an accomplished figure an opportunity to take part in Princeton’s singular scholarly, teaching, and social life.
SAA Shakespeare Publics Award
Shakespeare Association of America
This award recognizes pioneering and/or culturally significant efforts to foster, engage, support and sustain broad and diverse Shakespeare publics through teaching, scholarship, performance and/or activism. SAA members may apply directly or nominate other members of the Association. In the case of collaborative projects, at least one of the primary collaborators must be a SAA member in good standing.
SAA Innovative Article Award
Shakespeare Association of America
This award recognizes an outstanding scholarly article that leads the field of Shakespeare studies in new directions through creative and innovative scholarly approaches and methods. Eligible articles must be published in an online or print journal or anthology during the calendar year two years before the SAA meeting at which the award is presented, i.e. the prize in 2022 would be awarded to an article appearing in 2020. Article author(s) must be SAA member(s) in good standing.
SAA members, including the Trustees and members of the selection committee, may nominate their own work or that of others, with the stipulation that an author may nominate no more than one work of their own and that editors of journals or collections may nominate no more than one article per volume. Nominators must complete a nomination form and submit the article to SAA.
Annual SAA/Huntington Fellowship
Shakespeare Association of America
The SAA is pleased to acknowledge two fellowship partners: the Huntington Library and the Folger Shakespeare Library. Applicants must be SAA members in good standing. Each short-term fellowship welcomes an inaugural SAA fellow with a $3,000 award for a one-month residency between June 2022 and June 2023. The Huntington Library offers short-term fellowships for residencies of one, two, and three months. Applicants for the SAA one-month fellowship are not prohibited from applying to the Huntington directly for additional months or for other library fellowships.
Annual SAA/Folger Fellowship
Shakespeare Association of America
The SAA is pleased to acknowledge two fellowship partners: the Huntington Library and the Folger Shakespeare Library. Applicants must be SAA members in good standing. Each short-term fellowship welcomes an inaugural SAA fellow with a $3,000 award for a one-month residency between June 2022 and June 2023. Application materials should be submitted to the Folger directly. A call for 2022–23 non-residential fellowship applications will be announced in fall 2021, with a deadline set in mid-January 2022.
Karen Denard Goldman Mentor Award
Society for Public Health Education
Community/Public Health
This award recognizes a National SOPHE member in an academic or practice setting who has made a significant contribution to the preparation and/or performance of health educators and has successfully forged the link between practice and research.
Distinguished Fellow Award
Society for Public Health Education
Community/Public Health
This is SOPHE’s highest form of recognition for a SOPHE member. The award recognizes individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to SOPHE and the profession of health education or public health.
Horizon Award for Early Career Health Educators
Society for Public Health Education
Community/Public Health
This award recognizes early career health educators (less than five years) who have distinguished themselves as promising health educators through leadership, creativity, involvement in the profession, and health education practice in any setting (e.g., school, worksite, university, community, health care).
6th Louisiana Biennial: National Juried Exhibition
LATECH School of Design
US artists making 2D, 3D and video works exploring any theme.
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment Outstanding Environmental Educator of the Year
National Science Teaching Association
Enviornmental Science
The SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment Environmental Excellence Awards recognizes the outstanding efforts of students, teachers, and community leaders across the country who are working at the grass roots level to protect and preserve the environment.
Robert H. Carleton Award for National Leadership in the Field of Science Education
National Science Teaching Association
This is the most prestigious award an NSTA member may receive. The Robert H. Carleton Award recognizes an NSTA member who has made outstanding contributions to and provided leadership in science education at the national level and to NSTA in particular. The award will not be given on the basis of the number of petitions from members, but on the basis of well-recognized contributions clearly beyond those considered adequate for Distinguished Service Awards. The award will be presented only when an individual is identified.
CNL Educator Award
American Association of College of Nursing
AACN and the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) are now accepting nominations for the 2021 CNL Educator Award. This national award recognizes a CNL faculty member or education program director for innovative and outstanding preparation and advocacy of CNLs. In addition, the award promotes the contributions of the CNL faculty member in transforming nursing education and promoting innovation in both academia and practice.
CNL Vanguard Award
American Association of College of Nursing
AACN and the Commission on Nurse Certification (CNC) are pleased to announce the 2021 CNL Vanguard Award. This national award recognizes a certified CNL for innovative and outstanding professional performance and advocacy of the CNL skill set. In addition, the award promotes the contributions of the CNL in transforming health care.
Epsilon Award for Young Scholars
American Mathematical Society
The Epsilon Awards for Young Scholars Programs support existing summer programs for mathematically talented high school students.
Caldwell-Colbert Award for Distinguished Educator in Clinical Psychology
American Psychological Association
This award honors psychologists who display excellence in mentoring clinical psychology graduate students, interns, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty.
CAPE Scholar-Activist Award
Association of American Geographers
CAPE sponsors a small grant award open to all CAPE members engaged in projects of scholar activism. Geographers and political ecologists are increasingly engaging in various forms of public scholarship including scholar-activism which aims to collaborate with NGOs and grassroots social movements, and civil society toward social change.
APSA/CQ Press Award for Teaching Recognition
American Political Science Association/CQ Press
Political Science
The award, supported by CQ Press, carries a cash prize of $500 and financial support for travel costs, and is presented at the APSA Annual Meeting or the APSA Teaching and Learning Conference depending on the year.
DC Independent Film Festival
DC Independent Film Festival
DCIFF is the oldest independent film festival in Washington DC and has a storied history of presenting extraordinary films. We have showcased cutting edge features, animation, experimental films, shorts, and documentaries on every subject, from every country, and with every budget and subject imaginable. To date, we have not been a curated film festival, but in 2021 we have decided to pivot and will be programming selected submissions thematically. All films are still selected through review and come via submissions. We welcome submissions in the following categories: Narrative features, Short films, Documentaries (feature and shorts), Animation + Experimental (up to 2 hours), Web Series Pilots or Episodes, Works in Progress, High School Student Film Showcase and Competition (films up to 20 mins.)
Excellence In Teaching And Mentoring Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
This award is broadly designed to honor faculty members in the ISA-Midwest region who excel in working with students, recognizing that a core part of our work as educators takes place both in and out of the classroom and can significantly impact the lives of our students. The award takes into account that excellence in teaching may take a variety of forms.
Yosemite Renaissance Competition
Yosemite Renaissance
Yosemite Renaissance is a non-profit art organization dedicated to encouraging artists to create diverse interpretations of Yosemite National Park and the surrounding Sierra Nevada region. The organization seeks to inspire new generations to understand, preserve and protect our wild lands and natural places through art. The Yosemite Renaissance Exhibition is an annual exhibit that offers an opportunity for artists inspired by nature and the California Sierra Nevada region to display and promote their art. The exhibit opens at the historic Yosemite National Park Museum Gallery in the heart of Yosemite Valley, then travels to other art centers across California.
LARR-University of Florida Article Award
Latin American Studies Association
The LARR-University of Florida Article Award is presented at each LASA International Congress to the best research article published by the Latin American Research Review (LARR) during the past calendar year (i.e., in the volume of the journal preceding the year of the Congress). The award covers articles published by LARR in all disciplines and in any language. The winners are expected to be present at the LASA Congress to receive the award in person and participate in a special panel. The winners may also be invited to present their research at the University of Florida.
Srinivas Aravamudan Prize
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Srinivas Aravamudan Prize goes to the author of an article published in the previous year that pushes the boundaries, geographical and conceptual, of eighteenth-century studies, especially by using a transnational, comparative, or cosmopolitan approach. It carries an award of $250.
James L. Clifford Prize
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The James L. Clifford Prize recognizes an article that presents an outstanding study of some aspect of eighteenth-century culture, interesting to any eighteenth-century specialist, regardless of discipline. It carries an award of $500.
Ciprian Foias Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Ciprian Foias Prize in Operator Theory is awarded for notable work in Operator Theory published during the preceding six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue.
Birkhoff Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS-SIAM George David Birkhoff Prize)
American Mathematical Society
The Birkhoff Prize is awarded for an outstanding contribution to applied mathematics in the highest and broadest sense.
Bôcher Memorial Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Bôcher Prize is awarded for a notable paper in analysis published during the preceding six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue.
Chevalley Prize in Lie Theory
American Mathematical Society
The Chevalley Prize is awarded for notable work in Lie Theory published during the preceding six years; a recipient should be at most twenty-five years past the Ph.D.
Cole Prize in Algebra
American Mathematical Society
This Prize recognizes a notable research work in algebra that has appeared in the last six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue.
Cole Prize in Number Theory
American Mathematical Society
This Prize recognizes a notable research work in number theory that has appeared in the last six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue.
Levi L. Conant Prize
American Mathematical Society
This prize was established in 2000 in honor of Levi L. Conant to recognize the best expository paper published in either the Notices of the AMS or the Bulletin of the AMS in the preceding five years.
Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research
American Mathematical Society
The AMS Mary P. Dolciani Prize for Excellence in Research recognizes a mathematician from a department that does not grant a Ph.D. who has an active research program in mathematics and a distinguished record of scholarship. The primary criterion for the prize is an active research program as evidenced by a strong record of peer-reviewed publications.
Joseph L. Doob Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Doob Prize recognizes a single, relatively recent, outstanding research book that makes a seminal contribution to the research literature, reflects the highest standards of research exposition, and promises to have a deep and long-term impact in its area. The book must have been published within the six calendar years preceding the year in which it is nominated. Books may be nominated by members of the Society, by members of the selection committee, by members of AMS editorial committees, or by publishers.
Leonard Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics
American Mathematical Society
The Eisenbud Prize honors a work or group of works, published in the preceding six years, that brings mathematics and physics closer together. Thus, for example, the prize might be given for a contribution to mathematics inspired by modern developments in physics or for the development of a physical theory exploiting modern mathematics in a novel way.
Ulf Grenander Prize in Stochastic Theory and Modeling
American Mathematical Society
The Grenander Prize recognizes exceptional theoretical and applied contributions in stochastic theory and modeling. It is awarded for seminal work, theoretical or applied, in the areas of probabilistic modeling, statistical inference, or related computational algorithms, especially for the analysis of complex or high-dimensional systems.
E. H. Moore Research Article Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Moore Prize is awarded for an outstanding research article to have appeared in one of the AMS primary research journals (namely, the Journal of the AMS, Proceedings of the AMS, Transactions of the AMS, Memoirs of the AMS, Mathematics of Computation, Electronic Journal of Conformal Geometry and Dynamics, and Electronic Journal of Representation Theory) during the six calendar years ending a full year before the meeting at which the prize is awarded.
David P. Robbins Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Robbins Prize is for a paper with the following characteristics: it shall report on novel research in algebra, combinatorics or discrete mathematics and shall have a significant experimental component; and it shall be on a topic which is broadly accessible and shall provide a simple statement of the problem and clear exposition of the work. Papers published within the six calendar years preceding the year in which the prize is awarded are eligible for consideration.
Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics
American Mathematical Society
This prize was established in 1990 using funds donated by Joan S. Birman in memory of her sister, Ruth Lyttle Satter. Professor Birman requested that the prize be established to honor her sister’s commitment to research and to encourage women in science. An anonymous benefactor added to the endowment in 2008.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition
American Mathematical Society
The Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition is awarded for a book or substantial survey or expository research paper.
Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research
American Mathematical Society
The Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research is awarded for a paper, whether recent or not, that has proved to be of fundamental or lasting importance in its field, or a model of important research.
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry
American Mathematical Society
The award is made for a notable research work in geometry or topology that has appeared in the last six years. The work must be published in a recognized, peer-reviewed venue.
Albert Leon Whiteman Memorial Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Whiteman Prize recognizes notable exposition and exceptional scholarship in the history of mathematics.
Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics (AMS-SIAM Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics)
American Mathematical Society
The Wiener Prize is awarded for an outstanding contribution to “applied mathematics in the highest and broadest sense.”
JPBM Communications Award
American Mathematical Society
This award is given each year to reward and encourage communicators who, on a sustained basis, bring mathematical ideas and information to non-mathematical audiences.
Mathematical Art Exhibition Award
American Mathematical Society
The Mathematical Art Exhibition Award recognizes “aesthetically pleasing works that combine mathematics and art.” In 2008, an anonymous donor provided an endowment to acknowledge those whose works demonstrate the beauty and elegance of mathematics expressed in a visual art form.
John P. Sikula Unit Awards
Association of Teacher Educators
The Association of Teacher Educators has established a national Unit Awards Program sponsored by Past President John Sikula. This program recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of affiliated units across the country. ATE units provide essential services and programs at the local and state levels, thereby supporting the national organization’s mission and goals. The Awards Program is a vehicle for ATE to provide visibility and distinction to units that fulfill the performance criteria indicated.
South Arts State Fellowships: $5,000
South Arts
The South Arts State Fellowship is a state-specific prize awarded to the artists whose work reflects the best of the visual arts in the South.
South Arts Southern Prize: $25,000 and $10,000
South Arts
The nine State Fellowship recipients will compete for the South Arts Southern Prize. The $25,000 Southern Prize will be awarded to the artist whose work exhibits the highest artistic excellence, and one finalist will be awarded a $10,000 Prize, also based on artistic excellence.
FCHS Article Prize
French Colonial Historical Society
The French Colonial Historical Society (FCHS) is pleased to announce the call for submissions for its 2022 Article Prize. The competition is open to all articles dealing with French Colonial history published in 2021 in either English or French, irrespective of geographic focus or time period. We especially encourage submissions from early career scholars and from scholars based outside of North America. The winner receives a complementary one-year membership to FCHS, along with registration to the annual conference, a small monetary award, and a certificate.
Women’s Caucus – Émilie Du Châtelet Award
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Émilie Du Châtelet Award is an annual prize of $500 made by the ASECS Women’s Caucus to support research in progress by an independent or adjunct scholar on a feminist or Women’s Studies subject. The award is open to members of ASECS who have received the PhD and who hold neither a tenured, tenure-track, or job-secure position in a college or university nor any permanent position that requires or supports the pursuit of research. Faculty emeritae are not eligible. The award is meant to fund works in progress, commensurate in scope with a scholarly article or book chapter, for which some research is already under way. To be eligible for the prize, projects must advance understanding of women’s experiences and/or contributions to eighteenth-century culture or offer a feminist analysis of any aspect of eighteenth-century culture and/or society.
Women’s Caucus – Editing and Translation Fellowship
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The ASECS Women’s Caucus Editing and Translation Fellowship, is an annual award of $1000 to support an editing or a translation work in progress of an eighteenth-century primary text on a feminist or a Women’s Studies subject. Editing and translation work of eighteenth-century texts in languages other than English are eligible. The award is open to all members of ASECS who have received a PhD. Proposals from Emeritae/i faculty that do not already have professional support for the project will also be considered. The award is meant to fund works-in-progress, commensurate in scope with a scholarly article to a longer scholarly and/or a classroom edition with a strong scholarly basis for which research and work is well under way, rather than work that is already completed.
ACM Distinguished Service Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding service contributions to the computing community as a whole. Individuals, or in special cases a small group, are selected on the basis of the value and degree of their service overall, including activities on behalf of the Association, other computer organizations, and/or other entities.
Grace Murray Hopper Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Grace Murray Hopper Award recognizes the outstanding young computer professional of the year, selected on the basis of a single recent major technical or service contribution. The candidate must have been 35 years of age or less at the time the qualifying contribution was made.
Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award is presented annually to an outstanding educator at a recognized educational baccalaureate institution, who is recognized for one or more of the following: advancing new teaching methodologies, effecting new curriculum development or expansion in Computer Science and Engineering, or making a significant contribution to the educational mission of the ACM. Special consideration is given to those who have been teaching for ten years or less.
ACM-AAAI Allen Newell Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM – AAAI Allen Newell Award is presented to an individual selected for career contributions that have breadth within computer science, or that bridge computer science and other disciplines. Artificial intelligence will often be the linchpin of such contributions, but it need not be in general, as nominations centered on other areas of computer science are also welcome when they combine significant breadth and bridging with a high level of impact.
Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award recognizes outstanding service contributions to the Association. Candidates are selected based on the value and degree of service overall, and may be given to up to three individuals each year.
ACM Policy Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM Policy Award was established in 2014 to recognize an individual or small group that had a significant positive impact on the formation or execution of public policy affecting computing or the computing community. This can be for education, service, or leadership in a technology position; for establishing an innovative program in policy education or advice; for building the community or community resources in technology policy; or other notable policy activity.
ACM Software System Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Software System Award recognizes an institution or individual(s) for developing a software system that has had a lasting influence on computing, as reflected in contributions to concepts, commercial acceptance, or both.
ACM Athena Lecturer Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
This award celebrates women researchers who have made fundamental contributions to Computer Science. Each year ACM honors a preeminent woman computer scientist as the Athena Lecturer. The Athena Lecturer gives a one-hour invited talk at a major ACM conference of her choice. A video of the talk is made available on the ACM website.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Sustainability in Nursing Education Lectureship Award
American Association of College of Nursing
This award recognizes outstanding contributions made by schools of nursing that champion diversity, inclusion, and sustainability in nursing education. Annual awards may be made to one school in each of the following categories: Public Colleges/Universities, Private College/Universities, Small Liberal Arts Colleges, and Academic Health Centers.
John Nau Book Prize
John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia
The John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia invites nominations for the 2022 John Nau Book Prize in American Civil War Era History. Titles published in 2021 will be eligible. The $25,000 prize focuses primarily on scholarship devoted to the war itself but is also open to works on the background and consequences of the conflict. Collections of essays or primary documents, works of fiction, and poetry should not be submitted.
Public Anthropologist Award (PUAN-A)
Brill and The Hague Academy of International Law
PUAN-A is awarded to a social and cultural anthropologist who has published an outstanding contribution that addresses – in innovative, engaging and compelling ways – key societal issues related to one or more of the following topics: violence, war, poverty, social movements, freedom, aid, rights, injustice, inequality, social exclusion, racism, health, and environmental challenges.
Folger Institute Research Fellowships
Folger Shakespeare Library
The Folger Shakespeare Library has embarked on a major renovation project. While this work is underway and Folger collections are unavailable for in-person consultation, the Folger Institute is committed to continuing its support of collections-based research, and to providing scholars with the resources they need to pursue and advance their work. The renovation offers the Institute the opportunity to create new kinds of awards and to make fellowships more adaptable. Effects of the global pandemic, ongoing at the time of this announcement, require that adaptability. In 2022–2023, Folger research fellowships will place value on many different forms and phases of scholarly enterprise as well as places to pursue it.
ACS Macro Letters/Biomacromolecules/Macromolecules Young Investigator Award
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The ACS Macro Letters/Biomacromolecules/Macromolecules Young Investigator Award recognizes two individuals, early in their careers, who have made a major impact on the field of polymer science. This award was established in 2013 and is administered and supported by the POLY division of the ACS, Biomacromolecules, Macromolecules, and ACS Macro Letters. The award is presented annually at the fall at the national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Our goal is to assemble the finest display of representational oil paintings. The focus in the jurying process will be to select paintings that show the highest quality in draftsmanship, color, and composition, emphasizing a diversity in representational style and subject matter. The total national awards will be approximately $100,000 in cash and merchandise, including a $25,000 Best In Show.
Ray and Pat Browne Awards: Best Single work by One or More Authors in Popular and American Culture
Pop Culture Association
Appropriate submissions will demonstrate and be judged on quality of research or scholarship, originality, and contribution to popular and American studies scholarship. While submissions may list more than one author, edited collections are not considered. This award is granted annually, to submissions published in the current year.
Ray and Pat Browne Awards: Best Edited Collection in Popular and American Culture
Pop Culture Association
Appropriate submissions/nominations for this award are edited and co-edited hard cover or paper bound books which feature academic inquiry from a range of scholars (i.e. the nominated volume is a collection of work by more than one or two contributors). Works published within the past year are eligible.
Ray and Pat Browne Awards: Best Edited Reference/ Primary Source Work in Popular and American Culture
Pop Culture Association
Appropriate submissions demonstrate research/scholarship based on primary source material. Such works may take the form of traditional annotated/ contextualized reference texts (encyclopedia, bibliography, album of artifacts/visual records, journals, etc.), or the form of more narrative explorations (anthology, etc.). Works published within the past three years are eligible.
John G. Cawelti Award for the Best Textbook/Primer
Pop Culture Association
The John G. Cawelti Award is given annually to recognize important scholarly texts that advance the study of popular and American culture. Nominees may include textbooks, primers, or scholarly books on Popular Culture and American Culture that employ innovative and unique approaches to popular and American culture in the classroom, and can highlight the overall importance and impact of popular and American culture in the past or present.
Susan Koppelman Award for the Best Anthology, Multi-Authored, or Edited Book in Feminist Studies in Popular and American Culture
Pop Culture Association
This award honors Susan Koppelman, a feminist literary historian and the editor of groundbreaking critical collections of American women’s short stories. The award recognizes groundbreaking feminist work in popular culture. Works published within in the past three years are eligible.
Emily Toth Award for Best Single Work in Women’s Studies
Pop Culture Association
This award honors Emily Toth, a pioneer in both Women’s Studies and in Popular Culture. Appropriate submissions demonstrate scholarship that makes a significant contribution to the fields of Women’s Studies and Popular Culture. Works published within the past three years are eligible.
John Leo and Dana Heller Award for Best Single Work, Anthology, Multi-authored, or Edited Book in LGBTQ Studies
Pop Culture Association
This award honors the works and contributions to the PCA and to LGBTQ studies by John Leo and Dana Heller. Appropriate submissions demonstrate scholarship that makes a significant contribution to studies in the understanding and representation of LGBTQ people in popular culture. Works published within the past three years are eligible.
Henry Shaw and Katrina Hazzard-Donald Award for Outstanding Work in African-American Popular Culture Studies
Pop Culture Association
This award honors the work of pioneering cultural theorists Harry Shaw and Katrina Hazzard-Donald. Appropriate submissions demonstrate research, scholarship, and discourse that makes a significant contribution to the field of African-American Popular Culture. Works published within the past three years are eligible.
Peter C. Rollins and Susan W. Rollins Award for the Best Documentary Film
Pop Culture Association
This award honors Peter and Susan Rollins who worked for many years in the nexus between Popular Culture, film, and history. Appropriate submissions include documentaries in Popular and American Culture. Works produced within the past three years are eligible.
Allen Ellis Digital Research Award in Popular Culture
Pop Culture Association
This award recognizes the outstanding contribution of an academic database to the study of Popular Culture and American Culture developed within the past three years. Criteria wil include use of hypertext/networking, use of supplementary/secondary materials, breadth of archived material, and ease of searching and updatability.
Schulman and Bullard Article Prize
Association of Print Scholars
The Association of Print Scholars invites applications for the Schulman and Bullard Article Prize. The Prize is given annually to an article published by an early-career scholar that features compelling and innovative research on fine art prints or printmaking (versus printed matter). The award, which carries a $2,000 prize, is generously sponsored by Susan Schulman and Carolyn Bullard. Following the mission of the Association of Print Scholars, articles can feature aspects of printmaking across any geographic region and all chronological periods. Articles will be evaluated by a panel of advanced scholars and print experts for the author’s commitment to the use of original research and the article’s overall contribution to the field of print scholarship.
Distinguished Service and Special Service Awards
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Distinguished Service and Special Service Awards honor individuals whose professional accomplishments have made a significant and lasting impact on the POLY Division the ACS. These individuals have not only fulfilled their duties and obligations for POLY, but gone above and beyond expectations. The Distinguished Service Award is a high honor for those that have served POLY and the Special Service Award is the highest honor presented in the Division for service to POLY. A member must receive the Distinguished Award before being considered for the Special Service Award. Typically, one or two distinguished service awards are given every year depending on the number and quality of the nominations, but there is no requirement that one of these awards be conferred every year. These awards are sponsored and administered by the POLY division of the ACS.
Women’s Caucus Intersectional Award
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Women’s Caucus Intersectional Award is an annual award of $500 made by the ASECS Women’s Caucus to encourage and recognize excellent intersectional scholarship on gender, race, and any additional intersectional dimensions with a focus on women in the eighteenth-century.
Phi Kappa Phi Scholar & Artist
Phi Kappa Phi
Art, Music, Theatre
Once per biennium, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Scholar and Artist Awards honor individuals who demonstrate the ideals of the Society through their lifelong activities, achievements and scholarship. The Artist Award was established in 1983 to recognize the achievements of those who, in addition to their outstanding scholarship, have displayed talents in the broad realm of the arts—creative, graphic, performing, visual and/or fine arts.
AMS Congressional Fellowship
American Mathematical Society
Eligible applicants will be invited to apply for the 2022-23 AMS Congressional Fellowship beginning September 1, 2021. The fellowship provides a unique public policy learning experience, demonstrates the value of science-government interaction, and brings a technical background and external perspective to the Congressional decision-making process
Jessie Bernard Award
American Sociological Association
The Jessie Bernard Award is given in recognition of scholarly work inclusive of research, teaching, mentoring, and service that has enlarged the horizons of sociology to encompass fully the role of women in society. The contribution may be in empirical research, theory, or methodology. It is presented for significant cumulative work done throughout a professional career that demonstrate broad scholarly impact. The award is open to people of all genders and is not restricted to sociologists.
SI Leeds Literary Prize
SI Leeds Literary Prize
The SI Leeds Literary Prize is open to Black and Asian women writers aged 18 or over, based in the UK and writing fiction in English.
Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellowship in 18th-Century Scottish Studies
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellowship in 18th-Century Scottish Studies is co-sponsored by the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (ECSSS), the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS), and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh (IASH). The Fellowship is for two to six months and may be taken at any time of the year. The Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellowship honours two outstanding scholars of eighteenth-century Scottish literature and culture, Professor David Daiches (1912–2005) and Professor Susan Manning (1953–2013). David Daiches was the second Director of IASH, 1980–1986, and was the first recipient of ECSSS’s Lifetime Achievement Award, presented at the Society’s first annual conference in 1987. Susan Manning served as Director of IASH from 2005 until her death in 2013. She was President of ECSSS from 1994 to 1996, and continuously as a member of the ECSSS Executive Board from 1994 to 2013. She was awarded the ECSSS Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously in May 2013. Although both David Daiches and Susan Manning had broad intellectual interests and expertise, each made a particularly important contribution to eighteenth-century Scottish studies as an interdisciplinary and international research field.
Wiley Silver Book Prize
Center for Civil War Research
The Center for Civil War Research established the Wiley-Silver Prize in Civil War History in 2011. The Center presents the prize to the best first book, thereby recognizing and encouraging new and emerging scholars in the history of the American Civil War. The prize is named for two distinguished former members of the University’s History Department faculty, Bell Irvin Wiley and James W. Silver.
Mary Alice and Philip Boucher Prize
French Colonial Historical Society
The French Colonial Historical Society awards the Boucher Prize in honor of long term members and active supporters, Mary Alice and Philip Boucher, annually recognizing the the best volume published in the preceding year dealing with the French colonial experience from the 16th century to 1815. Books from any academic discipline will be considered, providing that they approach the French colonial experience from a historical perspective.
Alf Andrew Heggoy Book Prize
French Colonial Historical Society
The French Colonial Historical Society awards the Heggoy prize in honor of founding member, Alf Andrew Heggoy, annually in recognition of the best volume published in the preceding year dealing with the French colonial experience from 1815 to the present*. Books from any academic discipline will be considered, providing that they approach the French colonial experience from a historical perspective.
John Hope Franklin Publication Prize
American Studies Association
American Studies
The John Hope Franklin Publication Prize is distributed yearly and honors the most outstanding book published in American studies for the year preceding the annual meeting.
Lora Romero First Book Prize
American Studies Association
American Studies
The Lora Romero First Book Prize is awarded every year to the best first book published in American studies that highlights intersectional dynamics in the study of race, gender, class, sexuality, and/or nation. Recipients of the award receive a lifetime membership in the association.
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching of Anthropology Award
American Anthropological Association
Established in 1997 to recognize outstanding anthropology teachers, this award is a prestigious, nomination-only, annual award for educators who have impacted the discipline through outstanding teaching and inspiration to their students. Successful teaching of anthropology is at the core of producing successful anthropologists.
Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars
American Mathematical Society
The Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars seeks to address the paucity of women at the highest levels of research in mathematics by giving exceptionally talented women extra research support during their mid-career years. The fellowships are open only to women.
Charles S. Sydnor Award
Southern Historical Association
The Charles S. Sydnor Award is given in recognition of a distinguished book in southern history published in odd-numbered years and awarded in even-numbered years.
Chemistry Division Mentor Awards
Council on Undergraduate Research
CUR’s Chemistry Division seeks to honor exceptional mentoring and advising by higher education faculty across all subdisciplines of chemistry with Outstanding Mentorship Awards.
Distinguished Service Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
NABT members and friends are invited to nominate outstanding scientists, science communicators, and educators to receive the NABT Distinguished Service Award, which was established in 1988 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Association. Nominees should be nationally recognized scientists who have made major contributions to biology education through their research, writing, and/or teaching. Recipients are honored at the NABT Professional Development Conference. In addition to the nomination form, please send (1) a written description of the candidate’s qualifications and (2) a detailed biographical summary to
Evolution Education Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
The Evolution Education Award, sponsored by BSCS, recognizes innovative classroom teaching and/or community education efforts to promote the accurate understanding of biological evolution. This award is presented to K-12 teachers in odd-numbered years and undergraduate educators in even-numbered years. The award includes a combined $1,000 honorarium ($500 from each sponsor), a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT.
Genetics Education Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
Sponsored by the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) and the Genetics Society of America (GSA), the Genetics Education Award recognizes innovative, student-centered classroom instruction to promote the understanding of genetics and its impact on inheritance, health, and biological research. The award includes a combined $1000 honorarium ($500 from each sponsor), a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT.
The Ron Mardigian Biotechnology Teaching Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
The Ron Mardigian Biotechnology Teaching Award, sponsored by Bio-Rad Laboratories, recognizes a teacher who demonstrates outstanding and creative teaching of biotechnology in the classroom. The award is given to secondary school teachers in even-numbered years, college/university instructors in odd-numbered years. The award may be given for either a short-term series of activities or a long-term integration of biotechnology into the curriculum. The lessons must include active laboratory work and encompass major principles as well as processes of biotechnology. Criteria for selection include creativity, scientific accuracy and currency, quality of laboratory practice and safety, ease of replication, benefit to students and potential significance beyond the classroom. The award includes a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, one-year complimentary membership to NABT and up to $500 toward travel to the NABT Professional Development Conference and Bio-Rad materials.
Article Prize
American Philosophical Association
SPSSI Action Teaching Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) has established an annual Action Teaching Award for high-impact teaching that contributes to peace, social justice, or sustainable living at the same time as it educates students. Specifically, the award will recognize an innovative and effective example of action teaching that addresses a pressing social issue such as climate change, immigration, human rights, income inequality, domestic violence, animal protection, or intergroup conflict.
Eludia Award
Hidden River Arts
The Eludia Award is offered annually for a first book-length unpublished novel or collection of stories. The prize is open to women writers age 40 and older, who do not yet have a book-length publication of fiction. (Book length publications in other genres are fine. Self-publishing IS publishing, and will disqualify the fiction manuscript.)
Professional Development Excellence Award
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Athletic Training
ACM – IEEE-CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
Administered jointly by ACM and IEEE Computer Society, the ACM – IEEE-CS Eckert-Mauchly Award is given for contributions to computer and digital systems architecture where the field of computer architecture is considered at present to encompass the combined hardware-software design and analysis of computing and digital systems.
Arts Innovation Award
Arts School Network
Designed to recognize schools committed to taking innovative artistic risks, this award is presented to a school that has “broken the mold” in using the arts as a vehicle for teaching academics and/or making a positive difference in the lives of students and/or the community.
Arts Integration School Award
Arts School Network
This award is presented to a school that has demonstrated leadership in bringing arts integration strategies into the curriculum. This school will have demonstrated an outstanding record of supporting such approaches as: dedicating resources to bringing in outside professional teaching artists to complement the work of staff arts specialists, who team-teach with other core curriculum teachers across content area; supporting professional development on arts integration for teachers; writing into school improvement plans, or the like, commitments to implement arts-integrated curriculum across different grade levels. Principal leadership is key, and evidence of teacher buy-in and commitment a requisite.
Community Partnership Award
Arts School Network
Intended to recognize arts schools and/or businesses that implement unique artistic and/or educational partnerships, this award is presented to a school or business that embraces the community by utilizing the arts and education as a vehicle for fostering artistic and educational understanding and community enhancement.
Dr. Denise Davis-Cotton Emerging Leader Award
Arts School Network
Designed to recognize excellence and achievement among rising arts schools administrators and to highlight the educational innovation practices or programs of those leaders.
Higher Education
Arts School Network
This national award recognizes postsecondary institutions or arts partnership programs in higher education for their continuous support of the sustainability of quality arts education in K-12 schools.
Outstanding Arts School Award
Arts School Network
This award is presented to a school with an outstanding record of overall excellence in the categories of faculty and student achievement, community recognition and involvement, arts and academics integration, curriculum innovations, continuing growth and development, and state and national recognition.
New and Emerging School Award
Arts School Network
This award is presented to a promising young school in its first three years of development. Designed to recognize schools that exemplify solid planning and well-defined goals, this award is given to a new school that demonstrates promise as an emerging school of excellence.
Outstanding Arts School Alumni Achievement Award
Arts School Network
This award is designed to honor an outstanding alum that was enrolled in an Arts Schools Network member school. Created for the purpose of fostering artistic and academic achievement in talented young people, this honor is bestowed annually upon one former student whose commitment to excellence is demonstrated through outstanding accomplishment in the areas of citizenship, arts, and academics.
Research Initiative: Institution/Organization/Corporation Award
Arts School Network
This award recognizes an individual who has completed research in arts education, either in an Arts Schools Network member school or about issues pertinent to ASN schools. The research may be qualitative or quantitative. Supporting documents may include publications. Individual researchers may apply directly or be nominated by someone else.
Teacher of the Year Award
Arts School Network
Because the foundation of an excellent arts education lies in the talents and dedication of outstanding artist mentors and teachers, this annual award recognizes a teacher whose commitment, abilities and achievements are exemplary.
Jeffrey Lawrence Award
Arts School Network
This award is granted to the head of an Arts Schools Network school who exemplifies an uncompromising commitment to excellence in arts education and arts training. Named in honor of the long-time head of the Professional Children’s School in New York, this is the most coveted award presented by ASN to an arts administrator.
Distinguished Achievement in Accounting Education Award
American Institute of CPAs
A. M. Turing Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The A. M. Turing Award is ACM’s oldest and most prestigious award. It is presented annually to an individual who has made lasting contributions of a technical nature to the computing community.
Gordon Bell Prize
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Gordon Bell Prize is awarded each year to recognize outstanding achievement in high-performance computing. The purpose of the award is to track the progress over time of parallel computing, with particular emphasis on rewarding innovation in applying high-performance computing to applications in science, engineering, and large-scale data analytics. Prizes may be awarded for peak performance or special achievements in scalability and time-to-solution on important science and engineering problems.
Charles Taylor Book Award
American Political Science Association
Political Science
The Award will go to a book exploring any aspect of political life that addresses problems and topics in interpretive methodologies, or reports the results of empirical research using interpretive methods. Thus, the book might engage with the philosophy of interpretive political and social science, reflect upon methodological issues arising from interpretive research, and/or take the form of an empirical study that pursues interpretive research.
International Latino Book Awards
International Latino Book Awards
With these awards the objective has been to recognize the greatness in both Latino writers and in non-Latinos who are writing on Latino topics. With the Book Awards we’ve honored 3,194 authors and publishers over the years. While 85% of our winners are not yet well known, the Awards has also proven to be an appropriate launching pad for the next generation of authors who are with smaller publishing houses.
EuroSEAS Humanities Book Prize
European Association for Southeast Asian Studies
Archeology, Art History, History, English, Music, Religious Studies
The EuroSEAS Humanities Book Prize for the best academic book on Southeast Asia published in the humanities – including archaeology, art history, history, literature, performing arts and religious studies.
EuroSEAS Social Science Book Prize
European Association for Southeast Asian Studies
Anthropology, Economics, Law, Political Science, International relations, Sociology
The EuroSEAS Social Science Book Prize for the best academic book on Southeast Asia published in the social sciences – including anthropology, economics, law, politics and international relations, and sociology
Public Interest Section Accounting Exemplar Award
American Accounting Association
The Public Interest Section Accounting Exemplar Award is given to either an accounting educator or an accounting practitioner (broadly defined) who has made notable contributions to professionalism and ethics in accounting education and/or practice.
ASA Outstanding Service Award
African Studies Association
African Studies
The ASA Outstanding Service award seeks to recognize individuals and / or organizations that have distinguished themselves through their dedication to the ASA’s mission by: facilitating the production of knowledge about Africa and its diasporas; its dissemination within the academy or in civil society; and/or by establishing or supporting collaborations and exchanges between institutions in the global north and in Africa. The awardee(s) receive a plaque and lifetime membership in the ASA.
Bethwell A. Ogot Book Prize
African Studies Association
African Studies
The Bethwell A. Ogot Book Prize of the African Studies Association is awarded annually at the ASA Annual Meeting to the author of the best book on East African Studies published in the previous calendar year. Initiated in 2012, the award was made possible by a generous bequest from the estate of the late Professor Kennell Jackson, the award honors the eminent historian, Professor Bethwell A. Ogot. The winner of the Ogot Book Prize is announced each year at the ASA Annual Meeting, where he or she receives an honorarium of $500. A list of the finalists for the Prize is published in the Annual Meeting program.
Conover-Porter Award
African Studies Association
African Studies
The Conover-Porter Award is the most prestigious award for published works of bibliography or reference on Africa. Any Africa-related reference work, bibliography, or bibliographic essay published separately or as part of a larger work since 2019 can be nominated for the award.
Paul Hair Prize
African Studies Association
African Studies
The Paul Hair Prize is presented in odd-numbered years to recognize the best critical edition or translation into English of primary source materials on Africa published during the preceding two years. The next prize will be awarded in 2023. The award is administered by the Association for the Preservation and Publication of African Historical Sources (APPAHS). It is announced at the African Studies Association Annual Meeting.
Excellence in Wildlife Education Award
The Wildlife Society
Award for exemplary teaching and contributions to the improvement of wildlife education.
Photography Competition
Allard Prize
The bi-annual Allard Photography Competition, which recognizes photographic excellence reflecting the ideals of the Allard Prize, is adjudicated by the Allard Prize Committee and Maxe Fisher, Associate Professor, Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media, Emily Carr University of Art + Design. Photographers are enouraged to submit entries year-round. Entries should reflect themes of courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, the rule of law, and of human rights and/or anti-corruption generally. We also particularly welcome entries that depict corruption and human rights violations in the developed world.
Willi Paul Adams Award
Organization of American Historians
The Willi Paul Adams Award is given biennially by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book on American history published in a language other than English. The award (formerly the Foreign Language Book Prize) is named for Willi Paul Adams, who was an active member of OAH in Germany and a tireless advocate of the internationalization of American history.
Stansky Book Prize
North American Conference on British Studies
The Stansky Book Prize of $500 is awarded annually by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best book published anywhere by a North American scholar on any aspect of British studies since 1800. The author must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada and be living in either country at the time of the award. Nominations may be made by the author or by the publisher of the book. A publisher may nominate more than one title each year but should use discretion and not overburden the Prize Committee.
John Ben Snow Prize
North American Conference on British Studies
The JOHN BEN SNOW PRIZE is a $500 prize awarded annually by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best book by a North American scholar in any field of British Studies dealing with the period from the Middle Ages through the eighteenth century. The author must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada and be living in either country at the time of the award. Nominations may be made by the author or by the publisher of the book nominated. A publisher may nominate more than one title each year but should use discretion and not overburden the Prize Committee.
Walter D. Love Prize
North American Conference on British Studies
The Walter D. Love Prize in History is a $150 award given annually by the North American Conference on British Studies for the best article or paper of similar length or scope by a North American scholar in the field of British history. The 2022 prize will be awarded to an article published during the calendar year 2021. The prize journal article or paper, which may be published anywhere in the world, should exhibit a humane and compassionate understanding of the subject, imagination, literary grace, and scrupulous scholarship. It should also make a significant contribution to its field of study.
Judith R. Walkowitz Article Prize
North American Conference on British Studies
The Judith R. Walkowitz Article Prize is awarded annually for the best published article on issues relating to gender and sexuality in British culture. It honors Professor Walkowitz’s outstanding work in the history of gender, sexuality and culture and her influence in the field of British Studies and on the community of scholars who participate in it. The prize is open to scholars resident in North America working in any time period and in any discipline in British Studies, and carries a cash award of $150.
Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize
Society for East Asian Anthropology
The Society for East Asian Anthropology invites submissions for the 2022 Francis L.K. Hsu Book Prize. A prize of $300 is given to the English-language book published in the previous calendar year (2021) judged to have made the most significant contribution to the field. The prize is named for the late Francis L.K. Hsu (1909-2000), renowned cross-cultural anthropologist and former president (1977-78) of the American Anthropological Association.
Behavioral Research in Accounting Best Paper Award
Accounting and Behavior Organization: American Accounting Association
The Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA) Best Paper Award was established by the ABO Section Publications Committee to recognize annually a paper published in BRIA with the greatest impact or potential impact on behavioral and/or organizational research in accounting.
Paul Birdsall Prize
American Historical Association
The Birdsall Prize is awarded biennially for the most important work published in English on European military or strategic history since 1870. Preference will be given to the international aspects of military history (military/diplomatic), but the impact of technological developments, strategic planning, and military events on society—political, economic, social—will also qualify.
Albert B. Corey Prize
American Historical Association
The Albert B. Corey Prize, awarded for the first time in 1967, is sponsored jointly by the American Historical Association and the Canadian Historical Association. This biennial prize is awarded in even numbered years for the best book on Canadian-American relations or on the history of both countries.
James Harvey Robinson Prize
American Historical Association
The James Harvey Robinson Prize is awarded biennially for the teaching aid which has made the most outstanding contribution to the teaching and learning of history in any field for public or educational purposes.
Joan Kelly Memorial Prize
American Historical Association
Established in 1984 and named in memory of Joan Kelly (1928–82), this prize is awarded annually for the book in women’s history and/or feminist theory that best reflects the high intellectual and scholarly ideals exemplified by the life and work of Joan Kelly. The prize was established by the Coordinating Committee on Women in the Historical Profession and the Conference Group on Women’s History (now the Coordinating Council for Women in History), and is administered by the American Historical Association. To be eligible for consideration, submissions shall be books in any chronological period, any geographical location, or in an area of feminist theory that incorporates a historical perspective. Books should demonstrate originality of research, creativity of insight, graceful stylistic presentation, analytical skills, and a recognition of the important role of sex and gender in the historical process. The inter-relationship between women and the historical process should be addressed.
Herbert Baxter Adams Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Herbert Baxter Adams Prize annually for a distinguished book published in English in the field of European history. The Adams prize was established in 1905 in memory of the first secretary of the Association, Herbert Adams of Johns Hopkins University, who was also one of the Association’s founders. The Adams Prize and the Leo Gershoy Award (also bestowed by the AHA) are widely considered to be the most prestigious prizes in the field of European history.
George Lewis Beer Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the George Louis Beer Prize in recognition of outstanding historical writing in European international history since 1895. This prize was established in accordance with the terms of a bequest by George Louis Beer (1872–1920), historian of the British colonial system before 1765, to be awarded annually for the best work on any phase of European international history since the year 1895 that is submitted by a scholar who is a United States citizen or permanent resident.
Jerry Bentley Prize
American Historical Association
In 2014 the American Historical Association established the Jerry Bentley Prize in World History, which honors Jerry Bentley’s tireless efforts to promote the field of world history, and his signal contributions to it. A professor at the University of Hawaii, Bentley was one of the leading figures in the world history movement and the founding editor of the Journal of World History.
Albert J. Beveridge Award
American Historical Association
The award is given for a distinguished book in English on the history of the United States, Latin America, or Canada, from 1492 to the present. Books that employ new methodological or conceptual tools or that constitute significant reexaminations of important interpretive problems will be given preference. Literary merit is also an important criterion.
James Henry Breasted Prize
American Historical Association
Established in 1985 and named in honor of James Henry Breasted, a pioneer in ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern history and president of the Association in 1928, this prize is offered for the best book in English in any field of history prior to CE 1000. The prize was endowed by Joseph O. Losos, a longtime member of the Association.
Patricia Buckley Ebrey Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Patricia Buckley Ebrey Prize annually for a distinguished book in the history of China proper, Vietnam, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, or Japan, prior to 1800. It honors Patricia Buckley Ebrey, a historian of China, professor emerita at the University of Washington at Seattle, and winner of the 2014 Award for Scholarly Distinction, the Shimada Prize for East Asian Art History, and the Levenson Prize from the Association of Asian Studies.
John K. Fairbank Prize
American Historical Association
The John K. Fairbank Prize in East Asian History is offered annually for an outstanding book in the history of China proper, Vietnam, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, or Japan, substantially after 1800. It honors the late John K. Fairbank, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History and director of the East Asian Research Center at Harvard University, and president of the Association in 1968.
Morris D. Forkosch Prize
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Morris D. Forkosch Prize annually in recognition of the best book in English in the field of British, British imperial, or British Commonwealth history since 1485. Submission of books relating to the shared common law heritage of the English-speaking world are particularly encouraged in memory of the late Professor Forkosch’s contributions to the field of legal studies and legal history.
Leo Gershoy Award
American Historical Association
The prize is awarded annually to the author of the most outstanding work published in English on any aspect of the fields of 17th- and 18th-century western European history.
William and Edwyna Gilbert Award
American Historical Association
The William and Edwyna Gilbert Award for the Best Article on Teaching History annually recognizes outstanding contributions to the teaching of history through the publication of articles in journals, magazines, and other serials. Originally the “William Gilbert Award,” named in memory of William Gilbert, a longtime AHA member and distinguished scholar-teacher of the Renaissance at the University of Kansas, it was renamed the William and Edwyna Gilbert Award in 2012 after Edwyna Gilbert passed away and left additional funds to supplement the original bequest for the award.
Friedrich Katz Prize
American Historical Association
The prize will be awarded annually to the best book published in English focusing on Latin America, including the Caribbean.
ASA Best Book Prize
African Studies Association
African Studies
The ASA presents the ASA Best Book Prize to the author of the most important scholarly work in African studies published in English during the preceding year.
IPE Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The International Political Economy (IPE) Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes outstanding senior scholars whose influence and path-breaking intellectual work will continue to impact the international political economy field for years to come. We particularly welcome nominations of innovative scholars who have contributed sophisticated new theories and methods for analyzing the international political economy, and who have made lasting contributions to fostering a stimulating and inclusive ISA community in additional areas, such as mentoring and service in the International Studies Association, or other areas the nominator may choose to highlight. To reflect the international and inclusive nature of our section, we encourage diversity in nominations according to intellectual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion, and geography.
ABO Notable (Lifetime) Contribution Award in Behaviorial Accounting Literature
Accounting and Behavior Organization: American Accounting Association
This is a Lifetime Contribution Award given to an individual who has contributed substantially to the theory and practice of behavioral accounting research during the individual’s academic career.
ASA Cover Art Prize
African Studies Association
African Studies
The ASA Cover Art Prize shall be open to all living artists of Africa and the global African diaspora and artists of all heritages whose work directly addresses the theme of the Annual Meeting, over the age of 18 years from the announcement of the competition. The ASA Program Cover Art Prize is not open to work by deceased artists. The artwork must be suitable for 2D reproduction on the cover of the Annual Program; suitable art includes, but is not limited to painting, drawing, photography, collage, or other 2D artwork, such as photograph stills of a sculpture, installation, or performance. The artwork will be reproduced with additional information, including the title of the program theme, ASA logo, and the dates and place of the Annual Meeting.
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Archeological Institute of America
The Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award Committee invites nominations for the 2023 award. This prize may be awarded to up to one individual every year and includes a certificate of award. Individuals worthy of this award must have demonstrated excellence in the teaching of archaeology; developed innovative teaching methods or interdisciplinary curricula; a minimum of five years of teaching experience prior to being nominated, currently be engaged in teaching; and have been AIA members in good standing for at least two consecutive years.
Four-Year College & University Section Biology Teaching Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
This award, sponsored by NABT’s Four-Year College & University Section, recognizes creativity and innovation in undergraduate biology teaching. These innovations may include, but are not limited to, curriculum design, teaching strategies, and laboratory utilization; they must have been implemented and demonstrated to be effective. Additionally, award winners will agree to present their work during the Undergraduate Faculty Professional Development Summit at the NABT Conference. The award is open to NABT members and includes a $500 honorarium, recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT.
Four-Year College & University Section Research in Biology Education Award
National Association of Biology Teachers
This award, sponsored by NABT’s Four-Year College & University Section, recognizes creativity and innovation in research that furthers our understanding of undergraduate biology teaching and education. These innovations may include, but are not limited to, scholarship and research in biology education. Additionally, award winners will agree to present their work during the NABT Research Symposium at the NABT Conference. The award is open to NABT members and includes a $500 honorarium, recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and one-year complimentary membership to NABT.
ACM – IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM – IEEE-CS Ken Kennedy Award was established in memory of Ken Kennedy, the founder of Rice University’s nationally ranked computer science program and one of the world’s foremost experts on high-performance computing. It recognizes outstanding contributions to programmability or productivity in high-performance computing, together with significant community service or mentoring contributions.
Centennial Fellowship
American Mathematical Society
The primary selection criterion for the Centennial Fellowship is the excellence of the candidate’s research. A recipient of the fellowship shall have held his or her doctoral degree for at least three years and not more than twelve years at the inception of the award. Applications will be accepted from those currently holding a tenured, tenure track, post-doctoral, or comparable (at the discretion of the selection committee) position at an institution in North America. The amount of the fellowship varies each year.
Diana Forsythe Prize
Committe for the Anthropology of Science, Technology & Computing
The Diana Forsythe Prize was created in 1998 to celebrate the best book or series of published articles in the spirit of Diana Forsythe’s feminist anthropological research on work, science, or technology, including biomedicine. The prize is awarded annually at the AAA meeting by a committee consisting of one representative from the Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) and two from CASTAC. It is supported by the General Anthropology Division (GAD) and Bern Shen.
Anne Braden Prize
Southern Historical Association
The Anne Braden Prize was established in 2020 to commemorate the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, recognizing the right of women to vote. The Braden Prize recognizes an article in a journal or edited book focusing on Southern women’s history. Articles on women from every racial, ethnic, class, or subregional background are welcome.
John W. Blassingame Award
Southern Historical Association
The John W. Blassingame Award, established in 2004, honors distinguished scholarship and mentorship in African American history.
John Hope Franklin Lifetime Achievement Award
Southern Historical Association
The John Hope Franklin Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded every four years to recognize an individual who has had a distinguished career in southern history, has contributed significantly to scholarship in the field, and who has exhibited outstanding qualities of citizenship.
María Elena Martínez Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The CLAH Book Prize in Mexican History will be awarded annually to an outstanding book on Mexican history published in English or Spanish in the calendar year prior to the year in which the award committee makes its decision.
Distinguished Service Award
Conference on Latin American History
The Conference on Latin American History Award for Distinguished Service to the profession was established in 1969 by the General Committee and approved in 1971. The following guidelines are based upon the relevant CLAH By-Laws. Requirements of the Award: The award shall be conferred upon a person whose career in scholarship, teaching, publishing, librarianship, institutional development or other fields demonstrates significant contributions to the advancement of the study of Latin American history in the United States.
Susan M. Socolow and Lyman L. Johnson Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The Susan M. Socolow and Lyman L. Johnson Chile-Río de la Plata book prize was established in 2018. It carries a stipend of $500. The prize is awarded biennially to the book judged to make the most significant contribution to the history of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Books appearing in the two calendar years just preceding may be considered for a given year’s award. Hence, items published in 2020 and 2021 will be considered for the award year 2022 (awarded at the meeting in January 2023).
Lewis Hanke Post-Doctoral Award
Conference on Latin American History
The Lewis Hanke Award carries a stipend of up to $1,500 given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient in order to conduct field research that will allow transformation of the dissertation into a book. This award was created through generous donations from students, colleagues, and family members of the late Lewis Hanke. It will be given annually to a recent Ph.D. recipient in order to conduct field research that will allow transformation of the dissertation into a book. Applicants must have completed their Ph.D. degrees in the field of Latin American history no more than four years prior to the closing date of the application. The award will be made by a committee appointed by the CLAH president and confirmed by the CLAH General Committee.
Lydia Cabrera Awards
Conference on Latin American History
Research award of up to $5000 given to support the study of Cuba between 1492 and 1868.
Warren Dean Memorial Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The Warren Dean Memorial Prize was established in 1995 and carries a stipend of $500. It recognizes the book or article judged to be the most significant work on the history of Brazil published in English during the year prior to the award year. Publications by scholars other than historians will be considered as long as the work has substantial historical content. Comparative works (e. g. on Brazil and another country) will be eligible as long as they include a substantial amount of material on Brazil.
Diana Forsythe Prize
Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology & Computing
The Diana Forsythe Prize was created in 1998 to celebrate the best book or series of published articles in the spirit of Diana Forsythe’s feminist anthropological research on work, science, or technology, including biomedicine. The prize is awarded annually at the AAA meeting by a committee consisting of one representative from the Society for the Anthropology of Work (SAW) and two from CASTAC. It is supported by the General Anthropology Division (GAD) and Bern Shen.
ISA Best Book Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The International Studies Annual Best Book Award is conferred for the best book in the field of international studies with a copyright dated the year before the nomination.
Exemplary Academic-Practice Partnership Award
American Association of College of Nursing
This annual award recognizes AACN member institutions involved in highly productive and model academic-practice partnerships.
Novice Faculty Teaching Awards
American Association of College of Nursing
The purpose of the AACN Novice Faculty Teaching Awards is to recognize excellence and innovation in the teaching of nursing by novice faculty at AACN member schools.
Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award
American Association of College of Nursing
The purpose of the AACN Excellence and Innovation in Teaching Award is to recognize excellence and innovation in the teaching of nursing at AACN member schools by faculty with more than five years of teaching experience. Faculty who teach in didactic and/or clinical settings will be considered for this award.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award
American Association of College of Nursing
The purpose of the AACN Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award is to recognize a faculty member who systematically investigates questions related to student learning and the conditions under which it occurs in order to improve outcomes.
Innovations in Professional Nursing Education
American Association of College of Nursing
This award recognizes the outstanding work of AACN member schools to re-envision traditional models for nursing education and lead programmatic change.
New Era for Academic Nursing Award
American Association of College of Nursing
These awards recognize AACN member institutions that have successfully implemented recommended strategies from AACN’s report Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing.
Sister Bernadette Armiger Award
American Association of College of Nursing
To recognize a nursing leader who has made significant contributions to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and its goals, to nursing education, and to the advancement of the profession.
Ruth Benedict Prize
Association for Queer Anthropology
The Ruth Benedict Prize is presented each year at the American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting to acknowledge excellence in a scholarly book written from an anthropological perspective about a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender topic. The Ruth Benedict Prize is awarded in each of two separate categories: one for a single-authored monograph and another for an edited volume. Submissions may be on any topic related to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, or other gender / sexual formations and categories from any world culture area. Topics may include the study of normativity, queer theory, and the social/historical construction of sexual and gender identities, discourses and categories. Authors may represent any scholarly discipline, but the material submitted must engage anthropological theories and methods.
GSC Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Global South Caucus of International Studies (GSCIS) Distinguished Scholar Award is presented annually at the ISA Convention in recognition of the senior scholar’s exceptional and ongoing contributions to the global South international studies reflected in his/her intellectual work, teaching, mentorship, and influence in the field. The award is rotated annually among five regions of the global South, which are collectively defined as Africa, Eurasia/North-South, Latin America/Caribbean, Middle East/North Africa, and South/Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The region in rotation for 2023 is Eurasia/North-South.
HR Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Human Rights Section’s Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes an individual whose lifetime achievements in scholarship, teaching, and mentoring have made a significant impact on the field of human rights.
Diplomatic Studies Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Diplomatic Studies Distinguished Scholar Award is presented annually at the ISA annual convention to recognize and honor a scholar whose work has had substantial influence on the study of diplomacy.
Carl Bode-Norman Holmes Pearson Prize
American Studies Association
American Studies
The Carl Bode-Norman Holmes Pearson Prize recognizes the outstanding achievement of an individual who has dedicated a lifetime of work to the mission and values of American studies. Recipients of the award receive lifetime membership in the association.
Angela Y. Davis Prize
American Studies Association
American Studies
The Angela Y. Davis Prize recognizes scholars who have applied or used their scholarship for the public good.
Mary C. Turpie Prize
American Studies Association
American Studies
The Mary C. Turpie Prize, established in 1993, is given to the candidate who has demonstrated outstanding abilities and achievement in American studies teaching, advising, and program development at the local or regional level.
DPLST Book Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
This biennial award is presented to the author(s) of the book that best advances the theoretical and empirical study of diplomacy. We especially welcome books that attempt to connect the study of diplomacy with broader issues and trends in the discipline.
HR Best Book Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The Human Rights Section’s Best Book Award recognizes an outstanding monograph in the field of human rights published within the past two years. Nominated books will be evaluated for excellence and impact in terms of germaneness, substance, originality, and timeliness.
Joseph Levenson Prize – Pre-1900 and Post-1900
Association for Asian Studies
Asian Studies, History
The Merlin Foundation, established by the late Audrey Sheldon, has provided for the two awards, one for works whose main focus is on China before 1900 and the other for works on post-1900 China. The prizes will be awarded to the English-language books that make the greatest contribution to increasing understanding of the history, culture, society, politics, or economy of China. In keeping with the broad scholarly interests of Joseph Levenson, special consideration will be given to books that, through comparative insights or groundbreaking research, promote the relevance of scholarship on China to the wider world of intellectual discourse
Carl S. Marvel Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Award
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Carl S. Marvel Award for Creative Polymer Chemistry Award was established in 1980 to recognize and encourage accomplishments and/or innovation of unusual merit in the field of basic or applied polymer science by younger scientists. The award is currently sponsored and administered by the POLY division of the ACS. Previously, the award was sponsored by Rohm and Haas Company (1908-2009) and Albelmarle Corporation (2011-2016). The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years in the spring at the national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Delbert Ray Fulkerson Prize (AMS-MOS)
American Mathematical Society
The Fulkerson Prize is awarded for outstanding papers in the area of discrete mathematics. The term “discrete mathematics” is interpreted broadly and is intended to include graph theory, networks, mathematical programming, applied combinatorics, applications of discrete mathematics to computer science, and related subjects.
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award
National Science Foundation
Charles Rufus Morey Book Award
The Charles Rufus Morey Book Award was established in 1953. It is presented for an especially distinguished book in the history of art, published in the English language. Preference is given in the award of the prize to books, including catalogues raisonnés, by a single author, but major publications in the form of articles or group studies may be included. Publication of documents or inventories, unless specifically in the context of an exhibition, are also eligible.
Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award
The Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for museum scholarship was established in 1980, in honor of the founding director of the Museum of Modern Art and a scholar of early-twentieth-century painting. This award is presented to the author or authors of an especially distinguished catalogue in the history of art, published in the English language under the auspices of a museum, library, or collection. Catalogues of public or private collections or significant portions thereof and exhibition catalogues are eligible.
Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for Smaller Museums, Libraries, Collections, and Exhibitions
In 2009, CAA established a second Barr award for the author(s) of catalogues produced by smaller museums, libraries, and collections with an annual operating budget of less than $10 million dollars.
Frank Jewett Mather Award
The Frank Jewett Mather Award, first presented in 1963 for art journalism, is named in honor of the art critic, teacher, and scholar who was affiliated with Princeton University until his death in 1953. It is awarded for significant published art criticism that has appeared in publication in a one-year period; the 2020 award year is September 1, 2018–August 31, 2019. The Mather award may be given for work that originated before the indicated period provided that such work extends into the award period. CAA welcomes nominees who have produced significant critical work in the field of visual arts over the past year.
SPE Insight Award
Society for Photographic Education
Given to an SPE member who demonstrates excellence in innovative teaching, sustained mentoring of colleagues or students, broad contribution to technical, critical, pedagogical, or visual aspects of the field, breadth or depth of exhibition or publication, and/or sustained presence in the field.
FTGS Early Career Award for Community Engagement
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
This award recognizes an early career feminist scholar for innovative and outstanding community engagement. This engagement could include traditional academic engagement in research, teaching and service, as well as policy impact, public awareness and/or activism. The aim of the award is to recognize those efforts to build communities and forge conversations about issues that are relevant to the FTGS but which often go unacknowledged or unrewarded by academic institutions.
Ignite Speaker Duckies Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Online Media Caucus’s Ignite Speaker Duckies Award recognizes an individual who has made a contribution to online media.
Artistic Excellence
Artists Network
Conference Grants
Spencer Foundation
The Conference Grant Program provides support to scholars to organize small research conferences, focused symposia, or other forms of convenings around important issues in education research. This program is intended to bring together researchers, community members, practitioners, policymakers, and other important collaborators whose expertise, substantive knowledge and practice, theoretical insight, or methodological expertise can be engaged in ways that help to build upon and advance education research.
Annual Leaves & Petals Art Competition
Fusion Art
For this competition, both 2D and 3D artists, worldwide, are invited to submit their best art depicting depicting flowers, leaves, herbs, plants, shrubs, bushes, hedges and other botanical or floral subjects. All artists, regardless of location or experience, are invited to submit their best representational and/or abstract art and photography.
Your Best Shot
New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA)
The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) invites photographers world-wide to submit images using any photographic process (print, image transfer, emulsion transfer, encaustic, black and white, etc.). Winners will receive $4,000 in cash awards, be featured in the NYC4PA Online Gallery and in the winners catalog. The Grand Prize winning image will be posted on the NYC4PA home page.
Research Grants on Education: Small
Spencer Foundation
The Small Research Grants Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We accept applications three times per year.
This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
Annual “Water/Seascape” Online Art Competition
Contemporary Art Gallery Online
Artists should submit their best representational and non-representational art related to the “Water/Seascape” theme. The “Water/Seascape” theme is considered to be any art with the subjects being scenes of coastal living, any ocean activities, seaside vistas, any related seashore subjects, and any type of body of water (ie. lakes, rivers, oceans, ponds, streams, etc.). The theme extends itself to anything water. Rain, drippy faucets, icebergs, etc. If the theme or major component of your piece is “Water” it satisfies the theme requirement. Here is the link to last years EXHIBITION, so as to better demonstrate this month’s theme.
This competition will be judged within three categories; Paintings, Photography and Mixed Media and 3D Work. Awards will be given for the top 6 to 8 works selected in each category, (this will be depend on the number submissions in each category). In addition, depending on the amount and the quality of all submissions received, additional awards will also be presented.
Francesco Guicciardini Prize for Best Book in Historical International Relations
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The Francesco Guicciardini Prize is given annually and recognizes the best book copyrighted in the previous calendar year on subjects related to historical international relations. The award is not intended for books written by disciplinary historians. Nor does it see History as a particular technique, such as the use of archives and other primary sources. Rather, it is aimed at histories of international relations and/or the use of history to illuminate theoretical, conceptual and analytical issues in IR. This year’s prize will be open to books with a copyright of 2020 or 2021.
IPE Best Book Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The International Political Economy Best Book Award recognizes an outstanding monograph in the field of IPE published within the past two years.
Out of Hand: Tradition Meets Tech
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Art-making is a process of modification. ‘Out of Hand’ is dedicated to exploring digital-assisted methods of expanding traditional practices. The exhibition focuses on how artworks can utilize the process of tuning, refining, or altering subjects, their contexts, or materials through the lens of digital aids. These aids could include photography, laser cutting, CNC machining, projection mapping, creative digital programs or software, virtual reality, and more.
Annual Pastel 100 Art Competition
Artists Network
Sarton Women’s Book Awards
Story Circle Network
The Sarton Women’s Book Awards are named in honor of May Sarton, who is remembered for her outstanding contributions to women’s literature as a memoirist, novelist, and poet. They are granted in four categories: Memoir; Contemporary Fiction (novels set entirely or primarily in the 21st century); Historical Fiction (includes novels set in the 20th century—#8 below); Middle Grades Fiction (prose, no graphic novels); Nonfiction: Biography, edited diaries, studies of women’s literature.
Gilda Prize
Story Circle Network
The Gilda Prize: “It’s Always Something” is named for Gilda Radner, whose comedic performances made her an entertainment legend and whose courage won our hearts. It is awarded for memoir and collections of personal essays that show us something important about the human spirit and make us laugh (even if we want to cry).
Aesthetica Art Prize
The Aesthetica Art Prize is a platform for the world’s best artists. The £10,000 award celebrates contemporary art in all its forms, offering opportunities for publication and exhibition at a major public gallery.
Arthus Kingsley Porter Award
The Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize was established in 1957, in memory of a founding member of the CAA and one of the first American scholars of art history. This award seeks to encourage high scholarly standards among younger members of the profession. The prize is awarded for a distinguished article published in The Art Bulletin during the previous calendar year (2019 for the 2020 award) by a scholar who is under the age of thirty-five or who has received the doctorate not more than ten years before acceptance of the article for publication.
Distinguished Teaching of Art Award
The Distinguished Teaching of Art Award, established in 1972, is presented to an artist of distinction who has developed a philosophy or technique of instruction based on his or her experience as an artist; has encouraged his or her students to develop their own individual abilities; and/or has made some contribution to the body of knowledge loosely called theory and understood as embracing technical, material, aesthetic, and perceptual issues.
Artist Award for Distinguished Body of Work
The Artist Award for a Distinguished Body of Work, first presented in 1988, is a peer award given to an artist for exceptional work through exhibitions, presentations, or performances mounted between September 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019. This award is presented to a living artist of national or international stature and must tie them to an exceptional recent exhibition.
Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement
The Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, first presented in 1988, celebrates the career of an artist who, among other distinctions, has demonstrated particular commitment to his or her work throughout a long career and has had an important impact nationally and internationally on the visual arts field.
Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art
The Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art, established in 2003, celebrates the career of an author of note and includes art criticism, art history, art biography, and/or art theory. The award is presented to an author who, among other distinctions, has demonstrated particular commitment to their work throughout a long career and has had an impact, nationally and internationally, on the field.
Distinguished Feminist Award
CAA presents two annual Distinguished Feminist Awards: one presented to a visual artist or designer who, through outstanding efforts in their practice or advocacy, has advanced the cause of equality for women in the arts; one presented to a scholar who, through outstanding efforts in their scholarship, curatorial practice, or advocacy, has advanced the cause of equality for women in the arts. This award was established in 2007 to honor a person who, through their art, scholarship, or advocacy, has advanced the cause of equality for women in the arts. From 1996 to 2008, this award was presented as an Annual Recognition Award by CAA’s Committee on Women in the Arts (CWA) at a ceremony at the Annual Conference.
CAA/American Institute for Conservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation Award
The CAA/AIC Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation was initiated in 1990 (as the “CAA/Heritage Preservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation”) for an outstanding contribution by one or more persons who, individually or jointly, have enhanced understanding of art through the application of knowledge and experience in conservation, art history, and art. The joint award with the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works was first presented in 2016.
Excellence in Diversity Award
The Excellence in Diversity Award, established in 2017, recognizes outstanding efforts in arts programming, projects, and/or scholarship to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. The award may be made to either an institution or individual for demonstrated and significant advancement of diversity in non-profit institutions such as colleges or universities, museums or galleries, foundations, and/or cultural agencies, especially in areas related to including, embracing, and/or enhancing opportunities for people of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, religions/faiths, genders, differing abilities, and/or sexual orientations.
Art Journal Award
NCA Research Cultivation Grants
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Research Cultivation Grant (RCG) supports NCA’s mission to “foster professional success in research.” The specific goal of the RCG is to facilitate first-time grant-seeking for those without prior grant experience and/or those desiring to build a foundation for future grant pursuits. In this sense, RCG is a grant-seeding program with both short-term and long-term promise. Funded projects will have the potential to make significant contributions to the study and practices of communication. RCG-funded projects will be those proposing innovative research (such as understudied domains, novel or creative methodologies), internationalization (focused on historically marginalized groups in non-U.S. contexts, for example), and/or engaged scholarship (such as research mobilized in non-academic contexts of pressing social, civic, and ethical concerns, or that translates communication theory into practice).
Advancing the Discipline Grants
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
NCA funds projects and events that advance the discipline of Communication. While there are many funding outlets for Communication scholars to seek support for academic disciplinary research, NCA is uniquely positioned to support work that is focused on the discipline itself. All funded activities must align with the goals of NCA’s strategic plan and have widespread impact that reaches beyond a single department, campus, or NCA unit. Proposals submitted through this request for proposals should be for one-time funding not to exceed $5,000. Preference is given to stand-alone projects/events, but partial funding of larger projects/events will be considered, provided the funding is allocated to a specific piece of the larger endeavor. Individual research projects will not be considered for funding.
Promotion of Communication in Emerging Democracies
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
Grant Funded by The Dale G. Leathers Memorial Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies. Proposals are being solicited that promote scholarship and teaching of Communication Studies to benefit emerging democracies and their peoples. Any activity which contributes to this goal is potentially eligible for funding. Such activities include (but are not limited to) the following: International travel for residents of emerging democracies to attend conferences or advanced training in Communication Studies; International travel for U.S. residents to disseminate Communication scholarship or to conduct training in Communication Studies in emerging democracies; Procuring and disseminating scholarly and instructional materials in Communication Studies for use by institutions within emerging democracies; Research about various topics in Communication conducted by residents of emerging democracies who would otherwise lack adequate support for such research; Research about communication phenomena in emerging democracies, which may be conducted by U.S. scholars or by others, and which promises to directly or indirectly promote effective communication practices.
Chadwick F. Alger Prize
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Chadwick F. Alger Prize recognizes the best single-authored book published in the previous calendar year on the subject of international organization and multilateralism. The Prize is awarded annually by the International Organization Section of the International Studies Association. The Award Committee is particularly interested in works dealing with the United Nations and/or with how international organizations interact with nongovernmental organizations and other local civil society actors, as reflected in the writings of Chadwick F. Alger. The committee is currently taking nominations of books published in 2021, to be awarded at the 2022 annual convention.
International Competitive Exhibit of Printmaking
IMPRINT calls to artists to submit works of printmaking, and will strive to explore the range of methods and results currently being achieved within the bounds of such processes.
FTGS Global South Feminist Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
This award is conceived to recognise the significant contributions of mid-career to senior scholars in and from the Global South to feminist and gender scholarship in IR broadly defined. Hegemonic Euro- and West-centrism often renders the important work of this category of scholars invisible as study after study from within and without the ISA has shown. Because their subjects, methods, sources, resources, theories and frameworks are evaluated according to standards of scholarship set by the Global North academy, this work is often devalued and invisibilized. At the same time, scholars from the North, feminist or not, draw upon these and other indigenous knowledges, often without acknowledgement, to better situate their own research on those contexts.
Thus, this award addresses the acknowledged tendency for epistemologies of the Global South to be marginalised and unaccounted for both in IR specifically, and global knowledge production in general, and for feminist scholarship to be diminished within the various disciplines. It aims to decentre whiteness, recognise other universes of knowledge, acknowledge the contributions of Global South studies to the global academy, and engender the decolonisation of the field of feminist and gender studies, and of international studies itself.
In doing these, the proposed award enhances the ongoing efforts at inclusion and transformation within the FTGS, complementing existing awards which recognise excellence in feminist research, while at the same time filling a gap in redefining excellence in more global and inclusive terms.
Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program
Spencer Foundation
The Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) Grants Program is intended to support education research projects that engage in collaborative and participatory partnerships with project budgets up to $400,000 and durations of up to three years. We accept Intent to Apply forms once a year in this program.
CPA International Juried Exhibition
Center for Photographic Art
The Center for Photographic Art (CPA) is excited to announce the 2022 International Juried Exhibition with $5,000 in awards! Forty-five juror-selected photographs will be exhibited from November 20 through December 30 in our historic gallery in Carmel, California, and vie for eight cash awards totaling $5,000. These photographs will also be featured in an online gallery on the CPA website along with an additional forty-five juror selected images.
Sayers “Bud” Miller Distinguished Educator Award
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Athletic Training
Emerging Educator Award
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Athletic Training
Bonnie J. McCay Junior Scholar Award
American Anthropological Association
The Anthropology & Environment Society (A&E), a section of the American Anthropological Association, is pleased to announce the Bonnie J. McCay Junior Scholar Award in recognition of McCay’s significant contributions to environmental anthropology, human ecology, marine affairs, and theories of governance. The award is for early-career scholars who have obtained a Ph.D. within the last five years.
J. I. Staley Prize
School for Advanced Research
The School for Advanced Research (SAR) presents the J. I. Staley Prize to a living author for a book that exemplifies outstanding scholarship and writing in anthropology. The award recognizes innovative works that go beyond traditional frontiers and dominant schools of thought in anthropology and add new dimensions to our understanding of the human species. It honors books that cross subdisciplinary boundaries within anthropology and reach out in new and expanded interdisciplinary directions.
IETHICS Section Book Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
Each year, the INTERNATIONAL ETHICS SECTION will award one prize of $200 for the best book published in the field of international ethics at the International Ethics section business meeting at the ISA Convention. The award recognizes a book that excels in originality, significance and rigor in the broadly defined field of international ethics. The subject matter of the book can be, but is not limited to, international descriptive ethics, international normative ethics, metaethics, comparative ethics, international religious ethics, international political theory, and international legal theory.
Ray Allen Billington Prize
Organization of American Historians
The Ray Allen Billington Prize is awarded biennially by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book on the history of native and/or settler peoples in frontier, border, and borderland zones of intercultural contact in any century to the present and to include works that address the legacies of those zones.
Annual Women Artists Art Competition
Fusion Art
Fusion Art is once again celebrating women artists with its 22nd quarterly online art competition. For the 5th Annual Women Artists art competition, the gallery invites both 2D and 3D submissions from women artists, only, regardless of their location or their experience or education in the art field.
Innovative Course Design Competition
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
To encourage excellence in undergraduate teaching of the eighteenth century, the Society invites proposals for the ASECS Innovative Course Design Competition, from members in any of its constituent disciplines. Proposals should be for a new course or for a new unit within an existing course; the course should never have been taught or have been taught very recently for the first time.
Bolton-Johnson Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The Bolton prize was established in 1956. It was enhanced in 2000 by a generous donation from Dr. John J. Johnson and is now the Bolton-Johnson Prize. It carries a stipend of $1,000. The Bolton-Johnson Prize is awarded for the best book in English on any significant aspect of Latin American History that is published anywhere during the imprint year previous to the year of the award. Sound scholarship, grace of style, and importance of the scholarly contribution are among the criteria for the award. Normally not considered for the award are translations, anthologies of selections by several authors, reprints or re-editions or works published previously, and works not primarily historiographical in aim or content. An Honorable Mention Award may be made for an additional distinguished work deemed worthy by the Bolton-Johnson Prize Committee.
James Alexander Robertson Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The James Alexander Robertson Prize is awarded annually for an article appearing (during the year preceding the award) in one of the four consecutive issues of the Hispanic American Historical Review (August 2021-May 2022) for the 2022 award, awarded at the conference in January, 2023). The article selected for the award is to be one that, in the judgment of the prize committee, makes an outstanding contribution to Latin American historical literature. An Honorable Mention Award (with no cash stipend) may be made for an additional distinguished article deemed worthy of the same by the Robertson Prize Committee.
Tibesar Prize
Conference on Latin American History
A Tibesar Prize Committee, annually named by the president of the Conference on Latin American History, will designate the most distinguished article published by The Americas for the volume year, which ends in the year before the award is announced.
Paul Vanderwood Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The Vanderwood Prize is awarded annually for a distinguished article on any significant aspect of Latin American history by a member of the CLAH, not appearing in the Hispanic American Historical Review or The Americas. The committee will consider nominated and self-nominated articles in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. To be eligible for the prize, authors must be members of the CLAH during the year the article is published and the year that it is considered for the award.
Young Industrial Polymer Scientist Award
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Young Industrial Polymer Scientist Award was established to recognize outstanding industrial innovation and creativity in the application of Polymer Science, conducted by young individual scientists. This award was established in 2016 and is administered by the POLY Division of of ACS and is sponsored by the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB). The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years in the fall at the national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Herman F. Mark Polymer Chemistry Award
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Herman F. Mark Polymer Chemistry Award was established in 1976 to recognize outstanding research and leadership in polymer science (namesake established in 1989). The award is administered by the POLY division of the ACS. Previous sponsors of the award are the POLY division, Elsevier, and the Dow Chemical Company Foundation. The award is presented biennially in odd-numbered years in the fall at the national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Wenner-Gren Fellowship in Anthropology and Black Experiences
School for Advanced Research
One nine-month residential fellowship open to PhD-holding anthropologists of all ranks. This fellowship aims to expand the anthropological conversation and build capacity in anthropology by amplifying perspectives previously under-represented in the discipline. The School for Advanced Research (SAR) is eager to support individuals whose research draws on Black studies, critical race studies, diasporic Africana studies, the vernacular insights of communities of color, and other sources of inspiration growing out of global Black experiences to advance new lines of scholarship in any of anthropology’s subfields. SAR hopes to attract applicants working in a diverse range of sites, including but not limited to Black communities. Applicants should show how this support will enable them to succeed at a critical juncture in their career and alter their trajectory in the field. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.
The successful applicant will join a cohort of scholars at SAR in Santa Fe, New Mexico. SAR especially welcomes applicants willing to spend the fellowship term on our residential campus in Santa Fe, but the program is also willing to consider applications from those who can only participate through a combination of remote gatherings and an in-person residency of several weeks.
Fellows receive a stipend of $50,000. Resident scholars also receive low-cost housing and free office space at the SAR campus. Fellows who opt not to relocate receive a travel subsidy covering the cost of short-term in-person residency at the SAR campus.
Nielsen Center Teaching Workshop for Early-Career Faculty
Eckerd College
The Nielsen Center Teaching Workshop for Early-Career Faculty creates a sustained faculty learning community over successive workshop weekends. Workshop Fellows reflect on their vocation, context, and teaching practices and develop teaching strategies that nurture transformative student learning.
Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
The Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize is awarded annually for the finest scholarly work in English on Abraham Lincoln, the American Civil War soldier, or a subject relating to their era.
CAPE Outstanding Publication Award
Association of American Geographers
The award is made for a single publication that is clearly innovative and has the potential to be seminal in areas of research that are important to members of the Specialty Group. The intent is to recognize authors at any stage in their careers who demonstrate leadership through broadly influential, critical, innovative thinking. The publication can be a journal article or a book but must be sole-authored.
Photography Competition
Allard Prize
Photographers are enouraged to submit entries year-round. Entries should reflect themes of courage and leadership in combating corruption, especially through promoting transparency, accountability, the rule of law, and of human rights and/or anti-corruption generally. We also particularly welcome entries that depict corruption and human rights violations in the developed world.
Weatherhead Fellowship
School for Advanced Research
Two nine-month residential fellowships are available for scholars working in the humanities or social sciences. Scholars with doctorates who plan to write their books and PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible. Fellows receive a stipend ($40,000 for doctoral level scholars and $35,000 for PhD candidates) in addition to low-cost housing and free office space on the SAR campus. This fellowship is made possible through the generous support of the Weatherhead Foundation.
Paloheimo Foundation Fellowship
School for Advanced Research
One nine-month residential fellowship created to honor the legacy of the three women of the Acequia Madre House, Eva Scott Fényes, Leonora Scott Muse Curtin, and Leonora Curtin Paloheimo, is available for scholars working in the humanities or social sciences. PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible. Fellows receive a stipend of $35,000 in addition to low-cost housing and free office space on the SAR campus.
Katrin H. Lamon Fellowship
School for Advanced Research
One nine-month residential fellowship is available for a Native scholar working in the humanities or the social sciences. Scholars with doctorates who plan to write their books and PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible. Fellows receive a stipend ($40,000 for doctoral level scholars and $35,000 for PhD candidates) in addition to low-cost housing and free office space on the SAR campus. This fellowship is made possible through the generous support of the Katrin H. Lamon Endowment for Native American Art and Education.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship in Latino Studies
School for Advanced Research
Anthropology, History, Sociology, Religion
Two nine-month residential fellowships in Latino Studies are available pending approval. Scholars with doctorates at the assistant professor level who plan to complete book-length projects and PhD candidates who plan to write their dissertations are eligible. Underrepresented scholars are especially encouraged to apply. The successful applicant(s) for this fellowship will have, by the application deadline, completed a doctorate or all but their dissertation toward a PhD in anthropology, history, sociology, religious studies, Latino/Chicano studies, cultural studies, or in an interdisciplinary field that incorporates two or more of these disciplines. One fellowship will be awarded to the doctoral level scholar and one will be awarded to the PhD candidate. Doctoral fellows receive a $50,000 stipend in addition to office space and low-cost housing on or near the SAR campus. PhD candidates receive a $35,000 stipend in addition to office space and low-cost housing on or near the SAR campus. Stipend amounts awarded will depend on the applicant’s doctoral degree status at the time of application.
Resident Scholar Fellowships
School for Advanced Research
Resident scholar fellowships are awarded annually by the School for Advanced Research (SAR) to up to six scholars who have completed their research and who need time to prepare manuscripts or dissertations on topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars may approach their research from the perspective of anthropology or from related fields such as history and sociology. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply.
Annibel Jenkins Biography Prize
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
18th-Century Studies
The biennial Annibel Jenkins Prize is given to the author of the best book-length biography of a late seventeenth-century or eighteenth-century subject and carries an award of $1,000. The prize was named in honor of Annibel Jenkins, Professor of English (Emerita) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. A founding member of the Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, she was an outstanding teacher and scholar who has been for many years one of the most active and encouraging members of the academic community in America.
Perugia Press Prize
Perugia Press
Poets must be women, which is inclusive of transgender women and female-identified individuals. Because gender inequity still occurs in publishing, it is part of our explicit feminist mission to support and promote women’s voices in print. Perugia Press seeks to highlight marginalized and underrepresented voices in our publications, and to that end we encourage submissions written by poets of all abilities, ages, and sexual orientations, and from across all cultural, socio-economic, ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Poets must have no more than one previously published full-length book. You are still eligible if you have published a poetry chapbook/s or books in other genres. You are still eligible if you have published more than one full-length poetry collection in a language other than English.
CAPE Distinguished Career Award
Association of American Geographers
The award is named “The (year) Cultural and Political Ecology Distinguished Career Award in recognition of long-standing and notable research and professional activities.” In short, the CAPE Distinguished Career Award.
POLY Fellows Program
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The POLY Fellows Program was established in 2009 to recognize excellence in all ways that POLY members advance our field of polymer science, either through scientific accomplishments, service to the profession, or both. The awards are administered and sponsored by the POLY division of the ACS.
Charles S. Johnson Award for Scholarship on Race and the South
Southern Sociological Society
The Charles S. Johnson Award is given by the SSS to an individual in recognition of distinguished scholarly contributions on race and the South. The award honors a significant career of professional achievements. Award recipients may organize a session at the annual meeting.
Summersell Deep South Book Prize
Frances S. Summersell Center for the Study of the South; Charles G. Summersell Chair of Southern History at the University of Alabama
Summersell Deep South Book Prize for the best book on the history of the American South.
ACM Prize in Computing
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM Prize in Computing recognizes an early to mid-career fundamental, innovative contribution in computing that, through its depth, impact and broad implications, exemplifies the greatest achievements in the discipline. The award is given for achievements during the early years of an individual’s career, although enough time must have passed to clearly establish evidence of impact (i.e., candidates are typically within 8-16 years of the terminal degree, with consideration made for interrupted or second careers). Nominated candidates may remain in consideration for a few years after their nomination.
ACM Charles P. “Chuck” Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The ACM Charles P. “Chuck” Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award (the “ACM Breakthrough Award”) is presented biennially to an individual or group of individuals who reflect Thacker’s pioneering contributions in making a surprising or disruptive leapfrog in computing ideas or technologies, and his inspiration of generations of young computer scientists.
Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award honors specific theoretical accomplishments that have had a significant and demonstrable effect on the practice of computing.
Institut Français d’Amérique Fund Research Fellowships
Society for French Historical Studies
The Society for French Historical Studies offers two research fellowships depending on available funds of up to $1,500 per award for maintenance during research in France for a period of at least one month. Candidates should be working on PhD dissertations, or they should have received the PhD no longer than three years before the application deadline. These awards are not for travel to or from France. The proposed fields for research can include all areas of French historical and cultural studies. These research fellowships are supported by “The Institut Français d’Amérique Fund” of the SFHS.
Research Travel Award
Society for French Historical Studies
The Society for French Historical Studies and the Western Society for French History offer an annual award of $2,000 for research conducted outside North America on any aspect of the history of France. This award is granted to an outstanding American or Canadian scholar who has received the doctorate in history in the five-year period prior to the award (since January 2017 for the 2022 award). The award must be spent no more than one year after the fellowship is awarded.
A Show of Heads
SlowArt Productions
SlowArt Productions presents the annual group thematic exhibition, A Show of Heads. The exhibition will be held at the Limner Gallery from November 16 – December 17, 2022. Open to all artists working in any media, this exhibition will include all interpretations and portrayals of the human head, from the traditional to the abstract and conceptual. All visions of the head, including partial and multiple heads, will be considered.
AAG Meridian Book Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work in Geography
American Association of Geographers
A committee awards the annual prize for a book that makes an unusually important contribution to advancing the science and art of geography. An award of $1,000 will be made to the author(s). In any given cycle, the Meridian Book Award Committee may also select a second title from the pool of nominations to be recognized with an Honorable Mention.
David H. Pinkney Prize
Society for French Historical Studies
The Society for French Historical Studies awards the David H. Pinkney Prize to the most distinguished book in French history, published for the first time and with a copyright date of 2022 by a citizen of the United States or Canada or by an author with a fulltime appointment at an American or Canadian college or university. Books focusing on any historical period or type of history may be considered, but unpublished or edited works are ineligible.
William Koren, Jr. Prize
Society for French Historical Studies
The Society for French Historical Studies awards the Koren Prize to the most outstanding article on any period of French history published the previous year by a scholar appointed at a college or university in the United States or Canada. The prize committee seeks out contenders from American, Canadian, and European journals and may decide whether articles that have appeared as part of a book or in the published proceedings of a scholarly conference are eligible for consideration.
Gilbert Chinard Prize
Society for French Historical Studies
The Gilbert Chinard Prize is awarded each year by the Society for French Historical Studies with the financial support of its Institut Français d’Amérique Fund. It recognizes the best book published for the first time and with a copyright date of 2022 by a North American press in one of the two following fields: the history of French-American relations; or the comparative history of France and North, Central, or South America. Books focusing on any historical period or type of history may be considered. Critical editions of significant source materials, as well as books translated into English, are eligible.
Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
The Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics recognizes an individual or group who has made a significant contribution through the use of computing technology.
Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize
Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies at the University of Rochester
Since 1976, the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and the Department of English at the University of Rochester have awarded the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize for fiction by an American woman. This prize was created in honor and memory of Janet Heidinger Kafka, a young editor who was killed in a car accident just as her career was beginning. Those who knew her believed she would do much to further the causes of literature and women. Her family, friends, and professional associates created the endowment from which the prize is bestowed, in memory of Janet Heidinger Kafka and the literary standards and personal ideals for which she stood. Each year a substantial cash prize is awarded annually to a woman who is a US citizen, and who has written the best book-length work of prose fiction, whether novel, short stories, or experimental writing. We are interested in calling attention to the work of a promising but less established writer.
Mockingbord Foundation Grants
Mockingbird Foundation
The Mockingbird Foundation, Inc. (“Mockingbird”) offers competitive grants to schools and nonprofit organizations that effect improvements in areas of importance to the Phish fan community. Our programmatic focus is music education for children, defined as follows: Music: We recognize broad and basic needs within conventional instruction, though are particularly interested in projects that foster creative expression (whether in instrumentation, vocalization, composition, or improvisation) and encourage applications associated with diverse or unusual musical styles, genres, forms, and philosophies.Education: Education may include the provision of instruments, texts, office materials, or equipment; the support of learning, practice, and/or performance spaces; and the provision of instructors or instruction. We appreciate the fostering of self-esteem and free expression, but have never funded music therapy separate from education nor music appreciation which does not include participation. Children: We primarily fund programs serving children eighteen years of age or younger, but will consider projects which benefit college students, teachers, instructors, or adult students. We are particularly (though not exclusively) interested in programs which benefit disenfranchised groups, including those with low skill levels, income, or education; with disabilities or terminal illnesses; and in foster homes, shelters, hospitals, prisons, or other remote or isolated situations.
Rose Mary Crawshay Prize
British Academy
In the 1840s, Rose Mary Crawshay became châtelaine of a fake Gothic castle outside Merthyr Tydfil, where her husband owned the local iron works. Crawshay was an early supporter of women’s suffrage, one of the first women to be elected to local school boards following the 1870 Education Act, and an advocate for free local libraries opening every day of the week. The prize is awarded each year for an historical or critical book by a woman, on any subject connected with literature.
In 1888 Crawshay endowed an unusual literary prize for women scholars, writing about one or more of the Romantic poets: Byron, Keats and Shelley. The prize was first awarded in 1916.
In the early twentieth century this prize migrated to the British Academy. The prize is now awarded for a work written by a woman, in English, on any subject related to literature.
Tom Watson Brown Book Award
Society of Civil War Historians
The Society of Civil War Historians gives an annual Tom Watson Brown Book Award for the best book published on the causes, conduct, and effects, broadly defined, of the Civil War. This includes, but is not exclusive to, monographs, synthetic works presenting original interpretations, and biographies. Works of fiction, poetry, anthologies, and textbooks are not considered. Jurors consider nominated works’ scholarly and literary merit as well as the extent to which they make original contributions to our understanding of the period.
The Society of Civil War Historians gives an annual Tom Watson Brown Book Award for the best book published on the causes, conduct, and effects, broadly defined, of the Civil War. This includes, but is not exclusive to, monographs, synthetic works presenting original interpretations, and biographies. Works of fiction, poetry, anthologies, and textbooks are not considered. Jurors consider nominated works’ scholarly and literary merit as well as the extent to which they make original contributions to our understanding of the period.
Lee Ann Fujii Award for Innovation in the Interpretive Study of Political Violence
American Political Science Association
Political Science
The Lee Ann Fujii Award for Innovation in the Interpretive Study of Political Violence, funded by Routledge/Taylor & Francis, is to be given every other year to books, journal articles or book chapters, in recognition of the late Professor Fujii’s contributions to that area of inquiry. Dr. Fujii, who died unexpectedly in March 2018, was Associate Professor of political science at the University of Toronto. Her main field of study was comparative politics, as an Africanist specializing in genocide studies and (post-)conflict settings.
Albert J. Beveridge Grant
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Albert J. Beveridge Grants to support research in the history of the Western Hemisphere (United States, Canada, and Latin America). The funds for this program come from the earnings of the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund. These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included).
Michael Kraus Research Grant
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Michael Kraus Research Grants to recognize the most deserving proposal relating to work in progress on a research project in American colonial history, with particular reference to the intercultural aspects of American and European relations. These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included).
Littleton-Griswold Research Grant
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Littleton-Griswold Research Grant for research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society, broadly defined. The funds for this program come from the earnings of the Littleton-Griswold Fund. These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included).
Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grant
American Historical Association
The American Historical Association offers the Bernadotte E. Schmitt Grants to support research in the history of Europe, Africa, and Asia. The funds for this program come from the earnings of a bequest from Bernadotte E. Schmitt, president of the Association in 1960. These modest annual grants are intended to further research in progress and may be used for travel to a library or archive, for microfilms, photographs, or photocopying—a list of purposes that is meant to be merely illustrative, not exhaustive (other expenses, such as child care, can be included).
Overberger Int’l Prize for Excellence in Polymer Research
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
Recognizes accomplishments of unusual merit in the field of basic or applied polymer science.
Research Grants on Education: Large
Spencer Foundation
The Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived, with budgets ranging from $125,000 to $500,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. We anticipate awarding grants with budgets across each of the following funding tiers — $125,000 to 250,000; $250,001 to $375,000; and $375,001 to $500,000. Within each of our funding tiers, we evaluate projects within tier and strongly encourage applicants to submit for funding that best fits their project rather than applying for the highest amount. We accept Intent to Apply forms twice a year.
This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Our goal for this program is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
Frank L. and Harriet C. Owsley Award
Southern Historical Association
The Frank L. and Harriet C. Owsley Award is given in recognition of a distinguished book in southern history published in even-numbered years and is awarded in odd-numbered years. It will next be awarded at the annual meeting in 2023 in Charlottte for a book published during 2022.
Francis B. Simkins Award
Southern Historical Association
The Francis B. Simkins Award is given for recognition of the best first book by an author in the field of southern history over a two-year period. The award is sponsored jointly with Longwood College and awarded in odd-numbered years.
James A. Rawley Award
Southern Historical Association
The James A. Rawley Award is awarded to a distinguished book dealing with secession and/or the sectional crisis published over a two-year period.
Grain of Sand Award
American Political Science Association
Political Science
The Grain of Sand Award honors a political scientist whose contributions to interpretive studies of the political, and, indeed, to the discipline itself, its ideas, and its persons, have been longstanding and merit special recognition.
Chicago Folklore Prize
American Folklore Society
First awarded in 1904, the Chicago Folklore Prize, awarded to the author(s) of the best book-length work of folklore scholarship for the year, is the oldest international award recognizing excellence in folklore scholarship. Occasionally, a joint recipient is also selected. The prize is offered jointly by the American Folklore Society and the University of Chicago. From its inception, the administrators and judges for the prize have interpreted “folklore” in a broad and inclusive sense, and winners have traditionally come from the fields of folklore study, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, literary study, anthropology, sociology, cultural geography, and dance ethnology. The recent recipients of the prize provide a sense of the disciplinary range represented in the competition.
Marcia Herndon Prize (Gender and Sexualities Section)
Society for Ethnomusicology
The award has been created to honor exceptional ethnomusicological work in gender and sexuality including, but not limited to, works that focus upon lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited, homosexual, transgendered and multiple gender issues and communities. The winning submission will exemplify the highest qualities of originality, interpretation, theory, and communication.
Roland H. Bainton Book Prizes
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
History, Art, Music, English, Religious Studies
The Roland H. Bainton Book Prizes are named in honor of one of the most irenic church historians of the twentieth century. Roland H. Bainton was professor of church history at the seminary of Yale University for many years, the advisor of many Ph.D. students, the author of over a dozen important books, and an ardent supporter of early modern studies. Four prizes are awarded yearly for the best books written in English dealing with four categories within the time frame of 1450-1660: Art and Music History, History and Theology, Literature, and Reference Works.
Gerald Strauss Prize
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
The Gerald Strauss Book Prize is named in honor of Gerald Strauss, the influential scholar of the German Reformation and long-time Distinguished Professor of History at Indiana University. Author of eight books, including such well-known titles as Nuremberg in the Sixteenth Century (1966), Luther’s House of Learning (1978), and Law, Resistance, and the State (1986), Strauss was a meticulous researcher. His works were pioneering and sometimes controversial, but they continue to engage scholars and students of the German Reformation.
This prize, which is awarded at the annual meeting of the SCSC, recognizes the best book published in English during the preceding year in the field of German Reformation history.
Nancy Lyman Roelker Prize
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
The Nancy Lyman Roelker Prize, named for Professor Roelker of Boston University, author and translator of many works of excellent scholarship, doctoral advisor and friend to many scholars in early modern studies, is awarded annually by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference for the best article published in English on sixteenth-century French history during the preceding calendar year. The prize-winning article is selected by a committee of three conference members appointed by the president, who shall designate one of the members as chair.
Harold Grimm Prize
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
History, Religious Studies
Harold J. Grimm Prize, named for Professor Harold J. Grimm of Indiana and Ohio State Universities, author and scholar, pioneer in American Reformation Studies, one of the founders of the Society for Reformation Research, editor of the Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte, as well as doctoral advisor and friend of many scholars, is awarded annually by the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference for the best article published during the previous year which reflects and sustains Grimm’s lifelong search for a broad understanding of the Reformation as a fundamentally religious phenomenon which permeated the whole civilization of Europe in the Reformation Era.
SCSC Literature Prize
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
The SCSC Literature Prize is given for the best literature paper published in the Sixteenth Century Journal.
Alan Merriam Prize
Society for Ethnomusicology
To recognize the most distinguished English-language monograph in the field of ethnomusicology, published as the author’s second or a later monograph.
J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship in American History
American Historical Association
The J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship in American History is offered annually by the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and the American Historical Association to support significant scholarly research in the collections of the Library of Congress by scholars at an early stage in their careers in history. The fellowship is named in honor of J. Franklin Jameson, a founder of the Association, longtime managing editor of the American Historical Review, formerly chief of the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, and the first incumbent of the library’s chair of American history. It is designed to assist scholars early in their careers.
Jameson Award
American Historical Association
The Jameson Award was established in 1974 for outstanding achievement in the editing of historical sources.
Jack Temple Kirby Award
Southern Historical Association
The Jack Temple Kirby Award was established in 2010 to commemorate the scholarship and SHA service of Jack Kirby, who was the current SHA President when he died in August 2009. In keeping with Professor Kirby’s scholarly contributions to southern history, the Kirby Prize will be awarded to authors of journal articles in either southern agricultural or environmental history over a two-year period. The award will be made in odd-numbered years for an article published during the previous two years. Submissions can be made by either the article authors or journal editors.
SCSC Founders’ Prize
The SCSC Founders’ Prize is a biennial award which honors the scholars who established, sustained and advanced the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference during its initial decades. The Prize is designed to assist young scholars in their effort to secure publication of their first book manuscript in the field of early modern studies (ca. 1450-ca. 1660). Preference will be given to applications to offset publication costs, yet the Prize committee also welcomes applications for the funding of research that addresses the remaining gaps in an applicant’s book manuscript. Only individually authored first books are considered for this award. The prize-winning application(s) will be chosen by a committee of three SCSC members appointed by the president of the SCSC who shall also designate one of the three to serve as chair.
Paul J. Flory Award for Polymer Education
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Paul J. Flory Award for Polymer Education commemorates the achievements of the late Paul Flory, a Nobel Prize recipient who was a chemist at Stanford University; it was created to recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding achievements by an individual in promoting undergraduate or graduate polymer education. The Flory Award was established in 1981 and is currently administered by the POLY division of the ACS and is sponsored by Albemarle (since 2012). Previously, the award was sponsored by the Rohm and Haas Company (1981-2009). The award is presented biennially in even-numbered years in the spring at the national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Industrial Polymer Scientist Award
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Industrial Polymer Scientist Award recognizes outstanding industrial innovation and creativity in the application of polymer science conducted by individual scientists or research teams. This award was established in 1999 and is administered by the POLY division of ACS and is sponsored by the Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) of POLY. The award is presented biennially in even-numbered years at the fall national ACS meeting during the POLY/PMSE award program.
Yale H. Ferguson Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Yale H. Ferguson Award, presented by International Studies Association-Northeast, recognizes the book that most advances the vibrancy of international studies as a pluralist discipline. Any book or edited volume published within the field of international studies in the previous calendar year is eligible for consideration.
Mark Scholar Awards
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Mark Scholar Awards were established in 2006 to recognize excellence in basic or applied research and leadership in polymer science by scientists of all ages. The awards are administered by the POLY division of the ACS. The award is presented biennially at the fall ACS National meeting (even years) during the POLY/PMSE award program. In each award cycle, one Mark Scholar from each of three categories is awarded:
Mark Scholar Awards
Division of Polymer Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
The Mark Scholar Awards were established in 2006 to recognize excellence in basic or applied research and leadership in polymer science by scientists of all ages. The awards are administered by the POLY division of the ACS. The award is presented biennially at the fall ACS National meeting (even years) during the POLY/PMSE award program. In each award cycle, one Mark Scholar from each of three categories is awarded: Herman F. Mark Young Scholar: age 35 or younger on January 1 of the year that the award is presented; Herman F. Mark Scholar: between the ages of 36 and 49 on January 1 of the year that the award is presented; Herman F. Mark Senior Scholar: age 50 or older on January 1 of the year that the award is presented.
H. L. Mitchell Award
Southern Historical Association
The H. L. Mitchell Award is given in recognition of a distinguished book concerning the history of the southern working class, including but not limited to industrial laborers and/or small farmers and agricultural laborers.
Bennett H. Wall Award
Southern Historical Association
The Bennett H. Wall Award was established in 2000 to honor the long-term service of Bennett Wall, who served as Secretary-Treasurer of the SHA for over thirty-three years (1952-1985), and as SHA President in 1988. In keeping with Professor Wall’s own scholarly contribution to southern history, the Wall Prize will be awarded to the best book published in southern business or economic history over a two-year period.
Haring Prize
American Historical Association
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
Association for Computing Machinery
Computer Science
This biennial endowed award will recognize an individual(s) for outstanding research contributions to the field of computational science and engineering. The contribution(s) for which the award is made must be publicly available and may belong to any aspect of computational science in its broadest sense.
AAPT Grants For Innovation in Teaching
American Association of Philosophy Teachers
Through this program, the AAPT is offering competitive small grants to support the implementation of projects involving innovations or modifications to one’s teaching. Preference will be given to those projects that have a broad appeal. Grant applications should be sure to specify the aim of the project, its learning goals, your criteria of success, and your proposed timeline.
Klopsteg Memorial Lecture
American Association of Physics Teachers
Named for Paul E. Klopsteg, a principal founder, a former AAPT President, and a long-time member of AAPT, the Klopsteg Memorial Lecture Award recognizes outstanding communication of the excitement of contemporary physics to the general public.
Oersted Medal
American Association of Physics Teachers
The Oersted Medal recognizes those who have had an outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics.
AAPT Fellowships
American Association of Physics Teachers
The criterion for selection of Fellows is exceptional contribution to AAPT’s mission, to enhance the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching.
Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award
American Association of Physics Teachers
Named for Floyd K. Richtmyer, distinguished physicist, teacher, and administrator and one of the founders of AAPT, the Richtmyer Memorial Lecture Award recognizes those who have made outstanding contributions to physics and their communication to physics educators.
Doc Brown Futures Award
American Association of Physics Teachers
The Doc Brown Futures Award recognizes early-career members who demonstrate excellence in their contributions to AAPT and physics education and exhibit the potential to serve in an AAPT leadership role.
Arthur C. Guyton Educator of the Year Award
American Physiological Society
The typical nominee will have shown excellence in teaching and have made significant contributions in student advisement, graduate education, and/or curriculum design and reform at their institution.
Best Management Accounting Paper – Annual Meeting
American Accounting Association
To recognize superior scholarship, the Section will present a Best Paper Award for the AAA Annual Meeting.
Midyear Meeting Outstanding Paper Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize superior scholarship, the Section will present a Best Paper Award for its Midyear Meeting.
Outstanding Case Award at the IMA/MAS Case Conference
American Accounting Association
To recognize superior case writing, the Section will present a Best Case Award for its Outstanding Case Award at the IMA/MAS Case Conference. The award is sponsored by the IMA.
ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award
American Accounting Association
The American Taxation Association in cooperation with Deloitte presents an annual Teaching Innovation Award. The award recipient receives a plaque and a $5,000 award. Submissions will be accepted for innovations in tax courses. The course may be an elective or required course and should be offered in an undergraduate or graduate business curriculum. The primary objective of the award is to encourage creativity and experimentation with new and unusual ideas.
ATA Outstanding Service Award
American Accounting Association
The purpose of the American Taxation Association’s Outstanding Service Award is to recognize an ATA member who has provided outstanding service to the ATA for an extended period of time. To be eligible, one must have been an ATA member for at least 10 years when nominated. The person must have a record of distinguished service as an ATA committee member and served as a chair of at least one ATA committee. The nominee typically will have served as an officer or trustee, but such service is not required to be a recipient of this award.
ATA Tax Manuscript Award
American Accounting Association
The American Taxation Association (ATA) presents an annual award for a significant contribution to the tax literature. The award is given for research published during the three calendar years (2017 to 2019) prior to the announcement year (2020). All areas of tax research and all topics and methodologies are eligible for consideration. In addition, the published article, chapter, or book must meet the selection criteria.
Distinguished Service Award in Auditing
American Accounting Association
The Auditing Section seeks nominations from the Section’s membership for the award to be conferred at the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting in January. This award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the auditing profession or the Auditing Section, and scholarly contributions to the field of auditing.
Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award
American Accounting Association
To encourage innovation and improvement in auditing and assurance education.
Outstanding Auditing Educator
American Accounting Association
The Auditing Sections seeks nominations from the Section’s membership for the Outstanding Auditing Educator award to be conferred at the Auditing Section Midyear Meeting in January. This award is conferred annually and recognizes outstanding achievements in research or teaching in the field of auditing. The award recognizes exemplary contributions in research and/or teaching over a sustained period of time as evidenced by publications, educational innovations, guidance to graduate and undergraduate students, or excellence in teaching.
Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize research works of exceptional merit that make a significant contribution to auditing or assurance education, practice, or research.
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Best Paper Award
American Accounting Association
The Auditing Section requests nominations for the Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory (AJPT) Best Paper Award. The Section established this award in 2012 to annually recognize a paper published in AJPT that has had a significant influence on, or the potential to significantly influence, auditing research or practice. The assessment of what constitutes an outstanding contribution to auditing research is based upon the following criteria: (1) a demonstrable or anticipated impact on audit research or practice, (2) the importance of the problem(s) addressed, (3) the creativity of the research, and (4) the appropriateness of the theoretical development, research method, and analysis. Nominations for the award will be accepted from members of the Auditing Section and self-nominations are allowed.
Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize a paper submitted to the AAA Annual meeting that has the potential to significantly influence government and nonprofit accounting research.
Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize exemplary career service for a lifetime contribution to government and nonprofit accounting.
Meritorious Service Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize exemplary career service to the profession or the Government and Nonprofit section.
Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award
American Accounting Association
To recognize a single (or perhaps a series) of notable (influential) research papers that make a direct and significant contribution to government and nonprofit accounting research.
Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Prize
Society for the Study of Southern Literature
American Literature
The Society for the Study of Southern Literature awards the Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Prize for best article on southern literature published by a society member in a peer-reviewed journal. The prize honors the legacy of Dr. Rubin, who founded the society, established the Southern Literary Journal and the southern literary series from LSU Press, and started the careers of many writers and critics.
Rome Prize
American Academy in Rome
Architecture, Design, Literature, Poetry, Medieval studies, Arts, Film, Music
For over a century, the American Academy in Rome has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Each year, the prize is awarded to about thirty artists and scholars who represent the highest standard of excellence and who are in the early or middle stages of their careers. Fellowships are awarded in the following disciplines: Ancient studies; Architecture; Design (includes graphic, industrial, interior, exhibition, set, costume, and fashion design, urban design, city planning, engineering, and other design fields); Historic preservation and conservation; Landscape architecture (includes environmental design and planning, landscape/ecological urbanism, landscape history, sustainability and ecological studies, and geography); Literature (includes fiction, literary nonfiction, and poetry); Medieval studies; Modern Italian studies; Musical composition; Renaissance and early modern studies; Visual arts (includes painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, film and video, installation, new media, digital arts, and other visual-arts fields). Each Rome Prize winner is provided with a stipend, meals, a bedroom with private bath, and a private workspace. Those with children under eighteen live in partially subsidized apartments nearby. Winners of half- and full-term fellowships receive stipends of $16,000 and $28,000, respectively.
Rome Prize winners are the core of the Academy’s residential community, which includes Affiliated Fellows, Residents, and Visiting Artists and Scholars.
SPE Honored Educator Award
Association for Photography in Higher Education
Bestowed upon a career educator recognizing significant contribution to the field of photographic education through classroom teaching, writing, publishing, museum education, or other areas of professional practice, SPE’s Honored Educator recipient receives a lifetime membership in the Society.
FATE Emerging Educator Award
Foundation in Arts: Theory and Education
The FATE Emerging Educator Award celebrates a FATE member in the early stages of their career with less than ten years of collegiate teaching experience. The nominee should exhibit a dedication to Foundations teaching, capacity for innovation, willingness to share knowledge and contribution to FATE as a professional association.
FATE Master Educator Award
Foundation in Arts: Theory and Education
The FATE Master Educator Award celebrates a FATE member with more than ten years of collegiate teaching experience. The nominee should exhibit lasting commitment, significant contributions to Foundations education and contribution to FATE as a professional association.
FATE Leadership Award
Foundation in Arts: Theory and Education
The FATE Leadership Award celebrates a FATE member with a significant contribution to leadership in Foundations Education in the profession, a professional organization, university, and/or department.
SPE Honored Educator Award
Society for Photographic Education
The National Board of Directors of the Society for Photographic Education seeks nominations from the membership for the Honored Educator Award to be presented in March 2022 Online. The criteria for selection of the Honored Educator are as follows: 1. The recipient has made a significant contribution to the field of photographic education. 2. The contribution to the field could be made through classroom teaching, writing, publishing, museum education, or other areas of professional practice in the field of photography. 3. The recipient is a full-career educator. There is no specific requirement for the number of years in the field, but 15 years would generally be seen as a minimum. 4. The recipient has been a member of SPE. 5. To be considered for the Honored Educator Award, the educator must be nominated by a member of SPE.
Future Generation Art Prize
Victor Pinchuk Foundation
The Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists. Established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2009, the Prize supported the artistic development and production of new works of over 100 artists in exhibitions at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv and as official collateral events at the Venice Biennale in 2011, 2013, and 2017.
ArtPrize is an open, independently organized international art competition which takes place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It celebrates artists working in all mediums from anywhere in the world, and is open to any creative with an artwork to enter and a venue willing to host it.
Jameel Prize
Victoria and Albert Museum
The Jameel Prize is an international award for contemporary art and design inspired by Islamic tradition. The Prize aims to explore the relationship between contemporary practice and Islamic tradition as part of a wider debate about Islamic culture in the twenty-first century.
Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art
American Council of Learned Societies
Art History
These fellowships are intended to provide early career scholars from around the world with time to undertake research and/or writing for projects that will make substantial and original contributions to the understanding of art and its history. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.
Project Grant
Georgia Council for the Arts
Art, Theater, Music
Project Grants support single art projects such as an art exhibit, a theatre production, a series of workshops for children, or an artist residency. In FY22, because of the impact of COVID-19 on organizations across the state, Project Grant applicants will be able to apply for capacity building projects, such as developing a strategic plan, a development plan, or a plan to safely reopen an arts facility.
Gunger Blobel Early Career Award
American Society for Cell Biology
Award given to an outstanding life scientist who has served as an independent investigator for no more than seven years
Adolph E. Gude, Jr. Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This monetary award honors the Gude Family, who made possible the establishment of the Gude Plant Science Center. The award, established by the Society and first given in 1983, is made triennially to a scientist or lay person in recognition of outstanding service to the science of plant biology. Membership in the Society is not a requirement for the award.
ASPB Innovation Prize for Agricultural Technology
American Society of Plant Biologists
This prize was inaugurated in 2015 to recognize the outstanding work of industry scientists in companies of all sizes who translate discovery research into real-world outcomes that benefit agriculture. The award additionally acts as a vehicle to increase the awareness of the highest quality science performed by industry scientists, whether or not they are members of the society upon nomination, and showcases the opportunities and rewards of this career path. The Innovation Prize, which is made biennially, is a monetary award that also provides a one-year membership in the Society.
Charles Albert Shull Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This award was initiated in 1971 by the Society to honor Dr. Charles A. Shull, whose personal interest and support were largely responsible for the founding and early growth of the Society. It is a monetary award made annually for outstanding investigations in the field of plant biology by a member who is generally under forty-five years of age on January 1st of the year of presentation, or is fewer than ten years from the granting of the doctoral degree. Breaks in careers will be considered when addressing the age limit of this award. The recipient is invited to address the Society at the annual meeting the following year.
Charles F. Kettering Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This award was established by an endowment from the Kettering Foundation in 1962 to recognize excellence in the field of photosynthesis. It is a monetary award to be given in even-numbered years to an individual for meritorious work in photosynthesis. ASPB membership is not required.
Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This is the oldest award, established in 1925 at the first annual meeting of the Society through the generosity of Dr. Charles A. Shull. It honors Dr. Charles Reid Barnes, the first professor of plant physiology at the University of Chicago. It is an annual award for meritorious work in plant biology; it provides a life membership in the Society to an individual who is at least sixty years old. Membership is a requirement for the award, and, if appropriate, every fifth award should be made to an outstanding plant biologist from outside the United States.
Dennis R. Hoagland Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This monetary award, established by the Society in 1985 with funds provided by the Monsanto Agricultural Products Company, honors Dr. Dennis R. Hoagland, recipient of the first Hales award, for his outstanding contributions and leadership in plant mineral nutrition. The award, to be made not more frequently than triennially, is for outstanding plant research in support of agriculture.
Early Career Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
The Early Career Award was instituted by the Society in 2005 to recognize outstanding research by scientists at the beginnings of their careers. This award is a monetary award made annually for exceptionally creative, independent contributions by an individual, whether or not a member of the Society, who is generally not more than seven years post-Ph.D. on January 1st of the year of the presentation. Breaks in careers will be considered when addressing the time limit of this award.
Eric E. Conn Young Investigator Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
The Eric E. Conn Young Investigator Award, first given by the Society in 2011, honors Eric E. Conn’s contributions in plant biology by recognizing young scientists who will be inspired to follow in his footsteps. The award recognizes not only outstanding research but also demonstrated excellence in outreach, public service, mentoring, or teaching by plant scientists at the beginning of their careers. This award is a monetary award made biennially for demonstrated commitment by a member of the Society who is generally not more than five years post-Ph.D. on January 1st of the year of the presentation. It also provides a one year membership to the Society. Breaks in careers will be considered when addressing the time limit of this award.
Fellow of ASPB Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
Established in 2007, the Fellow of ASPB award may be granted in recognition of distinguished and long-term contributions to plant biology and service to the Society by current members in areas that include research, education, mentoring, outreach, and professional and public service. Current members of ASPB who have contributed to the Society for at least 10 years are eligible for nomination. Recipients of the Fellow of ASPB honor, which may be granted to no more than 0.2% of the current membership each year, receive a certificate of distinction and a lapel pin.
Lawrence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology Research
American Society of Plant Biologists
The ASPB Lawrence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology Research was approved by the Society’s executive committee in 2005 to honor Dr. Bogorad’s many contributions to plant biology, including his influential efforts to bring the techniques of molecular biology to bear on problems in plant biology; his groundbreaking research on chloroplast genetics, biogenesis, structure, and function;and his inspired teaching and mentoring. The ASPB Lawrence Bogorad Award for Excellence in Plant Biology Research is a monetary award made biennially to a plant scientist whose work both illuminates the present and suggests paths to enlighten the future.
Martin Gibbs Medal
American Society of Plant Biologists
The Martin Gibbs Medal was instituted by the Society’s executive committee in 1993 to honor Martin Gibbs, editor of Plant Physiology from 1963 to 1992. The Gibbs Medal is presented biennially to an individual who has pioneered advances that have served to establish new directions of investigation in the plant sciences. The winner will receive the medal and will be invited to convene a Martin Gibbs Medal Symposium at the annual meeting the following year.
Robert Rabson Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
The Robert Rabson Award, first given by the Society in 2012, recognizes Bob Rabson’s steadfast advocacy of plant biology through creation of funding programs in the Department of Energy for research in basic energy sciences. The award recognizes postdoctoral scholars and faculty-level early career scientists, whether or not members of the Society, in academic, government and corporate research institutions who have made excellent contributions in the area of bioenergy research. The award is made biennially to a researcher who is no more than ten years post-PhD on January 1st of the year of presentation, with consideration of breaks in career relative to this time-frame. The award recipient is given a monetary award and a one-year membership in the Society.
Stephen Hales Prize
American Society of Plant Biologists
This award honors the Reverend Stephen Hales for his pioneering work in plant biology published in his 1727 book Vegetable Staticks. It is a monetary award established in 1927 for a scientist, an ASPB member, who has served the science of plant biology in some noteworthy manner. The award is made annually. The recipient of the award is invited to address the Society on a subject in plant biology at the next annual meeting.
American Society of Plant Biologists Excellence in Education Award
American Society of Plant Biologists
This award was initiated in 1988 to recognize outstanding teaching, mentoring, and/or educational outreach in plant biology. It is a monetary award to be made annually in recognition of excellence in teaching, leadership in curricular development, or authorship of effective teaching materials in the science of plant biology.
Distinguished Service to Science Education
National Science Teachers Association
These awards honor NSTA members who, through active leadership and scholarly endeavor over a significant period of time, have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of education in the sciences and science teaching
Distinguished Service to Science Education
National Science Teachers Association
These awards honor NSTA members who, through active leadership and scholarly endeavor over a significant period of time, have made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of education in the sciences and science teaching
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies
American Council of Learned Societies
Buddhist Studies, Religion
Research fellowships offer support for research and writing in Buddhist studies for scholars who hold the PhD degree, with priority given to those teaching full time.
These fellowships provide scholars time free from teaching and other responsibilities to concentrate on research and writing for the project proposed. Priority will be given to unemployed or underemployed scholars; emeriti are not eligible. The fellowship period may last up to nine months, during which time no teaching, commissioned research on other topics, or administrative duties are allowed. The fellowship may be separated into two periods, each of which must be a minimum of three months. If the duration is less than nine months (minimum of six months), the stipend will be prorated.
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Grants for Critical Editions and Scholarly Translations
American Council of Learned Societies
Buddhist Studies, Religion
Critical editions are of crucial importance to the expanding field of Buddhist studies. Translation has been at the core of Buddhism since the Buddha’s instruction to his monks to teach the dharma in many languages. These grants support a broad range of endeavor, from the creation of critical editions (with full scholarly apparatus), to translation of canonical texts into modern vernaculars, to the translation of scholarly works on Buddhism from one modern language into another. Collaborative projects are welcome.
Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Awards For Excellence in Private Enterprise Education
Freedoms Foundation
John Otis Lifetime Achievement Award
National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators
The NASBITE John Otis Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor presented by NASBITE International. This award honors a lifetime of achievement in International Trade education or training by those who have distinguished themselves through leadership or service nationally or internationally. This award was established in 2004 and presented to John Otis, the original founder of NASBITE International as the Lifetime Achievement Award. It recognizes a body of work that has had substantial impact on the field of international trade.
International Trade Educator of the Year Award
National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators
The purpose of this award is to recognize innovation and excellence in international trade curriculum development, research, program development, and/or advocacy of international business issues. In giving this award, NASBITE is seeking to honor and highlight the significant contributions of the recipient in expanding and improving the practice of global business so that others might follow.
Program Excellence Award
National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators
These awards recognize outstanding and innovative developments in the area of international education, counseling, training, trade promotion and research. They are given for specific programs developed by public or private sector trade-related organizations or educational institutions to meet a particular identified need. In recognizing these initiatives, NASBITE is seeking to provide models for others to emulate. Please note that this award is not intended for comprehensive programs composed of a number of components, rather it is intended to for specific/focused trade-related initiatives such as a particular trade mission or a specific training program. Awards will be presented in two categories: Educational Programs and Outreach Programs. Educational programs include innovative courses or modules with a trade-related focus, and Outreach Programs include initiatives that are targeted towards the trade-related needs of the business community.
Advancing International Trade Awards
National Association of Small Business International Trade Educators
This award recognizes the dedication and service of those who are advancing international trade in each state in the United States as well as Canada and Mexico. These awards may be given to an organization, entity or to a person for individual leadership and commitment to improving the practice of global business on a state or regional level. Award winners (programs or individuals) have contributed to the advancement of international trade for four or more years. One award will be given per state, per year.
National Leadership Award
National Business Education Association
The purpose of the ABTR Leadership Award is to recognize an ABTR member for outstanding leadership and service to the organization and the profession. The awardee will exemplify a commitment to promoting scholarship, leadership, and cooperation among professionals in education for business through leadership at the national level.
Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award
Institute for Citizens and Scholars
Center for Teaching and Learning
The Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award supports tenure-track faculty who have passed their midpoint review. Ten awards of $17,500 are anticipated this year. Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders’ research focuses on contemporary American history, politics, culture, and society, with emphases including but not limited to African American issues, women’s issues, and/or higher education, and their service addresses the need for a more inclusive, responsive academic culture on their campus for peers and students.
Polymer Curriculum Development Award
American Chemical Society
To encourage an innovative approach to improve the teaching of polymer chemistry and polymer engineering in existing curricula at US colleges and universities.
J. Calvin Giddings Award for Excellence in Education
American Chemical Society
Enhancing the personal and professional development of students in the study of analytical chemistry in one or more of the following ways: Authorship of an influential textbook for an analytical chemistry course; Design and implementation of a successful new approach to teaching analytical chemistry; Stimulation through teaching or research mentorship a significant number of students to become analytical chemists; Development and publication of innovative experiments; Design of improved equipment for teaching labs; Publication of widely quoted articles on teaching analytical chemistry; role in the use of chemical instrumentation.
NAS Award in Chemical Sciences
National Academy of Sciences
The NAS Award in Chemical Sciences is presented annually to honor innovative research in the chemical sciences that contributes to a better understanding of the natural sciences and to the benefit of humanity. The NAS Award in Chemical Sciences was established in 1978 and supported by Occidental Petroleum Corporation from 1978 to 1996. The Merck Company Foundation assumed sponsorship in 1999. The award is presented with a medal and a $15,000 prize.
Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award
Computer Science
For significant technological achievements and contributions to the establishment, development, and proliferation of innovative societal infrastructure systems through the application of information technology with an emphasis on distributed computing systems
Best Essay Award
Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
Creative Writing
Previous winners listed; no other details
Outstanding Educator Award
Southern Criminal Justice Association
Criminal Justice
This award recognizes one criminal justice educator for outstanding academic achievement in teaching, research, and service
Richter H. Moore, Jr. Founder’s Award
Southern Criminal Justice Association
Criminal Justice
This award recognizes a SCJA member for sustained and exceptional contributions to the association
Odum Award for Excellence in Ecology Education
Ecological Society of America
The Eugene P. Odum Award recognizes an ecologist for outstanding work in ecology education. This award was generously endowed by, and named for, the distinguished ecologist Eugene P. Odum. Through teaching, outreach, and mentoring activities, recipients of this award have demonstrated their ability to relate basic ecological principles to human affairs. Nominations recognizing achievements in education at the university, K–12, and public levels are all encouraged.
Elzinga Distinguished Teaching Award
Southern Economic Association
The Kenneth G. Elzinga Distinguished Teaching Award from the Southern Economic Association annually honors one or more faculty members for outstanding contributions to economics education. The 2020 winner was announced at the 90th Annual Meeting meeting of the Southern Economic Association® in New Orleans, LA on Sunday, November 22, and was awarded a plaque and a cash award.
ASA/NSF/BEA Fellowship Program
Bureau of Economic Analysis
The ASA/NSF/BEA Fellowship Program is designed to improve the collaboration between government and academic research. The program allows research fellows to come to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, one of the world’s leading statistical agencies, to use BEA data and interact with agency staff.
ASA/NCHS Research Fellowship Program
American Statistical Association
The ASA/NCHS Research Fellowship Program bridges the gap between academic scholars and government health research programs. Fellows work to solve methodological problems and study analytical issues.
Russell Sage Foundation Research Grants
Russell Sage Foundation
Economics, Political Science
RSF makes external grants for social science research projects that address questions of interest under our programs and special initiatives. We provide support primarily for analyzing data and writing up results, and particularly welcome innovative projects that collect or analyze new data to illuminate issues that are highly relevant to the foundation’s funding priorities. We also encourage projects that are interdisciplinary and combine both quantitative and qualitative research. RSF rarely considers projects for which the investigators have not already fully-developed the research design, the sample framework, access to data, etc.
Russell Sage Foundation Small Grants
Russell Sage Foundation
Economics, Political Science
RSF offers small grants to doctoral students at the dissertation stage and recent Ph.D. recipients to support innovative, high-quality research and to encourage young investigators to enter these developing interdisciplinary fields. Small grants are currently offered under the Foundation’s program in Behavioral Economics
Pipeline Grants Competition
Russell Sage Foundation
Economics, Political Science
RSF has launched a new pipeline grants competition for early- and mid-career researchers in collaboration with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The competition seeks to promote diversity in the social sciences broadly, including racial, ethnic, gender, disciplinary, institutional, and geographic diversity. Early and mid-career faculty who have not previously received support from RSF in the form of a Trustee or Presidential research grant or a visiting fellowship from RSF are eligible to apply.
Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award
American Education Research Association
This award is the premier acknowledgment of outstanding achievement and success in education research. Its purpose is to publicize, motivate, encourage, and suggest models for education research at its best. Each year, nominations are invited from AERA members who wish to honor a meritorious colleague, one who is considered by other education researchers to stand out in the profession by meeting the very highest of professional standards of achievement.
Harold W. McGraw Jr. Prize in Education
McGraw-Hill/Arizona State University
The McGraw Prize in Education celebrates innovation in education by recognizing outstanding individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving education and whose accomplishments are making a difference today.
Leadership Foundation for Teacher Education (LFTE Grant)
Association of Teacher Educators
In order to foster leadership, LFTE is pleased to announce the availability of matching grants. Leadership may be broadly defined by the applying unit.
AERA Fellows Program
American Educational Research Association
The AERA Fellows Program honors education researchers for their exceptional contributions to, and excellence in, education research. The program is intended to be inclusive of the scholarship that constitutes and enriches education research as an interdisciplinary field.
MLA Publication Awards
Awards for books and articles in MLA disciplines
Humanities Innovation Grants
$3,000 grants to support development of courses and other programs in English, languages, and related disciplines that build enrollments and revitalize student interest in the humanities
William Sanders Scarborough Prize
Modern Langauge Association
For an outstanding scholarly study of black American literature or culture.
Biggs Earth Science Teaching Award
Geological Society of America
Annual award to a mid-career or senior scientist team, individual, or group demonstrating sustained commitment to excellence in geophysical education
ASPPH Harrison C. Spencer Award for Outstanding Community Service
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Harrison C. Spencer Award for Outstanding Community Service was created to honor Dr. Spencer, who had a long-standing commitment to principles of social justice with a focus on community engagement to address the social determinants of health. This annual award is given to an ASPPH-member, CEPH- accredited school or program of public health demonstrating a major institutional commitment to addressing community needs through education, practice, and/or research.
Riegelman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Public Health Education
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The Riegelman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Public Health Education recognizes faculty who have made exemplary efforts to start or sustain an undergraduate program, collaborated with community partners and other disciplines, and garnered respect and enthusiasm from students.
ASPPH Welch-Rose Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Welch-Rose Award recognizes the highest standards of leadership and scholarship in public health and honors individuals in two categories: 1) Distinguished Academic Public Health Service – individuals who have made a significant and lasting impact in academic public health; 2) Distinguished Public Health Service – individuals who have made lifetime contributions to the field of public health.
ASPPH Teaching Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Teaching Excellence Award recognizes faculty who are outstanding in teaching and mentoring students toward distinction in public health research, teaching, and practice. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty member from an ASPPH-member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
ASPPH Research Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Research Excellence Award recognizes faculty who have devoted their careers to investigating public health issues. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty member from an ASPPH- member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
ASPPH Practice Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Practice Excellence Award recognizes faculty who have devoted their careers to advancing and integrating scholarly public health practice within research, teaching, and service. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty member from an ASPPH- member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
ASPPH Student Services Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Student Services Excellence Award recognizes individuals who have devoted their careers to innovating and improving the experience for applicants and students. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty or staff member from an ASPPH-member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
ASPPH Early Career Teaching Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Early Career Teaching Excellence Award recognizes a junior faculty member for outstanding teaching and mentoring of students toward distinction in public health research, teaching, and practice. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty member from an ASPPH-member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
ASPPH Early Career Research Excellence Award
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health
Health Sciences
The ASPPH Early Career Research Excellence Award recognizes an outstanding early-career investigator. The award is given annually to a full-time faculty member within 10 years of her or his last formal training from an ASPPH-member, CEPH-accredited school or program of public health.
Troyer Steele Anderson Prize
American Historical Association
The Troyer Steele Anderson Prize is awarded on a regular basis to the person whom Council considers to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of the purposes of the Association.
Honorary Foreign Member
American Historical Association
AHA members are invited to nominate distinguished foreign historians for this award. The Association has honored foreign scholars since 1885, when the AHA awarded Leopold von Ranke with its first testimonial of honorary membership. See the list of past recipients. According to the selection criteria, recipients of honorary memberships must be foreign scholars who are distinguished for their work in the field of history and who have markedly assisted the work of American historians in the scholar’s country. The AHA Council encourages nominations that address the need for broader geographic coverage; in recent years most nominations and honorees have been from western Europe. The Committee on Honorary Foreign Members and Awards for Scholarly Distinction will serve as the jury and will recommend an individual for approval by the Council. The Committee consists of the president, president-elect, and the immediate past president.
Various book awards
Organization of American Historians
OAH has many book awards in a variety of sub-disciplines
IACIS Various Awards
International Association for Computer Information Systems
Information Systems
Women in Technology’s Leadership Awards
Women in Technology
Information Systems
Each year IACIS recognizes a number of individuals that have made significant contributions to the information systems field through scholarship, research, publication, curriculum and program development, and service.
William H. Newman Award for Best Paper Based on a Dissertation
Academy of Management
The William H. Newman Award is presented to the best Annual Meeting paper based on a recent dissertation.
Distinguished Service Award
Academy of Management
Distinguished Scholarly Contriutions to Management Award
Academy of Management
Over the course of a career, award recipient has made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: conceptual, empirical, or theoretical developments; creating and disseminating new knowledge; advancing management knowledge and practice
Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper
Academy of Management
The Carolyn Dexter Award is presented to the annual meeting paper that best meets the objective of internationalizing AOM.
Distinguished Educator Award
Academy of Management
Over the course of a career, the award recipient has made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: developing doctoral students, teaching effectively, tostering pedagogical innovations, developing effective methods, structure, and designs.
Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Award
Academy of Management
Over the course of a career, the award recipient has made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: successful application of theory or research in practice and/or contributed to knowledge through extraction of learning from practice; authored scholarly works which have substantively affected the practice of management; integration of research and practice. Their work will be respected by peers (both practitioner and academic).
David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award acknowledges one person or a teaching team with consistently demonstrated achievement over a lifetime, focusing on teaching and learning excellence. These individuals have contributed substantially to the Society, and have impacted the field as a whole, with their innovations and ideas extending to a wide audience.The award is in honor of David L. Bradford, the founder of the OBTS Teaching Society for Management Educators (now MOBTS) and a gifted and dedicated teacher.
Peter Frost Mentoring Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The Peter J. Frost Mentoring Award acknowledges an individual who has distinguished him or herself as not only a gifted teacher and scholar but also as someone who unselfishly imparts these gifts through his or her mentoring of students, colleagues and associates.
New Educator Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The New Educator Award recognizes a person at an early career stage (up to five years after receiving the doctoral degree) who is an exceptional in-class instructor and educational innovator and who has shown cutting-edge promise and creativity in his or her teaching, conference presentations, or publishing in the area of management education.
Mid-Career Distinguished Educator Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The MCDEA recognizes mid-career faculty members who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in the broader domain of management education. Not only do these faculty members demonstrate individual teaching excellence, but through their leadership and vision they further the mission of excellence, visibility, and engagement in the management education field.
Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The Fritz Roethlisberger Memorial Award is co-sponsored by MOBTS and Sage Publications. The Roethlisberger Award commemorates Fritz Roethlisberger’s passionate devotion to inquiry and learning in the classroom. It is granted each year to the author or authors judged to have contributed the best paper on the teaching of organizational behavior and management published in the preceding year in the Journal of Management Education . A $1,000 prize and commemorative plaque is awarded to the recipient(s). If multiple authors are present on the winning paper, the cash award is split equally amongst authors. The Treasurer distributes the checks in-person at the annual conference or via mail post-conference.
An announcement (of 500-600 words in length) of the award and the winner will appear in the forthcoming August issue of JME. The Nominating Committee reads all of the articles in the previous year of JME and comes to a decision on the award winner. The Chair then notifies the OB1, JME editor, and President.
Journal of Management Education Lasting Impact Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Management Teaching Review Best Pedagogical Contribution Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
Susan Herman Service Award
Management & Organizational Behavior Teaching Society
The Susan Herman Service Award recognizes voluntary contributions over a significant number of years to the Society by an individual or a team. Outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty is the highest possible demonstration of sharing in an organization such as ours and through this award we identify and thank those whose contributions represent the epitome of altruism, enthusiasm, and selflessness.
The OB1 invites nominations from members of the Board. At the Board’s annual Fall meeting, the OB1 provides the names of individuals nominated by the Board and those who have been considered in recent prior years and leads discussion of the nominees. The individual or team is confirmed by a majority of the voting Board. Note that a person who was given the award as a member of a team is eligible to win the award again. Otherwise, individuals may not win the award a second time. Members of the current Board are not eligible to win the award.
OCIS Lifetime Achievement Award
Organzational Communications and Information Systems-Academy of Management
OCIS Dexter Award Nomination
Organzational Communications and Information Systems-Academy of Management
DeSanctis Award and OCIS Newman Award Nomination
Organzational Communications and Information Systems-Academy of Management
Best Reviewer Award
Organzational Communications and Information Systems-Academy of Management
J. G. “Jerry” Hunt SMA Sustained Outstanding Service Award
Southern Management Association
SMA Fellows
Southern Management Association
Election to the Fellowship is based on the following criteria: Scholarly achievements while an SMA member; those made before becoming an SMA member receive secondary consideration; Significant SMA service, including offices held, committee involvement, editorial responsibilities, and program participation. Whereas service is an important consideration, it alone is insufficient for being elected a Fellow; Minimum of five years’ SMA membership and participation.
Hans B. Thorelli Award Recipients
American Marketing Association
This award honors an article that has made the most significant and long-term contribution to international marketing theory or practice. The editorial board of the journal submits nominations from eligible articles (published 5 years ago or earlier).
S. Tamer Cavusgil Award Recipients
American Marketing Association
The editorial review board of the journal submits nominations from the four journals published within the calendar year. The S. Tamer Cavusgil Award recognizes the Journal of International Marketing article published in the calendar year that has made the most significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of international marketing management.
Hugh G. Wales Award for Outstanding Faculty Advisors
American Marketing Association
These awards recognize the outstanding contributions of faculty advisors to the AMA collegiate chapter program.
Pearson Prentice Hall’s Solomon-Marshall-Stuart
Award for Innovative Excellence in Marketing Education
American Marketing Association
Individuals wishing to compete for the Award for Innovative Excellence should prepare an application package according to the guidelines and submit it to the Teaching & Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) chair. The competition is open to any full-time marketing educator who is also a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and who has designed an innovative method of teaching marketing students or who has devised classroom innovation(s).
Paul E. Green Award
American Marketing Association
By nomination. The Award will recognize the best article in the Journal of Marketing Research within the previous calendar year that demonstrates the greatest potential to contribute to the theory, methods, and practice of marketing.
Lifetime Achievement Award
American Marketing Association
Nominees for the IOSIG Lifetime Achievement Award should demonstrate the following award criteria: Long-term and significant contributions to various streams of interorganizational research such as channel management, interfirm alliances, buyer-seller relationships, and relationship marketing, among others. Sustained record of research excellence in the domain. Service to the Interorg academy and/or profession. Nominations should be sent to the IOSIG chair and include a recent CV of the nominee along with a nomination letter of no more than 3 pages that addresses the criteria above.
Donald R. Lehman Award
American Marketing Association
The Marketing Research SIG of the American Marketing Association established the Don Lehmann Award in 1997, which honors the Best Dissertation-based article recently published in the Journal of Marketing or Journal of Marketing Research.
Gil Churchill Award
American Marketing Association
The Marketing Research SIG of the American Marketing Association established the Gil Churchill Award for Lifetime Achievement in Marketing Research in 1996, which honors Dr. Gilbert A. Churchill, Emeritus Professor of Marketing at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award
American Marketing Association
The award honors the best article published in Journal of Marketing that has made long-term contributions to the field of marketing. An article will be eligible for consideration to receive the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing award in the fifth year after its publication in Journal of Marketing. The criteria for selection include the quality of the article’s contribution to theory and practice, its originality, its technical competence (if relevant), and its impact on the field of marketing. Selection Process for All JM Journal Awards: A vote by Journal of Marketing’s ERB, AE, and Advisory Committee members will be conducted on all eligible articles (listed in order of appearance in an online survey along with abstracts). Each voter can select up to five articles. Editorials, commentaries, or other invited articles are not eligible for this award.
Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award
American Marketing Association
This annual award recognizes the article published in Journal of Marketing that has made the most significant contribution to marketing theory in a given calendar year. Selection Process for All JM Journal Awards: A vote by Journal of Marketing’s ERB, AE, and Advisory Committee members will be conducted on all eligible articles (listed in order of appearance in an online survey along with abstracts). Each voter can select up to five articles. Editorials, commentaries, or other invited articles are not eligible for this award.
AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award
American Marketing Association
The award is given to the article that has made the most significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing in a calendar year. It is cosponsored by the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Science Institute. Selection Process for All JM Journal Awards: A vote by Journal of Marketing’s ERB, AE, and Advisory Committee members will be conducted on all eligible articles (listed in order of appearance in an online survey along with abstracts). Each voter can select up to five articles. Editorials, commentaries, or other invited articles are not eligible for this award.
AMA CBSIG Lifetime Achievement Award
American Marketing Association
The CBSIG Lifetime Achievement award honors a marketing scholar who has contributed significantly to the field of consumer research. Self nominations permitted.
CBSIG Consumer Research in Practice Award
American Marketing Association
The CBSIG Consumer Research in Practice Award recognizes a scholarly consumer research article that contributes significantly to marketing practice.
Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award
American Marketing Association
To be awarded the Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award, distinguished academics and practitioners must have demonstrated outstanding leadership and sustained impact on advancing the evolving profession of marketing research over an extended period of time. Nominations are invited from individuals and marketing departments.
Varadarajan Award for Early Contributions to Marketing Strategy Research
American Marketing Association
The award recognizes the contributions of a marketing faculty member who has completed ten or fewer years after receipt of her/his doctoral degree. The criteria for selection include: the overall impact on marketing strategy research and practice, research quality, research quantity, and research leadership.To nominate an individual for the award, please send along letters of nomination (focused on the selection criteria: the overall impact on marketing strategy research and practice, research quality, research quantity, and research leadership) and an updated resume to the chair of the Marketing Strategy SIG.
Philip McCord Morse Lectureship Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Lectureship is awarded in honor of Philip McCord Morse in recognition of his pioneer contribution to the field of operations research and the management sciences. The award is given in odd-numbered years at the Annual Meeting if there is a suitable recipient. The term of the lectureship is two years.
John von Neumann Theory Prize
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The John von Neumann Theory Prize is awarded annually to a scholar (or scholars in the case of joint work) who has made fundamental, sustained contributions to theory in operations research and the management sciences.
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The INFORMS Prize is awarded for effective integration of advanced analytics and operations research/management sciences (OR/MS) in an organization. The award is given to an organization that has repeatedly applied the principles of advanced analytics and OR/MS in pioneering, varied, novel, and lasting ways.
INFORMS President’s Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The purpose of this award is to recognize, and thereby encourage, important contributions to the welfare of society by members of our profession at the local, national, or global level. Achievements suitable for this recognition may be in technical or scientific education or in paid or voluntary consulting or management (commercial, academic, governmental, or nonprofit). The accomplishments honored need not have been documented by personal execution of formal or informal OR/MS studies but could have been reflected in support or promotion of OR/MS efforts.
INFORMS Case Competition
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The purpose of this annual competition is to encourage the creation, dissemination, and classroom use of new, unpublished cases in operations research and the management sciences.
Impact Prize
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Impact Prize, awarded once every two years, is intended to recognize widespread impact in the practice of operations research. It may be awarded to an individual or a single set of collaborators. The award may be given for the original research (if these ideas have been widely adopted), and/or for special efforts required to bring the research to a practical form (e.g., implementation as a software package or the communication of a body of research through writings, teaching, and consulting). The important criterion is breadth of use in practice and relevance to operations research. The technical assessment of the quality of the work is considered secondary to the degree to which it has been widely adopted.
George E. Kimball Medal
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The George E. Kimball Medal is awarded for recognition of distinguished service to the Institute and to the profession of operations research and the management sciences.
Frederick W. Lanchester Prize
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Lanchester prize is awarded for the best contribution to operations research and the management sciences published in English in the past five years.
Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Advanced Analytics, Operations Research, and Management Science
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Franz Edelman competition attests to the contributions of operations research and analytics in both the profit and non-profit sectors. Since its inception, cumulative benefits from Edelman finalist projects has topped the $292 billion mark. Edelman finalist teams have improved organizational efficiency, increased profits, brought better products to consumers, helped foster peace negotiations, and saved lives. The purpose of the Franz Edelman competition is to bring forward, recognize and reward outstanding examples of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics in practice in the world, with $15,000 in awards. First prize is accompanied by a $10,000 honorarium.
Donald P. Gaver, Jr. Early Career Award for Excellence in Operations Research
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The purpose of the award is to support creative and diverse work in operations research in the early career of the recipient. The candidate must be within ten years of receiving a PhD and be in a tenure track academic appointment.
Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in the Practice of Advanced Analytics and Operations Research
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
This prize emphasizes the quality and coherence of the analysis used in practice. Dr. Wagner strove for strong mathematics applied to practical problems, supported by clear and intelligible writing. This prize recognizes those principles by emphasizing good writing, strong analytical content, and verifiable practice successes.
Crop Challenge in Analytics Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
As our world population increases and arable land decreases, it becomes vital to improve the productivity of the agricultural land available. Companies like Syngenta strive to provide varieties of their crops to meet this need. Every year farmers have to make decisions about which soybean seeds to plant given information about different soybean varieties and knowledge about the soil and climate at their respective farms. These annual decisions are critical – after a variety is planted, the decision is irreversible. Unusual weather patterns can have disastrous impacts on crops.
Buck Weaver Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The Buck Weaver Award is given annually by the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS). The award honors distinguished scholars and practitioners who have excelled in the achievement of rigor and relevance in marketing science. The award is not restricted to ISMS members.
Aviation Applications Best Student Presentation Competition
Aviation Applications Best Student Presentation Competition
An award of the Aviation Applications Section
Best Student Paper — Application Process
An award of the Quality Statistics and Reliability Section
Best Dissertation Award — Application Process
An award of Telecommunications Section
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Long-Term Impact Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Long Term Impact Award (LTI Award) is given annually to a marketing paper published in Marketing Science, or Management Science, or another INFORMS journal, that is viewed to have made a significant long run impact on the field of Marketing.
INFORMS Fellows Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
INFORMS Fellows are examples of outstanding lifetime achievement in operations research and the management sciences. They have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments and made significant contributions to the advancement of OR/MS over a period of time.
Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science awards its Practice Prize for an outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. The methodology used must be sound and appropriate to the problem and organization, and the work should have had significant, verifiable and, preferably quantitative impact on the performance of the client organization. Any completed or published within the past five years is eligible, although some preference will be given to previously unpublished work.
UPS George D. Smith Prize
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The UPS George D. Smith Prize is created in the spirit of strengthening ties between industry and the schools of higher education that graduate young practitioners of operations research. INFORMS, with the help of the INFORMS Practice Section, will award the prize to an academic department or program for effective and innovative preparation of students to be good practitioners of operations research, management science, or analytics.
Innovative Applications in Analytics Award
INFORMS Marketing Science Society
The purpose of the Innovative Applications in Analytics Award, brought to you by the Analytics Society of INFORMS, Kinaxis and Adelphi University is to recognize the creative and unique application of analytical techniques. The prize promotes the creative combination of analytics techniques in innovative applications to provide novel insights and creates economic or social value.
Marketing Educator of the Year
Marketing Educators Association
MSI H. Paul Root Award
Marketing Science Institute
The award is given to a paper, published in the Journal of Marketing that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the practice of marketing in a calendar year.
Robert D. Buzzell MSI Best Paper Award
Marketing Science Institute
The MSI Best Paper Award was instituted in 1993 to honor the authors of the MSI working papers that have made the most significant contribution to marketing practice and thought. It also serves to signal the kind of writing and research that is of lasting value to corporate marketing executives. Each year the award is given for the best MSI paper issued during the calendar year two years previous.
MSI Top Download Award
Marketing Science Institute
The MSI Top Download Award is given to authors of the MSI working paper that was most downloaded in its first year of publication.
Baskett Mosse Award for Faculty Development
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Mass Communication
The Baskett Mosse Award for Faculty Development recognizes an outstanding young or midcareer faculty member in journalism or mass communication.
Covert Award for best article, essay or book chapter on communication history
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Mass Communication
The award is presented to the author of the best mass communication history article, essay or book chapters in edited collections published each year.
Krieghbaum Under 40 Award
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Mass Communication
The Krieghbaum Under-40 Award honors AEJMC members under 40 years of age who have shown outstanding achievement and effort in all three AEJMC areas: teaching, research and public service.
Ferguson Faculty Paper Award
NCA Communication Centers Section
Mass Communication
The Joyce Ferguson Faculty Paper Award honors outstanding communication center research by a faculty member.
Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS
American Mathematical Society
vThe Bertrand Russell Prize of the AMS was established in 2016 by Thomas Hales. The prize looks beyond the confines of the profession to research or service contributions of mathematicians or related professionals to promoting good in the world. It recognizes the various ways that mathematics furthers fundamental human values. Mathematical contributions that further world health, our understanding of climate change, digital privacy, or education in developing countries, are some examples of the type of work that might be considered for the prize.
Stefan Bergman Prize
American Mathematical Society
The Bergman Prize honors the memory of Stefan Bergman, best known for his research in several complex variables, as well as the Bergman projection and the Bergman kernel function that bear his name. Awards are made every year or two in: 1) the theory of the kernel function and its applications in real and complex analysis; or 2) function-theoretic methods in the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic type with attention to Bergman’s operator method.
Merton M. Hasse Prize
Mathematical Association of America
The Merten M. Hasse Prize is for a noteworthy expository paper appearing in an Association publication, at least one of whose authors is a younger mathematician, generally under the age of forty.
Carl B. Allendoerfer Awards
Mathematical Association of America
The Carl B. Allendoerfer Award, established in 1976, is made to authors of expository articles published in Mathematics Magazine.
Chuavenot Prize
Mathematical Association of America
The Chauvenet Prize, consisting of a prize of $1,000 and a certificate, is awarded at the Annual January Meeting of the Association to the author of an outstanding expository article on a mathematical topic.
Trevor Evans Award
Mathematical Association of America
The Trevor Evans Award, established by the Board of Governors in 1992 and first awarded in 1996, is presented to an author or authors of an exceptional article that is accessible to undergraduates and published during the preceding year in Math Horizons.
Paul R. Halmos – Lester R. Ford Awards
Mathematical Association of America
The Paul R. Halmos-Lester R. Ford Awards recognize authors of articles of expository excellence published in The American Mathematical Monthly.
George Pólya Awards
Mathematical Association of America
The George Pólya Award, established in 1976, is named after the renowned teacher and writer, and is given for articles of expository excellence published in The College Mathematics Journal.
David P. Robbins Prize
Mathematical Association of America
Honors the author or authors of a paper reporting on novel research in algebra, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics.
David Solow Author’s Award
Mathematical Association of America
This annual award is to recognize the author or authors of undergraduate mathematics teaching materials (textbook, lecture notes, computer software, web-based learning materials, video lectures, and others, as approved by the Council on Prizes), hereafter referred to as the “materials”.
Elliott Prize for best first journal publication on a medieval topic
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
Brown Prize for Best First Book
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
Haskins Prize for Distinguished Book
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
Digital Humanities
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
Various Awards
Medieval Academy of America
Medieval Studies
ASM Award for Education
American Society for Microbiology
Recognizes general excellence in microbiology education broadly defined and meant to include any and all activities that inform and motivate students
SAR Essay Prize
Modern Languages Association (South Atlantic)
Each year, the SAR Essay Prize Committee reviews the entirety of the previous volume and selects one essay to recognize for exceptional scholarship and contribution to the journal.
Brock Competition for Professional Composers
American Choral Directors Association
In an effort to further its mission to promote choral music and ensure its future, ACDA established the Raymond W. Brock Competition for Professional Composers. The Competition for Professional Composers is an outgrowth of the Raymond W. Brock Memorial Choral Commission. The objectives of the contest are three-fold: To acknowledge and reward outstanding composers in early, mid, or late career; To encourage choral composition of the highest caliber; To further promote composer activity at ACDA conferences.
Robert Shaw Choral Award
American Choral Directors Association
The Robert Shaw Choral Award is given to a choral leader who has made unusual contributions to the art of choral music. The recipient is chosen by the ACDA Past Presidents Advisory Council. The Robert Shaw Choral Award is presented during each National Conference.
FAME Awards and Partnership of Professionals Awards
National Association for Music Education
Beginning in 1997, FAME and Partnership of Professionals Awards have been presented at MENC’s annual FAME Dinner. FAME Awards acknowledge a national positive influence on the role of music education, or an outstanding contribution to the importance of music education. Partnership of Professionals Awards recognize a partnership with NAfME that has furthered the cause of music education in tangible ways.
Digital Lectures in American Music
Society for American Music
The Society for American Music’s Education Committee solicits proposals for a series of online video lectures on American music topics. Designed for general audiences (including, but not limited to, high school and university students, concertgoers, and/or historical societies), these lectures may address any topic or theme in American music studies but should approach the material with the layperson in mind. Each “Digital Lecture in American Music” should be 10-15 minutes in length. Please note that the Society employs an expansive definition of “American music” that encompasses all musics of the Americas, and especially welcomes submissions addressing Latin music, Canadian music, Indigenous music, and other marginalized music traditions. In this fifth iteration of the DLAM project, we are open to proposals that explore the use of the audiovisual medium in original and creative ways. The committee will prioritize submissions from those who have not previously developed a digital lecture for the society.
Wallace Berry Award
Society for Music Theory
Wallace Berry Award is given for a distinguished book by an author of any age or career stage.
Outstanding Publication Award
Society for Music Theory
Outstanding Publication Award is given for a distinguished article by an author of any age or career stage.
Emerging Scholar Award (Article)
Society for Music Theory
Emerging Scholar Award (Article) is given for an article published no more than seven calendar years after the author’s receipt of the Ph.D. (or, in the case of someone who does not hold a Ph.D., before the author reaches the age of forty).
Emerging Scholar Award (Book)
Society for Music Theory
Emerging Scholar Award (Book) is given for a book published no more than seven calendar years after the author’s receipt of the Ph.D. (or, in the case of someone who does not hold a Ph.D., before the author reaches the age of forty).
Outstanding Multi-Author Collection
Society for Music Theory
Outstanding Multi-Author Collection is given for a distinguished multi-author collection.
Citations of Special Merit
Society for Music Theory
Citations of Special Merit are occasionally awarded for editions, translations, reference works, edited volumes, and other types of publications that are of extraordinary value to the discipline.
Presidential Award
Society for Music Theory
Presidential Award honors a publication focused on composers, performers, critics, theorists, or other music-related agents of BIPOC and other geographical, regional groups historically underrepresented in the field of music theory in North America. The publication (an article, book, edited volume, or other scholarly entries) exemplifies the highest qualities of original work that brings cultural and social perspectives to bear on music analysis, interpretation, and their theoretical frameworks. Publications under consideration for this award are also eligible for other SMT Publication Awards.
Subvention Grant
Society for Music Theory
SMT Subventions are awarded for scholarly projects that advance the discipline, on a competitive basis to SMT members in good standing (members of the Subventions Committee are ineligible in the year of their service). Awards are intended to reimburse scholars for certain types of costs incurred in association with their work in music theory, including out-of-pocket expenses associated with the preparation and publishing of an article or book that has been accepted for publication; with organizing conferences or leading workshops that make a substantial contribution to the field; or with other such projects. Subventions are not intended to fund research-related travel or conference expenses, although they may do so in rare and truly exceptional cases.
George N. Parks Leadership in Music Education Award
National Association of Music Educators
Music Education
Developed by the National Association for Music Education and Music for All, the George N. Parks Leadership in Music Education Award is named for the late George Parks, director of the University of Massachusetts Minuteman Marching Band. Considered a national authority on drum majoring, Mr. Parks led the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy, including at the Music for All Summer Symposium. The George N. Parks Award honors an exemplary band director who embodies the characteristics and leadership that Mr. Parks showed his students every day. The deadline for nominations is September 9, 2020.
Lifetime Achievement Award in Education
Percussive Arts Society
Music Education
The Percussive Arts Society Lifetime Achievement Award in Education was established in 2002 and recognizes the contributions of the most highly regarded leaders in percussion education.
PAS Outstanding Chapter Award
Percussive Arts Society
Music Education
The PAS Outstanding Chapter Award recognizes individual chapters who have increased membership and provided percussion events, newsletters, and experiences that are beneficial for the continued music education of all chapter members.
PAS President’s Industry Award
Percussive Arts Society
Music Education
The PAS President’s Industry Award was established to recognize those individuals in the Percussion Industry that have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their field and outstanding support of the Society.
Outstanding PAS Service Award
Percussive Arts Society
Music Education
The Outstanding PAS Service Award was established to recognize an individual each year who has provided service to the organization through a significant project, cause or cumulative service that has made a significant contribution to the Society as a whole.
Research and Evidence-Based Practice Grants
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators
Mabel Korsell Award
Georgia Association for Nursing Education
Awards may be granted to individuals, institutions, agencies, associations or other groups in: Recognition of outstanding service to the Georgia Association for Nursing Education; Recognition of special effort in Georgia Association for Nursing Education (e.g., in fund-raising, membership recruitment, etc); Recognition of unusual support of Georgia Association for Nursing Education (e.g., innovation program or project planning and/or implementation).
Jan Van de Verde Award
Georgia Association for Nursing Education
Award may be granted to an Outstanding Nursing Educator who meets the following criteria: 1. Nursing Educator in Georgia for a minimum of five years (academic or clinical); 2. Minimum Education – Master’s Degree; 3. Has demonstrated a positive influence on Nursing Education in Georgia through one or more of the following examples: Demonstration of Scholarship; Served on regional, state, or national committees r/t to nursing education; Received teaching award or recognition of excellence in education; Served as Accreditation Site Visitor; Consultant to Educational Programs (academic or clinical); Instrumental in the development or expansion of a nursing program or the development of an innovative clinical education program.
Eva Tupman Nurse Researcher Award
Georgia Association for Nursing Education
Award may be granted to an Outstanding Nurse Researcher who meets the following criteria: 1. Nurse Researcher (academic or clinical); 2. Resident of Georgia; 3. Has demonstrated a positive influence on Nursing Research in Georgia through one or more of the following examples: Demonstration of Scholarship; Grants received for the purpose of conducting research; Served on regional, state, or national committees r/t to nursing research; Received research award or recognition of excellence in research; Research mentor or consultant.
NSTA Fellow Award
National Science Teaching Association
This award recognizes extraordinary contributions to science education through (1) personal commitment to education, specifically science teaching or science; (2) educational endeavors and original work that position recipients as exemplary leaders in their field; (3) significant contributions to the profession that reflect dedication to NSTA as well the entire educational community. The NSTA Fellow Award is a prestigious award that recognizes an NSTA member for long standing service to science education at the local, state, and national level. The NSTA Fellow is recognized as an ambassador for the advancement of science and science education for students, teachers, and the community at large.
The Berlin Prize
American Academy in Berlin
Each year, the American Academy in Berlin welcomes around twenty fellows, who support our mission to enrich transatlantic dialogue in the arts, humanities, and public policy through the development and communication of projects of the highest scholarly merit. Past recipients have included anthropologists, art historians, literary scholars, philosophers, historians, musicologists, journalists, writers, filmmakers, sociologists, legal scholars, diplomats, economists, and public policy experts, among others.
ACLS Digital Extension Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS invites applications for ACLS Digital Extension Grants, which are made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grants are designed to advance humanistic scholarship by enhancing established digital projects, extending their reach to new communities of users, and supporting teams of scholars at all career stages as they participate in digital research.
ACLS Emerging Voices Fellowships
American Council of Learned Societies
The American Council of Learned Societies is pleased to announce the second competition of the Emerging Voices Fellowship. The program allows recent PhDs in the humanities and humanistic social sciences to take up one-year positions at select institutions in ACLS’s Research University Consortium for the 2021-22 academic year. At a time of economic downturn and uncertainty in academe, the fellowships provide support for a vanguard of scholars whose voices, perspectives, and broad visions will strengthen institutions of higher education and humanistic disciplines in the years to come. The Fellowship is administered by the American Council of Learned Societies and is made possible by the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
ACLS Fellowships
American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS invites research proposals from scholars in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. Given the disproportionate effect the current economic downturn has on emerging, independent, and untenured scholars, in the 2020-21 competition year the awards are designated solely for untenured scholars who have earned the PhD within the past eight years. ACLS welcomes applications from scholars without faculty appointments and scholars off the tenure track.
ACLS Leading Edge Fellowships
American Council of Learned Societies
The fellowships provide support for placing talented, entrepreneurial recent PhDs in religious studies, theology, ethics, and related fields in organizations around the country, to help communities respond to issues caused by the COVID-19 crisis and advance public understanding of the pandemic.
ACE Fellows Program
American Council on Education
Since 1965, nearly 2,000 vice presidents, deans, department chairs, faculty, and other emerging leaders have participated in the ACE Fellows Program, a customized learning experience that enables participants to immerse themselves in the study and practice of leadership and experience the culture, policies, and decision-making processes of another institution. The ACE Fellows Program helps ensure that higher education’s future leaders are ready to take on real-world challenges and serve the capacity-building needs of their institutions.
Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great Teaching
Baylor University
The Cherry Award program is designed to honor great teachers, to stimulate discussion in the academy about the value of teaching, and to encourage departments and institutions to value their own great teachers. The recipient of the Cherry Award will receive a prize of $250,000 and will teach in residence at Baylor University during the 2020 fall or 2021 spring semester; travel expenses and a furnished apartment will be provided. To further Baylor University’s commitment to great teaching, the award recipient’s home department will receive $25,000.
The Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement
Campus Compact
The annual Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty recognizes a full-time faculty member who is pre-tenure at tenure-granting campuses or early career (i.e., within the first six years) at campuses with long-term contracts, and who connects their teaching, research and service to community engagement.
Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Department or Program
Georgia Regents
Regents’ Teaching Excellence Awards for Online Teaching
Georgia Regents
Felton Jenkins, Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty Awards
Georgia Regents
Regents’ Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Awards
Georgia Regents
Excellence in Teaching First Year Seminars Award
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
Portal will open in Summer 2020. Award recipients will have achieved great success in teaching first-year seminars and continue to inspire student learning, development, and success.
Paul P. Fidler Research Grant
National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
Portal will open in Spring 2021. The Paul P. Fidler Research Grant competition is open to faculty, staff, and graduate students who plan to conduct research on issues of college student transitions.
Excellence in Innovation
Phi Kappa Phi
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi established its Excellence in Innovation Award in 2014 to recognize colleges and universities for their achievements in finding powerful answers to important local, regional, national, or global challenges, as well as to raise awareness of the importance of encouraging innovation in higher education.
Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Award
Phi Kappa Phi
The Ray Sylvester Distinguished Service Award honors an individual who has provided sustained, non-compensated volunteer service to others beyond the realm of academia.
Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher Award
Society for College Science Teachers
The purpose of the Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teacher Award (OUSTA) is to recognize the achievements of our teaching colleagues who have enhanced the profession as outstanding teachers of science.
William Riley Parker Prize
Modern Langauge Association
Awarded for an outstanding article published in PMLA
James Russell Lowell Prize
Modern Langauge Association
For an outstanding literary or linguistic study or a critical biography. Open to studies dealing with literary theory, media, cultural history, or interdisciplinary topics.
MLA Prize for a First Book
Modern Langauge Association
For an outstanding literary or linguistic study or a critical biography. Open to studies dealing with literary theory, media, cultural history, or interdisciplinary topics.
Matei Calinescu Prize
Modern Langauge Association
For a distinguished work of scholarship in twentieth- or twenty-first-century literature and thought.
Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs Fellowships for Scholars
American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS invites applications for fellowships offered by the Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs, made possible by the generous support of The Henry Luce Foundation. The program deepens public understanding of religion by advancing innovative scholarship on religion in international contexts and equipping individual scholars and institutions of higher education with the capacities to connect their work to journalism and the media and to engage audiences beyond the academy.
Luce/ACLS Program in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs Collaborative Programming Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
The program aims to deepen public understanding of religion by advancing innovative scholarship on religion in international contexts and equipping individual scholars and institutions of higher education with the capacities to connect their work to journalism and the media and to engage audiences beyond the academy.
Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent PhDs
American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS is pleased to announce the tenth annual competition of the Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program. The program promotes the visibility and value of the humanities PhD beyond the academy by offering opportunities for PhDs to contribute to the public good while gaining career-building experience in the fields of policy, community development, conservation, arts and culture, and media.
Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows: Information for Potential Host Organizations
American Council of Learned Societies
The Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program demonstrates the dynamic potential of the humanities PhD by placing recent PhDs in professional roles with nonprofit and government organizations in the fields of arts management, development, communications, public administration, policy, and digital media. The program is administered by the American Council of Learned Societies with generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society Fellowships
American Council of Learned Societies
The Mellon/ACLS Scholars and Society program aims to amplify the broad potential of doctoral education in the humanities by supporting doctoral faculty as they pursue publicly engaged scholarship and advocate for diverse professional pathways for emerging PhDs. The program offers opportunities for faculty with fulltime appointments in PhD-granting humanities departments or programs in the United States to engage significant societal questions in their research, serve as ambassadors for humanities scholarship beyond the academy, and deepen their support for innovations in doctoral education on their campuses.
Michael Stratton Practitioner’s Award
Association for Experiential Education
Outdoor Education
This award honors an experiential practitioner who has demonstrated consistently high levels of performance in working directly with students or clients. This person’s work “in the trenches” demonstrates that an individual practitioner can bring about significant change and impact the lives of students, participants or clients.
Servant Leader Award
Association for Experiential Education
Outdoor Education
This award recognizes individuals for their active, excellent servant leadership to the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) and its members.
Karl Rohnke Creativity Award
Association for Experiential Education
Outdoor Education
Presented to an individual whose outstanding commitment to experiential education principles are evidenced through the design, creation and/or production of experiential education resources.
Distinquished Researcher Award
Association for Experiential Education
Outdoor Education
This award provides a declaration of the value of that enterprise and recognizes the role that long-term and productive research efforts provide our fields.
Jim Rennie Leadership Award
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
The Jim Rennie Leadership Award recognizes contributions to AORE which are far beyond the ordinary and which have had a significant and lasting impact on the Association and its mission. The award also recognizes professional work or leadership of unusual significance in the field of outdoor recreation and education. The nominee must be a current AORE professional member in good standing.
David J. Webb Program Excellence Award
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
The David J Webb Program Excellence Award honors an outstanding non-profit outdoor program which has provided dynamic and innovative services to its participants, demonstrated professionalism and high standards of conduct, and contributed to the outdoor community at large by sharing information and assisting other programs. The nominee must be a current organization member in good standing.
Green Program Award
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
The award recognizes an AORE Organization program’s commitment to environmental stewardship by current practices and policies including purchasing (products, gear, supplies, and food), energy efficiency, waste diversion, carbon offset programs, water usage, and transportation.
Research Grant
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
The purpose of this $5,000 research grant is to provide an AORE member the opportunity to study an area of their interest. Applicants are free to propose quantitative or qualitative empirical studies, analysis of secondary data sources, the development of new theories or conceptual frameworks, as well as other proposals that further AORE’s mission, goals and objectives. These funds can be used for ongoing projects.
Greg Hawkins “Go Big or Go Home” Scholarship
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
In the spirit of Greg Hawkins and the way he lived his life, Petzl has generously sponsored the Greg Hawkins “Go Big or Go Home” Scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an AORE professional member or group of members to help fund a personal outdoor endeavor. This scholarship reminds us to never lose sight of our personal spirit of adventure as outdoor professionals.
Patsy Kott Service Award
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
Outdoor Education
The Patsy Kott Service Award, established by donations from Patsy Kott and AORE members like you, recognizes long term professional work or service having a lasting impact on the Association and its mission. This award is presented to an AORE member who has demonstrated behind the scenes impactful and steadfast service to the AORE. A distinguishing characteristic for this award is significant long-term service to support the Association from behind the front lines.
William James Prize
American Philosophical Association-Eastern Division
The Eastern Division awards the William James Prize to the best paper in the area of American philosophy that is both (a) written by a philosopher who received the Ph.D. within five years of the beginning of the calendar year in which the paper is submitted, or is a graduate student, and (b) accepted for inclusion in the Eastern Division program by the program committee through the normal process of anonymous-reviewing.
Young Public Philosopher Award
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Alain Locke Award for Public Philosophy
Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy
Halliday and Robert Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Training
American Association of Physics Teachers
Established as the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award in 1993; renamed and substantially endowed in 2010 by John Wiley and Sons. Named for David Halliday and Robert Resnick, authors of a very successful college-level textbook in introductory physics, and funded since 2010 primarily by a generous endowment from John Wiley and Sons, the publisher of that textbook, the David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching recognizes outstanding achievement in teaching undergraduate physics, which may include the use of innovative teaching methods.
Millikan Medal for Notable Contributions to the Teaching of Physics
American Association of Physics Teachers
The Robert A Millikan Medal recognizes those who have made notable and intellectually creative contributions to the teaching of physics. The recipient delivers an address at an AAPT Summer Meeting and receives a monetary award, the Millikan Medal, an Award Certificate, and travel expenses to the meeting. Self-nomination is not appropriate for this award. Preference in the selection of the recipient will be given to members of AAPT.
Distinguished Teaching Awards
National Science Teachers Association
This award honors NSTA members who are teachers that have made extraordinary contributions to the field of science teaching
Distinguished Teaching Awards
National Science Teachers Association
This award honors NSTA members who are teachers that have made extraordinary contributions to the field of science teaching
New Investigator Awards
American Physiological Society
Multiple awards are listed. Go to the homepage and search for “New Investigator.”
ADInstruments Macknight Early Career Innovative Educator Award
American Physiological Society
The ADInstruments Macknight Innovative Educator Award, made possible by our strategic partner ADInstruments, honors an early to mid-career APS member who demonstrates the greatest potential for incorporating innovative teaching techniques and effectively utilizing technology resources in engaging undergraduate or graduate students in physiology education.
Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship Award
American Physiological Society
The Claude Bernard Distinguished Lectureship Award is presented to an established investigator with a history of excellence in education who is making outstanding contributions to teaching and learning. This award is made possible by APS Strategic Partner, ADInstruments.
APS Teaching Career Enhancement Award
American Physiological Society
The APS Teaching Career Enhancement Award (TCEA) is designed to enhance the career potential of regular members of APS who hold a rank equivalent to Assistant Professor or above.
Teaching Excellence Award
Georgia Political Science Association
Political Science
Award for innovation in teaching. Details announced with annual program announcement.
McBrayer Award
Georgia Political Science Association
Political Science
McBrayer Award and an accompanying $500.00 cash prize will be awarded in years when a paper of outstanding scholarship.
Society for Industrical and Organizational Psychology Distinguished Teaching Award
SIOP Division of American Psychological Association
This award recognizes a SIOP member who demonstrates a sustained excellence in teaching.
Kalafat Awards in Applied Community Psychology
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
Award for mentor, teacher, and advocate in making the benefits of community psychology accessible to all.
Award for Distinguished Contribution to Theory and Research in Community Psychology
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Award for Distinguished Contribution to Theory and Research in Community Psychology is presented annually to an individual whose career of high quality and innovative research and scholarship has resulted in a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in Community Psychology.
Award for Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Award for Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology is presented annually to an individual whose career of high quality and innovative applications of psychological principles has demonstrated positive impact on, or significant illumination of the ecology of, communities or community settings, and has significantly benefited the practice of community psychology.
SCRA Early Career Award
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The purpose of the SCRA Early Career Award is to recognize community psychologists who are making a significant contribution to the field of community psychology and to APA Division 27; Society for Community Research and Action.
Ethnic and Minority Mentoring Award
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Ethnic and Minority Mentoring Award is awarded for outstanding contributions to the mentoring- of ethnic minority community psychologists in academic settings. It was established in 1991 and is given to a SCRA member who has had a positive impact on an ethnic minority graduate student or beginning level graduate who has consistently fostered a climate in his/her setting conducive to the growth of ethnic minority graduate students and/or beginning level graduates. The goal of the award is to acknowledge the importance of encouraging ethnic diversity within community psychology and supporting the efforts of groups of individuals who have been historically more limited in their access to higher education within our field.
Award for Special Contributions in Public Policy
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Award for Special Contributions in Public Policy is given to those individuals or organizations that have made exemplary contributions in the public policy arena. The Award allows individuals in the political arena, as well as those within international non-government agencies, to receive the recognition they deserve for public policy contributions, broadly defined.
Award for Excellence in Education Programs
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The purpose of the Award for Excellence in Education Programs is to recognize an exemplary undergraduate and/or graduate program that has innovative structures, strategies, and curricula that promote development of the field of community psychology and community research and action.
Outstanding Educator Award
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The purpose of the Outstanding Educator Award is to recognize an SCRA member who has made exemplary and innovative contributions to the education of students about community psychology and community research and action.
Don Klein Publication Award
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Don Klein Publication Award to Advance Community Psychology Practice is awarded biennially at the SCRA Biennial. The purpose of the award is to encourage and acknowledge excellence in promoting the field and practice of community psychology through publications with strong dissemination potential across disciplinary lines.
Seymour B. Sarason Award
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
The Seymour B. Sarason Award for Community Research and Action was established in 1993 to recognize people working in the conceptually demanding, creative, and ground breaking tradition of Seymour B. Sarason.
SCRA Fellows
Society for Community Research and Action Division of APA
SCRA seeks to recognize a variety of exceptional contributions that significantly advance the field of community research and action including, but not limited to, theory development, research, evaluation, teaching, intervention, policy development and implementation, advocacy, consultation, program development, administration and service. A SCRA Fellow is someone who provides evidence of “unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in community research and/or action.”
SEPA Outstanding Professional Paper Award
Southeastern Psychological Association
seeks to encourage the oral presentation and eventual publication of high-quality scientific research by professional members at the annual meeting.
SEPA Early Career Award
Southeastern Psychological Association
The Early Career Research Award (ECRA) is available to members of SEPA who are within 7 years of receiving their doctoral degree and who are submitting empirical research for the annual meeting
RSA–Patricia H. Labalme Fellowship
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
The RSA–Patricia H. Labalme Fellowship, in collaboration with the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, supports a one-month residence at the Centro Vittore Branca on the Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore for the purpose of research in Venice.
Paul Oskar Kristeller Fellowship
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
Paul Oskar Kristeller Fellowships support scholarly research at the archive, collection, site, library, or other venue for scholarship of one’s choice.
RSA Short-Term Research Fellowship
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
RSA Short-Term Research Fellowships support scholarly research at the archive, collection, site, library, or other venue for scholarship of one’s choice.
Claude V. Palisca Fellowship in Musicology
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
The Claude V. Palisca Fellowship in Musicology supports scholarly research by a Musicologist at the archive, collection, site, library, or other venue for scholarship of one’s choice.
Pedretti Fellowship
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
The Pedretti Fellowship supports scholarly research by a specialist in Leonardo da Vinci Studies at the archive, collection, site, library, or other venue for scholarship of one’s choice.
RSA-Samuel H. Kress Short-Term Research Fellowships
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
RSA-Samuel H. Kress Short-Term Research Fellowships support scholarly research at the archive, collection, site, library, or other venue for scholarship of one’s choice.
RSA-Kress Publication Subventions
Renaissance Society of America
Renaissance Studies
RSA-Kress Publication Subventions are intended especially to support the costs of publication in the history of art, but in some cases may be awarded for research travel costs for art history projects. If you are applying for a Kress fellowship to support the publication of a book or article in art history, your book/article must be accepted for publication; please indicate the journal or press where it will be published and the timeline for publication. The Kress Foundation and the RSA expect the support of the fellowship to be acknowledged in the completed publication.
Geisler Mentoring Award
Rhetoric Society of America
This award honors individuals who during their careers have demonstrated exceptional commitment to mentoring through such activities as guiding, supporting, and promoting the education, training and career development of their students or junior colleagues.
Kneupper Award
Rhetoric Society of America
Given annually, this award recognizes the article published in that year’s volume of Rhetoric Society Quarterly that the editorial board and the editor consider the most significant contribution to scholarship in rhetoric.
Jefferson Science Fellowship
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Health Sciences
The JSF program is open to tenured, or similarly ranked, faculty from U.S. institutions of higher learning who are U.S. citizens.
Dina Feitelson Research Award
International Literacy Association
Teacher Education
This is a US$500 award established to honor the memory of Dina Feitelson for a current literature published worldwide, focusing on reading and related disciplines to recognize an outstanding empirical study, published in English in a refereed journal. Journals include reports on an investigation of aspects of literacy acquisition such as phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, bilingualism, home influences on literacy development, or cross-cultural studies of beginning reading. The results of the study should have clear implications for instruction.
Nila Banton Smity Translating Research to Practice Award
International Literacy Association
Teacher Education
This US$5,000 grant is given to teachers who conduct research inquiries in their classrooms and show outstanding leadership in translating theory and current research into practice in developing content area literacy. Applicants must be ILA members.
Biennial Sally Banes Publication Prize
American Society for Theatre Research
This prize honors the publication (book or essay) that best explores the intersections of theatre and dance/movement in the previous two calendar years. The awardee will receive $500 plus a free conference registration.
Co-Sponsored Events Awards
American Society for Theatre Research
Applications may come from individuals, organizations, institutions (or a combination). Applications will be considered from any nation. ASTR co-sponsored events receive the endorsement of ASTR; however, ASTR is not able to offer organizational or administrative assistance to awardees. Events of regional, national, or international significance in the format of conferences, colloquia, symposia, summits, etc. will be considered provided that they align with ASTR’s purpose, namely, to foster scholarship on theatre and performance, either historical or contemporary, with respect to the U.S. or abroad.
Outstanding German Educator Award
American Association of Teachers of German
World Languages
The AATG Outstanding German Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching and outstanding contributions to the German teaching profession. Awards are presented to: an elementary, middle school or junior high school educator; a high school educator; and a post-secondary educator.
FL-A-CH Award
American Association of Teachers of German
World Languages
This award honors excellence in the teaching of the language and cultures of Austria, the German-speaking areas of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Südtirol in the US. German educators may be recognized for developing materials and activities for use in the classroom, research and scholarship, and/or leadership in projects that promote these cultures at home and abroad.
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation Teacher Award
American Association of Teachers of German
World Languages
The award, recognizing outstanding teachers of German who strengthen intercultural understanding, is presented annually to one K–12 and one college/university AATG member. Eligible recipients were not born or raised in a German-speaking country. The award includes a stipend for travel to Berlin to participate in the Checkpoint Charlie Foundation Enrichment Educational Program held in June.
Teacher of the Year Award
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
World Languages
This award, cosponsored by Sage, recognizes exemplary scholarship published in the Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) in the area of educator preparation or of teaching and learning with implications for educator preparation.
Goethe-Institut / AATG Certificate of Merit
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
World Languages
This award honors achievement in furthering German teaching in the US. German teachers may be recognized for outstanding teaching, creative and successful activities promoting German, innovative curriculum and successful course design, successful interdisciplinary cooperation, and/or significant contributions to the profession.
Humanities Innovation Grants
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
$3,000 grants to support development of courses and other programs in English, languages, and related disciplines that build enrollments and revitalize student interest in the humanities
Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
For an outstanding book published in English or Spanish in the field of Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures.
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
For an outstanding scholarly work in comparative literary studies involving at least two literatures.
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies
Modern Langauge Association
World Languages
For an outstanding scholarly work in French or francophone linguistic or literary studies.
Eugene P. Odum Award
Ecological Society of America
The Eugene P. Odum Award recognizes an ecologist for outstanding work in ecology education. This award was generously endowed by, and named for, the distinguished ecologist Eugene P. Odum. Through teaching, outreach, and mentoring activities, recipients of this award have demonstrated their ability to relate basic ecological principles to human affairs. Nominations recognizing achievements in education at the university, K–12, and public levels are all encouraged.
ASM Carski Award for Undergraduate Education
American Society for Microbiology
This award recognizes an educator for outstanding teaching of microbiology to undergraduate students and for encouraging them to subsequent achievement.
ASM Award for Education
American Society for Microbiology
Recognizes general excellence in microbiology education. Education is broadly defined and meant to include any and all activities that inform and motivate students about the discipline of microbiology.
CAMWS Award For Excellence In College Teaching
The Classcial Association of the Middle West and South
This award recognizes outstanding college and university teachers of Classics. The nominee must be a member in good standing of CAMWS and teach classical subjects at a college or university. Both full- and part-time teachers (who teach at least half-time with a mininum of five years teaching experience) are eligible for this award. Nominees will be eligible for consideration for three consecutive years, provided that CAMWS membership remains current in each year of consideration. No previous winner of the award is eligible to apply a second time.
Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards
The Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards promote the innovative use of data-collection technology using a computer, tablet, or other handheld in the science classroom. We encourage you to apply for one of seven $5,500 awards.
Vernier/NABT Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award
open, Ecology
ALIAS Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science
Presented annually, this award would recognize sustained excellence in the scholarship of teaching and learning as it pertains to international affairs. Prior service to ALIAS and/or ISA more generally would also be a criterion. A panel, honoring the contribution of the recipient, would accompany the award.
ESS Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The Distinguished Scholar Award of the Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association recognizes outstanding scholars whose long history of excellent research and teaching has had substantial impact on fields associated with international relations and environmental issues.
Historical International Relations Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
Political Science, open
The HIST Section’s Distinguished Scholar Award recognizes an individual whose lifetime achievements in scholarship, teaching, and mentoring have made a significant impact on the field of Historical International Relations. The award is given on a biennial basis.
Distinguished Teaching Award
Mathematical Association of America
Nominations for the 2021 Southeastern Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics are now being accepted. This award is established to honor faculty who have been extraordinarily successful in teaching.
Distinguished Teaching Award by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member
Mathematical Association of America
The MAA Southeastern Section (MAASE) established this award to honor beginning college or university faculty whose teaching in the Section has been extraordinarily successful and whose effectiveness in teaching undergraduate mathematics is shown to have influence beyond their own classrooms. An awardee must have taught full time in a mathematical science in the Southeastern Section for at least two years, but not more than a total of seven years in any collegiate institution. Each year at most one college or university teacher is to be honored with this MAA-SE section award. Nominations for the award may be made by any member of the MAA-SE section.
Tri-County EMC Operation Round Up Grants
Tri-County EMC
Operation Roundup is a community development program funded by the voluntary contributions of Tri-Coun-ty EMC’s customers to the Tri-County EMC Foundation. Contributions are made to the foundation when par-ticipants elect to have their monthly electric bill rounded up to the next dollar. Charitable donations are made quarterly by the foundation to worthy projects and needs within the eight-county Tri-County EMC service area. Organizations can apply to the Tri-County EMC, whose board of directors will award funds based on the worthiness of each application and available funds. These organizations can also apply on behalf of individuals re-siding within the eight county area (Baldwin, Putnam, Jones, Bibb, Jasper, Morgan, Twiggs and Wilkinson). One-hundred percent of funds collected are returned to the community through donations from the foundation.
Best First Book in the History of Religions
American Academy of Religion
History, Religion
Established by the American Council of Learned Societies in 1891, this award is now administered by the American Academy of Religion. The winner receives $1,000 and recognition in a variety of AAR publications.
Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion
American Academy of Religion
Awards for Excellence are given in four categories:
* Constructive-Reflective Studies: Works of contemporary ethics, philosophy, interpretation, theology or analogous forms of critical reflection
* Historical Studies: Works that focus on the history of a particular religion or religions in a specific historical period or geographical area
* Analytical-Descriptive Studies: Works of analysis or theory that focus on religion as an object of enquiry or on its typical components, such as myth, ritual, or tradition
* Textual Studies: Works that focus on the analysis, interpretation, or translation of a particular text or group of texts in the study of religion
ICAS Book Prize
International Convention of Asian Scholars
History, Religion
The ICAS Book Prize (IBP) was established in 2004. It aims to create an international focus for academic publications on Asia, thus increasing their worldwide visibility. The biennial ICAS Book Prize is awarded for outstanding English-language works and dissertations on Asia, and has always been organised around broad interdisciplinary bases (Social Sciences and Humanities) rather than traditional geographic or disciplinary compartmentalisations.
Edward Cameron Dimock, Jr. Prize in the Indian Humanities
American Institute of Asian Studies
History, Religion
In order to promote scholarship in South Asian Studies, the American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) awards two prizes each year for the best unpublished book manuscript on an Indian subject.
John F. Richards Prize
American Historical Association
The John F. Richards Prize in South Asian History recognizes the most distinguished work of scholarship on South Asian history published in English. South Asia is defined as the geographic area included in the modern states of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Eligibility will be defined quite broadly, including books on any period or field of South Asian historical studies and works which integrate South Asian history with broader global issues and movements. In making its selection, the prize committee will pay particular attention to depth of research, methodological innovation, conceptual originality, and literary excellence. Works that reinterpret old themes or develop new theoretical perspectives are welcome. Anthologies, encyclopedias and other edited volumes will not be considered. The current prize amount is $1,000.
Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize
Association for Asian Studies
The Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize honors outstanding and innovative scholarship across discipline and country of specialization for a first single-authored monograph on South Asia, published during the preceding year. Books nominated may address either contemporary or historical topics in any field of the humanities or the social sciences related to any of the countries of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal in the spirit of Barney Cohn’s broad and critical scholarship on culture and history in South Asia.
Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
Pollock-Krasner Foundation
Pollock-Krasner grants have enabled artists to create new work, purchase needed materials and pay for studio rent, as well as their personal expenses. Past recipients of Pollock-Krasner grants acknowledge their critical impact in allowing concentrated time for studio work, and in preparing for exhibitions and other professional opportunities such as accepting a residency.
Josiah Macy Jr Foundation President’s Grants
Josiah Macy Jr Foundation
Health Sciences
President’s Grants can be given at any time. They are evaluated by an internal team and awarded by our president. President’s Grants primarily align with our priority areas: Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Belonging; Increasing Collaboration Among Future Health Professionals; Preparing Future Health Professionals to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas.
Josiah Macy Jr Foundation Board Grants
Josiah Macy Jr Foundation
Health Sciences
Board Grants are awarded three times each year, following approval at one of the three annual Macy Foundation board meetings. Board Grants align with our priority areas: Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Belonging; Increasing Collaboration Among Future Health Professionals; Preparing Future Health Professionals to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas.
Deems Taylor/Virgil Thomson Awards
ASCAP Foundation
Historically, The ASCAP Foundation Deems Taylor/Virgil Thomson Awards program has recognized books, articles and recording liner notes on the subject of music selected for their excellence.
Innovate Grant
Innovate Grant
Our $550.00 grants act as sparks of financial support that ignite your creative development. Our grant cycles are open 4 times a year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) giving you more opportunities to access the support you need. Our process is simple so you spend less time on the application and more time making your important work.
Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Outstanding Teaching or Leadership in Nursing Education
National League for Nursing
Isabel Hampton Robb Award for Outstanding Leadership in Clinical Practice
National League for Nursing
Lillian Wald Humanitarian Award
National League for Nursing
Nursing Education Research Grants Awards
National League for Nursing
The NLN Research in Nursing Education Grants Program supports high-quality studies that contribute to the development of the science of nursing education. Each year, the NLN awards research grants to faculty or doctoral students of NLN member schools. Award recipients are formally announced at the NLN Education Summit each fall.
Women’s Prize for Fiction
Any woman writing in English – whatever her nationality, country of residence, age or subject matter – is eligible. Novels must be published in the United Kingdom between 1 April in the year the Prize calls for entries, and 31 March the following year, when the Prize is announced. Publishers must enter submission.
Diamond Anniversary Book Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Diamond Anniversary Book Award recognizes the most outstanding scholarly book published during the previous calendar year based on the copyright date of the book. For the 2022 award, books published in 2021 are eligible. In selecting the recipient for this award, “outstanding scholarship” shall include, but not necessarily be restricted to: The generation of research judged to be critical to the discipline of communication; Dedication to excellence in the conception and method guiding the analysis; The presentation of findings that generate new insights and understandings regarding communication; Explicit sensitivity to the potential uses and value of the analysis for others in areas such as research, teaching, and application. Only current individual members of NCA can nominate books for the award, including self-nominations. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nominees must be active members of NCA at the time of nomination.
Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award honors distinguished scholars who have executed research programs in rhetorical theory, rhetorical criticism, or public address studies. The award is given to an NCA member who, through multiple publications and presentations around a rhetorical topic or theme, demonstrates intellectual creativity, perseverance, and impact on academic communities.
Golden Anniversary Monograph Awards
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Golden Anniversary Monograph Award recognizes the most outstanding scholarly monograph published during the previous calendar year based on copyright date. For the 2022 award, books published in 2021 are eligible. Monographs or articles may be in any of the areas of the communication arts and sciences. The award is intended for articles and book chapters. Any full length books should be submitted to the Diamond Anniversary Book Award.
James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address honors scholarship that has been published by NCA members in the previous year based on copyright date.
Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award is given to foster and promote philosophical, historical, or critical scholarship in rhetoric and public discourse. Nominees should be NCA members who have completed the Ph.D. within the past 10 years or who are well advanced in doctoral studies in rhetoric and public address.
Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Leslie Irene Coger Award recognizes outstanding careers in performance. Nominees may be directors, producers, teachers, or performers and must be members of NCA. The award is given for a body of performance or an outstanding career in performance. It may, in exceptional cases, be given to performers of a single or a smaller body of performance.
Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies recognizes NCA members who have published research and creative scholarship in interpretation and performance studies. The scholarship recognized by the award is to be broadly defined to include the spectrum of scholarship expressed by Text and Performance Quarterly (TPQ). While TPQ is to serve as a model for defining the scope of the award, the scholarship recognized by the award may be published in any NCA journal; a major research or literary journal of another association or organization; book or monograph form; or media other than a print, such as, but not limited to, live performance, film, videotape, photography, audiotape, and radio. The award is given to authors of scholarship published during the previous three-year period. The date of copyright of the published material will serve as the date of publication.
Marsha Houston Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Marsha Houston Award honors Dr. Marsha Houston, noted African American feminist communication scholar, who was instrumental in helping raise and duly ensure recognition of the collective academic voices of African American women and other women of color in conventional feminist communication. The award will be given to scholar junior to mid-level career woman scholar whose scholarship and research, teaching, service and advocacy to academe and their local communities (especially as it pertains to activism) embodies critically examining social justice issues, diversity/inclusion, equity. Diversity would include any focus on marginalized or un(der)represented populations and initiative to problem solved improve local, regional, national, or global community.
Orlando L. Taylor Distinguished Scholarship Award in Africana Communication
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Orlando L. Taylor Distinguished Scholarship Award in Africana Communication recognizes a scholar whose body of work demonstrates a sustained commitment and significant, enduring contribution to the study of African American and/or the African Diaspora communication and culture. Evaluation of nominations will focus on evidence of excellent scholarly achievement, degree of originality of arguments, and evidence of impact. This award is named in honor of Orlando L. Taylor, NCA’s first African American president.
Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award recognizes NCA members who have demonstrated dedication to excellence, commitment to the profession, concern for others, vision of what could be, acceptance of diversity, and forthrightness.
Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to both NCA and the profession. The award will be presented to the person judged to have made the greatest contribution to the Association and to the profession during their career.
IDEA Engagement Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The IDEA Engagement Award offers recognition for efforts and activities to engage communities in work that enhances inclusion, diversity, equity, or access. Such engagement may be evaluated by the direct impacts or effects of such engagement (measured in different ways), or on sustainability and empowerment work that ensures change over the long term. This work may reflect the application of communication theories, pedagogy, or direct action to create positive community change. Since there is another IDEA award focusing specifically on research, this award highlights activity that may be drawing on research but can also be work done teaching or directly engaging within a community. Finally, this award may offer recognition for individuals working on specific projects or for engagement and activism that reflects a more extended career of commitment. Given the breadth and scope of IDEA, research and engagement may be focused on a variety of issues surrounding inclusion in different environments and cultures, diversity across multiple characteristics, equity in structure and human relations, and access that may be related to something physical or mental or issues of voice, presence, and agency, among others. Recipients must be members of NCA that exhibit a strong record of research relating to inclusion, diversity, equity, or access.
IDEA Scholarship Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The IDEA Scholarship Award offers recognition for scholarly engagement with inclusion, diversity, equity, and access. Such engagement may be evaluated for the depth and development of an extended research program, or on the impact of ideas and innovation on the discipline, or both. There are no methodological or paradigmatic preferences identified as prerequisites for this award, as these issues transcend much of the human experience. Since there is another IDEA Award focused on community engagement, this award is more explicitly about research, the diffusion and importance of a research program, and bringing new insight and understanding to the discipline. Given the breadth and scope of IDEA, research may be focused on a variety of issues surrounding inclusion in different environments and cultures, diversity across multiple characteristics, equity in structure and human relations, and access that may be related to something physical or mental or issues of voice, presence, and agency, among others. Recipients must be members of NCA that exhibit a strong record of research relating to inclusion, diversity, equity, or access.
Shawn D. Long IDEA Program Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The Shawn D. Long IDEA Program Award honors the career contributions towards inclusion, diversity, equity, and access from long time NCA member Shawn D. Long. The award offers recognition for programmatic and organizational efforts to enhance inclusion, diversity, equity and access. Some programs and departments make the extra effort to be inclusive and welcoming, some work to shift the culture of their campus environment, and some are engaged in broader activities that may affect local, regional, national, and international populations. Since there are many ways to demonstrate a programmatic commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and access, this award will be based in part on markers of such activity developed by the NCA Inclusivity Task Force.
Distinguished Scholar Award
National Communication Association
Mass Communication
The NCA Distinguished Scholar Award was created in 1991 to recognize NCA members for a lifetime of scholarly achievement in the study of human communication. Recipients are selected to showcase the communication profession.
The awards are for a distinguished “career,” operationally defined as a person who has at least 20 complete years of scholarly contributions since their Ph.D. was awarded. This keeps the membership limited to scholars showing a long-term commitment but does not limit the awardees to those of a particular age. These awards should, however, be considered “select”—only the people who we would present to others to showcase our profession. Breadth in the selection process should be considered, but it should not in any way override the quality considerations. One award each year may be posthumous.
Nominations can be made by any current NCA member. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Darlene Clark Hine Award
Organization of American Historians
The Darlene Clark Hine Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book in African American women’s and gender history. The award is named for Darlene Clark Hine, a pioneer in African American women’s and gender history and past president of the OAH 2001–2002.
Golden Crown Literary Awards
Golden Crown Literary Society
The Golden Crown Literary Awards are presented every year during the Annual Conference and recognize excellence in women-loving-women and sapphic literature. The Goldies reward quality literature, cover design, and individuals in 19 categories, 2 popular choice categories, and 3 special categories. The Board of Directors constantly review proposals for new categories. The Goldies have been the annual event of the women-loving-women and sapphic literature calendar since 2005.
Reading Women Award
Reading Women
Established in 2016, the Reading Women Award recognizes outstanding books written by or about women. Awarded annually, the prize is given to one fiction and one nonfiction work that embodies the mission of Reading Women.
Barbara Gittings Literature Award (adult literature titles)
Rainbow A Roundtable of the American Library Association
The first and most enduring award for LGBTQIA+ books is the Stonewall Book Awards, sponsored by the American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table (formerly the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table). Since Isabel Miller’s Patience and Sarah received the first award in 1971, many other books have been honored for exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience.
Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Award (adult non-fiction titles)
Rainbow A Roundtable of the American Library Association
The first and most enduring award for LGBTQIA+ books is the Stonewall Book Awards, sponsored by the American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table (formerly the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table). Since Isabel Miller’s Patience and Sarah received the first award in 1971, many other books have been honored for exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience.
Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award
Rainbow A Roundtable of the American Library Association
The first and most enduring award for LGBTQIA+ books is the Stonewall Book Awards, sponsored by the American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table (formerly the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table). Since Isabel Miller’s Patience and Sarah received the first award in 1971, many other books have been honored for exceptional merit relating to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender experience.
Fletcher M. Green and Charles W. Ramsdell Award
Southern Historical Association
The Fletcher M. Green and Charles W. Ramsdell Award is awarded in even-numbered years for the best article published in the Journal of Southern History during the two-preceding years.
George C. Rogers Jr. Award
South Carolina Historical Society
The George C. Rogers Jr. Award is presented annually by the South Carolina Historical Society to the author of the best book of South Carolina history published during the previous year. Finalists for the award are selected by the editor and Editorial Board of the South Carolina Historical Magazine, and the winner is determined by a panel of independent judges. The award is named in memory of George C. Rogers Jr. (1922-1997), longtime professor of history at the University of South Carolina, who was widely regarded as “the dean of South Carolina historians.” Rogers served the Historical Society in various capacities through the years, including editor of the South Carolina Historical Magazine from 1964 to 1970 and president of the society from 1978 to 1980.
R.R. Hawkins Award
Association of American Publishers
The R.R. Hawkins Award was created in 1976 to recognize outstanding scholarly works in all disciplines of the arts and sciences.
John H. Dunning Prize
American Historical Association
The John H. Dunning Prize is awarded for an outstanding monograph on any subject relating to United States history that is the author’s first or second book.
Civil War and Reconstruction Book Award
Organization of American Historians
The Civil War and Reconstruction Book Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the most original book on the coming of the Civil War, the Civil War years, or the Era of Reconstruction.
Merle Curti Social History Award
Organization of American Historians
One award is given annually to the author of the best book in American social history. Merle Curti was president of the OAH 1951–1952.
Merle Curti Intellectual History Award
Organization of American Historians
One award is given annually to the author of the best book in American intellectual history.
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
Organization of American Historians
The Ellis W. Hawley Prize is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book-length historical study of the political economy, politics, or institutions of the United States, in its domestic or international affairs, from the Civil War to the present.
Lawrence W. Levine Award
Organization of American Historians
The Lawrence W. Levine Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book in American cultural history.
Liberty Legacy Foundation Award
Organization of American Historians
Inspired by OAH President Darlene Clark Hine’s call in her 2002 OAH presidential address for more research on the origins of the civil rights movement in the period before 1954, the Liberty Legacy Foundation Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book by a historian on the civil rights struggle from the beginnings of the nation to the present.
David Montgomery Award
Organization of American Historians
The David Montgomery Award is given annually by the OAH with co-sponsorship by the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) for the best book on a topic in American labor and working-class history. Eligible works shall be written in English and deal with United States history in significant ways but may include comparative or transnational studies that fall within these guidelines.
Mary Nickliss Prize
Organization of American Historians
The Mary Nickliss Prize is given annually for “the most original” book in U.S. Women’s and/or Gender History (including North America and the Caribbean prior to 1776). The OAH defines “the most original” book as one that is a path breaking work or challenges and/or changes widely accepted scholarly interpretations in the field. If no book submitted for the prize meets this criterion, the award shall be given for “the best” book in U.S. women’s and/or gender history. “The best” book recognizes the ideas and originality of the significant historical scholarship being done by historians of U.S. Women’s and/or Gender History and makes a significant contribution to the understanding of U.S. Women’s and/or Gender History.
James A. Rawley Prize
Organization of American Historians
The James A. Rawley Prize is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of the best book dealing with the history of race relations in the United States.
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
Organization of American Historians
The Frederick Jackson Turner Award is given annually by the Organization of American Historians to the author of a first scholarly book dealing with some aspect of American history.
ASA Presidential Fellows Program
African Studies Association
African Studies
The ASA recognizes that it is futile to effectively study Africa and meaningfully engage important issues affecting the African continent, without also meaningfully engaging the scholars and practitioners on the ground who are working against considerable odds to bring about change. These actors generate much of the empirical data that goes into informing reports and studies which are published and circulated in the “global north,” however the vast majority of them are unable to access resources, networks and capacity-building opportunities beyond their borders.
The ASA Presidential Fellows Program is responding to this gap by continuing its tradition of providing opportunities for academics and practitioners with a scholarly interest in Africa to travel to attend the ASA Annual Meeting, visit institutions of higher learning in the United States, engage with academics working on Africa-related issues, take courses and to explore opportunities for collaborative ventures.
Distinguished Africanist Award
African Studies Association
African Studies
The African Studies Association offers a Distinguished Africanist Award in recognition of lifetime distinguished contributions to African studies. The Award is presented at the Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony, and consists of a plaque and a lifetime membership in the African Studies Association.
Sixteenth Century Society & Conference Medal
Sixteenth Century Society and Conference
This special award may be given once every five years to the member of the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference who has done the most to promote and to advance the area of early modern studies.
Bryce Wood Book Award
Latin American Studies Association
At each International Congress, the Latin American Studies Association presents the Bryce Wood Book Award to an outstanding book on Latin America in the social sciences and humanities published in English.
Albert Hourani Book Award
Middle East Studies Association
Religious Studies, History, Liberal Studies
The Albert Hourani Book Award was established in 1991 to recognize outstanding publishing in Middle East studies. The award was named for Albert Hourani to recognize his long and distinguished career as teacher and mentor. Announced at the Awards Ceremony at MESA’s annual meeting, the Albert Hourani Book Award honors a work that exemplifies scholarly excellence and clarity of presentation in the tradition of Albert Hourani.
Nikki Keddie Book Award
Middle East Studies Association
Religious Studies, Liberal Studies
The Nikki Keddie Book Award was established in 2017 to recognize outstanding scholarly work in the area of religion, revolution, and/or society. The annual award was named for Nikki Keddie to recognize her long and distinguished career as a scholar and teacher.
Fatema Mernissi Book Award
Middle East Studies Association
History, Liberal Studies
The Fatema Mernissi Book Award was established in 2017 to recognize outstanding scholarship in studies of gender, sexuality, and women’s lived experience. The annual award was named for Fatema Mernissi to recognize her long and distinguished career as a scholar and as a public intellectual.
MESA Mentoring Award
Middle East Studies Association
History, Liberal Studies
The MESA Mentoring Award was established in 1995 and first given at MESA’s 1996 annual meeting. The award recognizes exceptional contributions retired faculty have made to the education and training of others.
Jere L. Bacharach Service Award
Middle East Studies Association
History, Liberal Studies
The MESA Service Award was established in 1996 and was first awarded at MESA’s 1997 annual meeting. In 2004 the award was named for Jere L. Bacharach in honor of his extraordinary service to MESA, many of her sister societies, and the field overall.
Roger Owen Book Award
Middle East Studies Association
History, Liberal Studies, Economics
The Roger Owen Book Award, first given in 2011, recognizes the very best in economics, economic history, or the political economy of the Middle East and North Africa scholarship. The award honors Roger Owen for his long and distinguished career and scholarly contributions. The biennial award is given in odd-numbered years and announced at the Awards Ceremony at MESA’s annual meeting.
MESA Undergraduate Education Award
Middle East Studies Association
History, Liberal Studies, Economics
The MESA Undergraduate Education Award was established in 2012. The award recognizes outstanding scholarship on teaching or other material contributions to undergraduate education in Middle East studies.
Linda S. Cordell Prize
School for Advanced Research
Between 2015 and 2017 SAR presented the Linda S. Cordell Prize every other year to a living author for a book in archaeology or anthropological archaeology that best exemplified excellence in writing and significantly advanced archaeological method, theory, or interpretation. The award recognized innovative works that reached out to other subfields of anthropology or related disciplines. Such a book required a sound methodological core and a style of writing that was inclusive and transparent across social science disciplines. The breadth of Linda Cordell’s work served as a guide to the selection process.
William Y. and Nettie K. Adams Fund
School for Advanced Research
The William Y. and Nettie K. Adams Fund offers funding for short campus seminars or summer research projects focused on the history of anthropology and the theoretical implications of the culture concept.
American Book Awards
Before Columbus Foundation
The American Book Awards were created to provide recognition for outstanding literary achievement from the entire spectrum of America’s diverse literary community. The purpose of the awards is to recognize literary excellence without limitations or restrictions. There are no categories, no nominees, and therefore no losers. The award winners range from well-known and established writers to under-recognized authors and first works. There are no quotas for diversity, the winners list simply reflects it as a natural process. The Before Columbus Foundation views American culture as inclusive and has always considered the term “multicultural” to be not a description of various categories, groups, or “special interests,” but rather as the definition of all of American literature. The Awards are not bestowed by an industry organization, but rather are a writers’ award given by other writers.
PROSE Awards
Association of American Publishers
The PROSE Awards recognize publishers who produce books, nonfiction graphic novels, journals, digital products, and reference works of extraordinary merit that make a significant contribution to a field of study.
Elinor Melville Prize for Latin American Environmental History
Conference on Latin American History
The Melville Prize was established in 2007 through a bequest from Elinor Melville. It carries a stipend of $500. The Melville prize is awarded for the best book in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese on Latin American Environmental History that is published anywhere during either of the two imprint years previous to the year of the award. Melville defined environmental history as “the study of the mutual influences of social and natural processes.” The prize will go to the book that best fits that definition, while also considering sound scholarship, grace of style, and importance of the scholarly contribution as criteria for the award. Normally not considered for the award are reprints or re-editions of works published previously, and works not primarily historical in aim or content. More general works of environmental history with significant Latin American content may also be considered.
Howard F. Cline Memorial Prize
Conference on Latin American History
The Howard F. Cline Memorial Prize was established in 1976. It carries a stipend of $500. The prize is awarded biennially to the book or article in English, German, or a Romance language judged to make the most significant contribution to the history of Indians in Latin America, referring to any time before the immediate present. Items appearing in the two calendar years just preceding may be considered for a given year’s award.
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology Book Prize in Critical Anthropology
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
The association will recognize work that best exemplifies creativity and rigor in the ethnographic exploration of politics, law, and/or their interstices.
Julian Steward Award
American Anthropological Association
The Anthropology & Environment Society of American Anthropological Association (AAA) awards the Julian Steward Award annually for the best monograph in environmental & ecological anthropology.
Gregory Bateson Book Prize
Society for Cultural Anthropology
One of anthropology’s most distinguished thinkers, Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) and his diverse body of work are emblematic of what the SCA was founded to promote: rich ethnographic analysis that engages the most current thinking across the arts and sciences. Welcoming a wide range of styles and argument, the Gregory Bateson Book Prize looks to single out work that is theoretically rich, ethnographically grounded, and in the spirit of the tradition for which the SCA has been known: interdisciplinary, experimental, and innovative.
Victor Turner Prize
Society for Humanistic Anthropology
The Society for Humanistic Anthropology awards an annual juried book competition, the Victor Turner Prize in Ethnographic Writing. The late Victor Turner devoted his career to seeking an accessible language that would reopen anthropology to the human subject, and the competition recognizes the innovative books that further this project. The prize committee seeks graceful, accessible ethnographic writing which deeply explores its subject and contributes in innovative and engaging ways to the genre(s) of ethnography and the field of humanistic (and/or post-humanistic) anthropology.
Deborah Gerner Grant For Professional Development
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Deborah “Misty” Gerner Grant for Professional Development (“Gerner Award”) is awarded by the Women’s Caucus for International Studies (WCIS) and sponsored by Lynne Rienner Publishers. Deborah Gerner (1956-2006) was a much-loved and inspirational scholar who worked extensively on contributing to conflict resolution and peace in the Middle East. She was also a great advocate for women scholars in the international relations discipline.
The $2,000 grant is intended to support activities during the early stages of an academic career (primarily at the assistant professor level, though requests from individuals at the late stages of dissertation research also will be considered). The kinds of activities appropriate for grant funding include, but are not restricted to, travel to a professional conference or workshop; conducting field research; and the purchase of books, software, databases, etc., needed for research.
Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching in International Studies Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Deborah Gerner Innovative Teaching in International Studies Award honors the legacy of Misty Gerner as not only a fine scholar, but also as a passionate and dedicated teacher and mentor. Sponsored to carry her memory and mission forward by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers and the editorial board of the New Millennium Books in International Studies, the award is granted annually to an instructor who has developed effective new approaches to teaching in the discipline. Examples could include innovative case studies, teaching software, and simulations. Preference will be given to materials that can be easily adapted by other instructors. In keeping with Misty’s interests and commitments and the goals of the New Millennium Book Series, emphasis will be on pedagogy that engages students with issues of war, peace, identity, sovereignty, security, and sustainability—economic, environmental, or ethical—as they are evolving in the 21st century.
ESS Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Distinguished Scholar Award of the Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association recognizes outstanding scholars whose long history of excellent research and teaching has had substantial impact on fields associated with international relations and environmental issues.
Global Deveopment Studies Book Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The International Studies Association (ISA) Global Development Studies (GDS) section is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the GDS Book Prize. Books should meet the goals of the section, including a scholarly concern “with development and global justice working across a number of fields, for example, postcolonial studies, development studies, critical political economy, critical security studies, social and political theory, history, sociology, gender studies, and public policy.”
ICOMM Distinguished Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
he International Communication Distinguished Scholar Award is presented on an annual basis at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting to a scholar whose work has made a substantial impact in the area of International Communication in the context of international studies.
ILAW Book Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The International Law Book Award recognizes a book that excels in originality, significance and rigor in the broadly defined field of international law. The ILAW Book Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of international law.
IO Distinguished Senior Scholar Award
International Studies Association
International Studies
The Distinguished Senior Scholar Award was created to recognize senior scholars of exceptional merit whose influence, intellectual works and mentorship will likely continue to impact the field for years to come.
2022 Sussex International Theory Prize
Centre for Advanced International Theory
International Studies, International Relations
The Sussex International Theory Prize is awarded annually for the best piece of innovative theoretical research in International Relations.
MSA Book Prize
Modernist Studies Association
The prize is given each year to a work that makes a significant contribution to modernist studies.
MSA First Book Prize
Modernist Studies Association
The prize is given each year to a first published book that makes a significant contribution to modernist studies.
Edie Turner First Book Prize in Ethnographic Writing
Society for Humanistic Anthropology
We seek graceful, accessible ethnographic writing which deeply explores its subject and contributes in innovative and engaging ways to the genre(s) of ethnography and the field of humanistic (and/or post-humanistic) anthropology.
Racial Equity Research Grants
Spencer Foundation
The Racial Equity Research Grants program supports education research projects that will contribute to understanding and ameliorating racial inequality in education. We are interested in funding studies that aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of inequality in education, and which seek to (re)imagine and make new forms of equitable education. Thus, we are interested in research projects that seek to envision educational opportunities in a multiplicity of education systems, levels, settings, and developmental ranges and that reach beyond documenting conditions and paradigms that contribute to persistent racial inequalities.
Spencer Education Fellowship
Spencer Foundation
Education, Journalism
All fellows audit courses and work closely with professors in the Journalism School as well as with mentors throughout the university. Projects by past fellows (link is external) have ended up as books, radio documentaries and major pieces in national magazines, among other outlets.
Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition
Photography 4 Humanity
We are excited to announce that the 2022 Global Contest has turned its lens towards climate justice. We believe climate change is a human rights issue, so we are looking for images that show people impacted by the escalating climate crisis. They include climate refuges, the very young, the very old, the disabled and injured, the poor, indigenous and island people, and women. Images of climate champions advocating for change, and those helping to mitigate and reverse climate change are welcome too.
Innovate Grants
Innovate Grant
Innovate Grant supports artists and photographers.
Foundwork Artist Prize
The Foundwork Artist Prize is an annual juried award started in 2019 to recognize outstanding practices by contemporary artists. The Prize is open to artists working in any media and our annual selection process takes place in the fall. Each honoree is awarded an unrestricted $10,000 grant and studio visits with our jurors who include distinguished curators, gallerists, educators, and artists. Each year, the honoree and three shortlisted artists are also invited for interviews as part of our Dialogues program to further public engagement with their work.
International Photography & Film Awards
Art, Film
International Photography & Film Awards with a prize pool value of over $50,000 USD across several genres. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience are eligible to enter the Xposure International Awards. We have also included a category for filmmakers.
Founded in 1934 by industrialist Alfred P. Sloan Jr., the Foundation is a not-for-profit grantmaking institution that supports high quality, impartial scientific research; fosters a robust, diverse scientific workforce; strengthens public understanding and engagement with science; and promotes the health of the institutions of scientific endeavor. *By invitation.
Ford Motor Company Fund
Ford Motor Company
Biology, Chemistry, Music, Art, Theatre, Health Sciences, World Language, Mass Communication
Ford Motor Company Fund supports initiatives and nonprofit organizations in three areas: education, community life and driving safely. We seek to build partnerships with organizations that have a well-defined sense of purpose, a demonstrated commitment to maximizing available resources, and a reputation for meeting objectives and delivering quality programs and services. We place priority on the support and development of organizations that promote diversity and inclusion. Requests for support are accepted and reviewed throughout the year. There are no application deadlines. To apply for support, an organization must complete a grant application online.
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation Grants
Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation will consider grants for IRS-qualified non-profit organizations located within the United States. The Foundation aims to support organizations and programs for which a relatively small amount of funding might make a large difference. The Foundation will consider requests to support museums, cultural and performing arts programs; schools and hospitals; educational, skills-training and other programs for youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities; environmental and wildlife protection activities; and other community-based organizations and programs.
Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship
American Antiquarian Society
history, American Studies
Scholars who are no more than three years beyond receipt of the doctorate are eligible to apply for a special year-long residential fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society to revise their dissertation for publication. Established as the Mellon Post-Dissertation Fellowship in 1998, the fellowship has been renamed in honor of John B. Hench, who retired in August 2007 as vice president for collections and programs after thirty-three years on the staff of the American Antiquarian Society. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, generous sponsor of this fellowship, has made a challenge grant to the Society, which is currently raising money to endow this fellowship. The purpose of the Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship is to provide the recipient with time and resources to extend research and/or to revise the dissertation for publication. Any topic relevant to the Society’s library collections and programmatic scope–that is, American history and culture through 1876–is eligible.
American Antiquarian Society – National Endowment for the Humanities Long-Term Fellowships
American Antiquarian Society, National Endowment for the Humanities
NEH fellowships are for persons who have already completed their formal professional training. Degree candidates and persons seeking support for work in pursuit of a degree are not eligible to hold AAS-NEH fellowships. Foreign nationals who have been residents in the United States for at least three years immediately preceding the application deadline for the fellowship are eligible. Preference will be given to individuals who have not held long-term fellowships during the three years preceding the period for which the application is being made. AAS-NEH fellows are expected to be in regular and continuous residence at the Society. They must devote full time to their study and may not accept teaching assignments or undertake any other major activities during the tenure of their award. Fellows may hold other major fellowships or grants during fellowship tenure, in addition to sabbaticals and supplemental grants from their own institutions. Other NEH-funded grants may be held serially, but not concurrently.
ACLS Digital Justice Seed Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
The American Council of Learned Societies is pleased to invite applications for Digital Justice Seed Grants, which are made possible by The Mellon Foundation. ACLS Digital Justice Seed Grants are designed to promote and provide resources for newly formulated projects that diversify the digital domain, advance justice and equity in digital scholarly practice, and/or contribute to public understanding of racial and social justice issues.
This program addresses the inequities in the distribution of access to tools and support for digital work among scholars across various fields, those working with under-utilized or understudied source materials, and those in institutions with less support for digital projects. It promotes inclusion and sustainability by extending the opportunity to participate in the digital transformation of humanistic inquiry to a greater number of humanities scholars and projects at the beginning stages of development. Finally, ACLS Digital Justice Seed Grants offer scholars and project leaders general financial planning coaching from the Nonprofit Finance Fund. Such an opportunity provides a foundation upon which grant recipients can envision the possible long-term financial options for supporting their digital projects.
ACLS Digital Justice Development Grants
American Council of Learned Societies
The American Council of Learned Societies is pleased to invite applications for Digital Justice Development Grants, which are made possible by The Mellon Foundation. ACLS Digital Justice Development Grants are designed to promote and provide resources for projects that diversify the digital domain, advance justice and equity in digital scholarly practice, and/or contribute to public understanding of racial and social justice issues. This program addresses the inequities in the distribution of access to tools and support for digital work among scholars across various fields, those working with under-utilized or understudied source materials, and those in institutions with less support for digital projects. It promotes inclusion and sustainability by extending the opportunity to participate in the digital transformation of humanistic inquiry to a greater number of humanities scholars and projects at various stages of development. Finally, ACLS Digital Justice Development Grants offer scholars and project leaders the opportunity to receive tailored coaching from the Nonprofit Finance Fund in order to plan for the long-term stewardship and sustainability of their projects.
ACLS Leading Edge Fellowships
American Council of Learned Societies
The American Council of Learned Societies is pleased to announce the fourth competition of the Leading Edge Fellowship program, which demonstrates the potential of humanistic knowledge and methods to solve problems, build capacity, and advance justice and equity in society. Leading Edge Fellowships place recent humanities PhDs with nonprofit organizations promoting social justice in their communities. Fellows take on substantive roles that draw on the skills and capacities honed in the course of earning the humanities PhD, including advanced communication, research, project management, and creative problem solving. This initiative is made possible through the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
D2L Excellence Awards
Award nominations are open to everyone who uses D2L solutions, including teachers, instructors, trainers, support staff and leaders. Can’t choose just one person? No worries—you can nominate a team or even an entire organization.
SIGMIS Early Career Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Information Systems
The SIGMIS Early Career Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of researchers and educators as they commence their journey pursuing excellence in the MIS discipline. An early career achiever serves as an inspiration to their peers. An Early Career Award nominee must have entered the IS field (i.e. doctoral degree conferral) no more than seven years prior to the date of nomination. They will demonstrate outstanding, influential, and potentially long-standing contributions to the MIS discipline and service to the MIS community. The award is announced annually at the ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference.
SIGMIS Early Career Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Information Systems
Up to $3000 grants available per proposal – ½ upon awarding of the grant and ½ upon completion of the project, delivery of a working paper for presentation at a SIGMIS – conference, and inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
IS Workforce – labor markets
IS Personnel – retention, training, skills
Social inclusion
IS Leadership
IS Entrepreneurship
Digital work
Additional topics pertaining to the understanding, use, and manipulation of IS by people and organizations
SIGMIS Lifetime Achievement Award
Association for Computing Machinery
Information Systems
The SIGMIS Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the recipient’s dedication to promoting excellence in the MIS profession over a substantial period. A lifetime achiever serves as a superior role model to their peers. Recognized achievements can include technical innovations, publications, leadership, teaching, mentoring, and service to the MIS community. The award is announced annually at the ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference.
Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
The ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding member of the library profession who has made a significant national or international contribution to academic or research librarianship and library development. This award recognizes and honors achievement in such areas as: Service to the organized profession through the Association of College and Research Libraries and related organizations; Significant and influential research on academic or research library service; Publication of a body of scholarly and/or theoretical writing contributing to academic or research library development.
Excellence in Academic Libraries Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO provides funding for an Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Program to recognize an outstanding community college, college, and university library each year. This award is to recognize the accomplishments of librarians and other library staff as they come together as members of a team to support the mission of their institution. GOBI’s gift of $12,000 provides a $3,000 gift to each of the three library recipients and $3,000 to support travel by an ACRL officer to the three award ceremonies.
Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This award honors the life and accomplishments of Hugh C. Atkinson by soliciting nominations and recognizing the outstanding accomplishments of an academic librarian or group of librarians who has or have worked in the areas of library automation or library management and has made contributions (including risk taking) toward the improvement of library services or to library development or research. The nominee must be a librarian or group of librarians employed in one of the following during the year prior to application for this award: University, college, or community college library; Non-profit consortium, or a consortium comprised of non-profits that provides resources/services/support to academic libraries. The nominee must have a minimum of five years of professional experience in an academic library or in a non-profit consortium or a consortium comprised of non-profits. The nominee must be a member of ALA and at least one of the award’s sponsoring divisions (ACRL and Core) at the time of submission. Applications are kept in the award pool for two years. Applications may be updated each year, as long as they are received by the award deadline.
CLS Innovation in College Librarianship Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
The purpose of the CLS Innovation Award is to recognize college librarians and staff who demonstrate successful introduction of innovation in their library through a new idea, method, project, or device that enhances student learning and/or faculty development and overall works to promote the library as integral to the achievement of the college’s mission. At least one of the nominees must be an ALA member to be eligible for this award. Nominees must be in an academic library setting at institutions fitting the Carnegie classifications of Baccalaureate or Masters Colleges and Universities. Canadian academic libraries are eligible if at least one nominee is an ALA member and if the nominee(s) can demonstrate their institution’s status is comparable to the Carnegie classification of Baccalaureate or Masters Colleges and Universities.
Routledge Distance Learning Librarianship Conference Sponsorship Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This conference sponsorship award honors any individual ACRL member working in the field of, or contributing to the success of distance learning librarianship or related library service in higher education. Nominees should have demonstrated achievements in one or more of the following areas: Support for distance learning librarianship and library services, e.g., service to students and faculty, innovation and/or leadership; Participate in the creation and/or implementation of distance library programs or services of exemplary quality; Successful collaboration with faculty in support of information literacy and/or other aspects of library instruction or services for distance students; Significant research, publication, or presentations in areas of distance learning librarianship.
EBSS Distinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This award honors a distinguished academic librarian who has made an outstanding contribution as an education and/or behavioral sciences librarian through accomplishments and service to the profession. Nominees should have demonstrated achievements in one or more of the following areas: Service to the organized profession through ACRL/EBSS and related organizations; Significant academic library service in the areas of education and/or behavioral sciences; Significant research and publication in areas of academic library services in education and/or behavioral sciences; Planning and implementation of academic library programs in education and/or the behavioral sciences disciplines of such exemplary quality that they could serve as a model for others.
Instruction Section Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This award recognizes an individual librarian who has built a record of contributions over time that have advanced the pursuit of teaching and learning in a college or research library environment. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose pioneering efforts led to the formation of the ACRL Instruction Section (formerly ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section). Nominees should have achieved a substantial record of accomplishment in one or more of the following areas: Exhibits extraordinary, consistent leadership of an academic instruction program in a library environment that has broad demonstrable impact on other programs, professionals, or institutions; Production of a body of research and publication that has a demonstrable impact on the concepts and methods of teaching and learning in the library profession; Sustained an outstanding participation in organizations, at the regional or national level, devoted to the promotion and enhancement of teaching and learning in a library environment; Consistent and effective mentorship and/or professional development of other library professionals in the pursuit and support of teaching and learning in the library environment.
Instruction Section Innovation Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
Projects nominated for the award should demonstrate recognized creativity, quality, and innovation within the context of national trends in information literacy instruction or programming. Academic librarians or academic project teams that include an academic librarian are eligible to receive the award. Recipients must have implemented their project in an academic or research library or through the aegis of a professional library organization no more than two years prior to the nomination submission deadline.
Marta Lange/SAGE-CQ Press Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This annual award recognizes an academic or law librarian who, through research, service to the profession, or other creative activity, makes distinguished contributions to bibliography and information service in law or political science. This award honors Marta Lange, 1990-91 Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) Chair, whose exceptional talents as a leader were enhanced by a wonderful collegial spirit. Her bright career, cut short in a fatal automobile accident in 1992, was an inspiration to others and a model of professional service. Nominations should highlight the nominee’s distinguished contributions to librarianship in political science, international affairs, policy, law, and government related fields. Contributions to the profession take many forms, and we have designated the following categories as ones worthy of recognition: innovation in teaching and learning, scholarship and research, service to the profession, mentorship, civic engagement, and lifetime achievement. Only one award will be given each year from the submitted nominations, but nominations can be made in any of these categories. In years where there is an outstanding Lifetime Achievement nomination as well as an outstanding nomination in another category, the section reserves the right to award both recipients, with SAGE-CQ Press sponsoring one award and the section sponsoring the other. Nominators should select the category where the nominee has made the most contributions, or that best fits the activities for which the nominator would like the nominee recognized. Nominations can span categories if the person or project meets the criteria of more than one, but the nomination should explain the contributions in each category.
STS Innovation in Science and Technology Librarianship Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
The purpose of the award is to recognize creative, innovative approaches to solving problems or improving products and services in science and technology librarianship. The award recognizes and promotes leadership and initiative that demonstrate impact on the academic and research community. Any library-related project is eligible for the award. Projects from the award sponsors are ineligible for consideration. Projects of the STS Chair / Vice-Chair while those persons are in office are ineligible from consideration. Projects nominated for the award should inspire information professionals to overcome obstacles in the profession, and should demonstrate creativity, quality and innovation within the context of national trends in science and technology librarianship. Projects should meet at least three of the following criteria: projects may demonstrate strong librarian involvement; projects may be unique and cutting-edge; projects may demonstrate impact on a library’s customer groups and / or the profession; projects may serve as a model to influence other activities; projects may demonstrate effectiveness in overcoming barriers, or skill and persistence in causing change. Preference may be given to recent projects; however, historical projects that have demonstrated impact are also eligible for consideration. Preference may be given to library projects in partnership with academic college or research libraries; however, any projects that demonstrate impact on the science and technology academic community are also eligible for consideration. Nominees must agree to allow ACRL to publicize their project if selected.
ULS Outstanding Professional Development Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
Established in 2015, this award is intended to recognize librarians, archivists or curators whose contributions to providing professional development opportunities for librarians have been especially noteworthy or influential. The effect of these contributions may be the result of continuous or distinguished service to the profession, but may also be the result of extraordinarily active, innovative or collaborative work that deserves national recognition. At least two of the following four criteria need to be met: Implementing innovative or creative professional development ideas or activities that have measurably impacted library users and / or the profession; Active participation in special projects, efforts or initiatives related to providing professional development opportunities that have measurably impacted library users and / or the profession; Evidence of service and/or collaboration over time related to providing professional development activities that clearly benefited a number of library professionals and library users; Exemplary and influential research and/or scholarship pertaining to professional development for librarians.
WGSS Award for Career Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship
Association of College & Research Libraries
This award is given annually to honor a distinguished academic librarian who has made outstanding contributions to women and gender studies through accomplishments and service to the profession. This award was established in 1999. The ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section Award for Career Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship is designed to honor individual career achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship. Nominees should have demonstrated significant achievements and contributions in one or more of the following areas: Service within the organized profession through ACRL/WGSS and/or related organizations; Academic/research library service in the area of women and gender studies;
Research and publication in areas of academic/research library services in women and gender studies;
Planning and implementation of academic/research library programs in women and gender studies disciplines of such exemplary quality that they could serve as a model for others.
WGSS Award for Significant Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship
Association of College & Research Libraries
This award is given annually to honor a distinguished academic librarian who has made outstanding contributions to women and gender studies through accomplishments and service to the profession. The award recognizes those who have made significant one-time contributions. The ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section Award for Significant Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship recognizes one-time achievement, by an individual or a group, during the particular year of the award. Achievement may be in any area of academic Women & Gender Studies librarianship, including, but not limited to: Publication of a monograph, journal article, website, or media product;
Talk or other presentation at a nationally recognized conference; Innovations in Women & Gender Studies librarianship, including but not limited to instruction; Development of an exemplary program, collection, digitization project, or access tool to serve Women & Gender Studies students and/or faculty; Significant creative & innovative contribution to the work of the ACRL Women & Gender Studies Section.
Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Awards
Association of College & Research Libraries
These awards are given annually in recognition of excellence in the publication of catalogues and brochures that accompany exhibitions of library and archival materials, as well as for electronic exhibitions of such materials. They are administered by the Exhibition Awards Committee of the ALA/ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS), whose operating expenses are covered by a generous endowment from Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Prices Current. The entries will be divided into seven categories: expensive, moderate, inexpensive, brochure, electronic exhibition, innovation, and student. The seven categories shall be determined by production costs as outlined in the entry form. The budget categories will be defined by the committee according to the range of costs of catalogues submitted. Catalogues may be of varying formats, styles, and scope, e.g., an inclusive list of items in an exhibition, a selective list, or a narrative with some specific citations. Publicity materials, collections of essays, and other publications lacking specific references to displayed objects as such are not eligible. Catalogues will be judged on originality, accuracy of detail, informational content, visual impact, contribution to scholarship, and usefulness to the intended audience. Full evaluation criteria is available on the RBMS website.
Ilene F. Rockman Instruction Publication of the Year Award
Association of College & Research Libraries
This annual award recognizes an outstanding publication related to instruction in a library environment published in the preceding two years. The award honors Ilene F. Rockman’s professional contributions to academic librarianship in the area of information literacy. This award is administered by the Instruction Section. Publications are judged on the basis of relevance to the field of instruction in academic or research libraries, originality, timeliness, and quality of writing. Publications include journal articles, books, book chapters, and published proceedings. Submitted publications may be authored by one or more individuals, a group, organization, or committee. Instruction Section publications are not eligible for award consideration. Publications from 2019 and 2020 can be considered for the 2021 award.
STS Oberly Award for Bibliography in the Agricultural or Natural Sciences
Association of College & Research Libraries
The Oberly Award was established in 1923 in memory of Eunice Rockwood Oberly, librarian of the Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture from 1908 to 1921. She was the Bureau of Plant Industry’s representative to the Congressional Joint Commission on Reclassification of Government Employees and was instrumental in gaining a fairer recognition of library activities. This biennial award is given in odd-numbered years for the best English-language bibliography in the field of agriculture or a related science. The author(s) will receive a cash award and a plaque, funded by an endowment created by individuals and vendor contributions, including the U.S. Agricultural Information Network, the Agway Foundation, Associates of the National Agricultural Library, the Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries, and the Cargill Information Center. English-language print or electronic bibliographies in any format in the field of agriculture or a related science published during the two-year period preceding the year in which the award is presented. Bibliographies may be a print or electronic monograph, a completed series viewed as a body of work, or an ongoing print or electronic publication.
ESS De Gruyter European Librarianship Study Grant
Association of College & Research Libraries
The grant supports research in European studies with an emphasis on librarianship, the book trade, resource documentation and similar information-science related topics. The grant was established in 2011 by ACRL WESS under the sponsorship of the Walter de Gruyter Foundation for Scholarship and Research [Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung]. Beginning with the 2018 award season, the grant will be managed by ACRL ESS. Each applicant must be a member of ACRL and employed as a librarian or information professional in a university, college, community college, or research library in the year prior to application for the award. The purpose of the grant is to support research on the acquisition, organization, or use of library resources from or relating to Europe. Current or historical subjects may be treated. The award jury will review proposals with the following in mind: What is the work to be accomplished? The proposal should be as explicit as possible about the current state of knowledge in the area and what will be achieved by the successful completion of the study; What is the need for and value of the proposed research? The proposal should provide persuasive evidence that the study is of practical use or scholarly value to the wider community of European Studies librarians or academic scholars; What is the methodology for carrying out the proposed work? The research design should be as specific as possible and demonstrate why a trip to Europe is essential to the research; Can the work be accomplished within the time frame proposed?
If the study extends beyond 30 days, the proposal should specify how the additional work would be completed and funded; Are the applicant’s qualifications sufficient to carry out the study? The applicant should document the ability to complete the proposed research in a timely manner.
Innovation and Advocacy in Library History Award
Library History Round Table
The Innovation and Advocacy in Library History Award is presented by the Library History Round Table (LHRT) of the American Library Association as a “best of year” achievement award that enables the LHRT to acknowledge individuals or organizations that have made recent, substantive contributions to LHRT or to the wider library history community. The intention of the award is to recognize efforts that are ineligible for other LHRT prizes; thus, nominations which emphasize publication of articles, books, dissertations, or essays will not be considered. Membership in LHRT is encouraged but not required. The Innovation and Advocacy in Library History Award is a non-monetary award with a printed citation. There is no cash or medal associated with the award. Nominations, including self-nominations, are welcomed from all interested parties but must pertain to activities taking place in the past two years. Nominations will be judged on the contributions’ quality, impact, and relevance to LHRT or the library history community. The LHRT is particularly interested in recognizing those who have promoted library history in exceptional or new ways or who have reached audiences that have not been engaged previously.
Distinguished Service in Library History Award
Library History Round Table
The Distinguished Service in Library History Award is presented by the ALA Library History Round Table (LHRT) and honors the career of a person who has a lifetime of scholarship and service in the field of library history. This non-monetary award is intended to be given to an individual who has a record of contributions; who demonstrates length, breadth, and depth of involvement in library history; and who has had a significant impact on the work of the ALA Library History Round Table or on the library history community at large. Criteria for the Award include the significance of contributions to library history, such as publications in the field, courses taught in library history, and service to the field through the LHRT or other groups. The intention of the Award is to recognize service; thus, nominations which emphasize research and publication and do not describe service or other activities pertaining to library history will not be considered. Personal membership in the LHRT is encouraged but is not required for an individual to be selected for the Award.
Justin Winsor Library History Essay Award
Library History Round Table
The Justin Winsor Library History Essay Award is presented by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association annually to recognize the best essay written in English on library history. The award is named in honor of the distinguished nineteenth-century librarian, historian, and bibliographer who was also ALA’s first president. It consists of a certificate and a $500 cash award, as well as an invitation to have the winner’s essay considered for publication in the official LHRT publication Libraries: Culture, History, and Society. If the winning essay is accepted for publication, additional revisions may be required. Manuscripts submitted should not be previously published, previously submitted for publication, or under consideration for publication or another award. To be considered, essays should embody original historical research on a significant topic in library history, be based on primary sources whenever possible, and use good English composition and superior style. The Library History Round Table is particularly interested in works that place the subject within its broader historical, social, cultural, and political context and make interdisciplinary connections with print culture and information studies. Essays should be organized in a form similar to that of articles published in Libraries: Culture, History, and Society, with footnotes, spelling and punctuation conforming to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Papers should not exceed thirty-five typewritten, double-spaced pages (plus footnotes and bibliography).
Donald G. Davis Article Award
Library History Round Table
The Donald G. Davis Article Award is presented by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association every even-numbered year to recognize the best article written in English in the field of United States and Canadian library history. The award honors Donald G. Davis, longtime professor at the School of Information at the University of Texas and editor of Libraries & the Cultural Record (formerly Journal of Library History, Philosophy, and Comparative Librarianship). A major contributor to the field, Dr. Davis has authored numerous history articles, advised many notable Ph.D. dissertations, compiled important bibliographies, and edited both the Encyclopedia of Library History (with Wayne Wiegand) and The Dictionary of American Library Biography, Second Supplement. Entries for the Davis Award must have been published during the two years preceding the award year; e.g. articles from 2020 and 2021 may be nominated for the 2022 award. Entries are judged on quality of scholarships, clarity of style, and depth of research. The round table is particularly interested in articles that place the subject within its broader historical, social, cultural, and political context and make interdisciplinary connections with print culture and information studies. One award will be given every second year unless the jury does not find a suitable candidate for that period. Papers that have won the Justin Winsor or Jesse Shera Awards are not eligible for consideration.
Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award
Library History Round Table
The Eliza Atkins Gleason Book Award is presented by the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association every third year to recognize the best book written in English in the field of library history. The award bears the name of Eliza Atkins Gleason, the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in Library Science, from University of Chicago in 1940. Her book, The Southern Negro and the Public Library (Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1941), traced the history of library service to African Americans up to that time and laid the foundation for all subsequent scholarship on that aspect of library history. Books published in the three preceding calendar years are eligible; e.g. books that appeared in 2022, 2023, and 2024 will be eligible for the award in 2025. Bibliographies and edited collections will not be considered. Entries are judged on quality of scholarship, clarity of style, and depth of research. The round table is particularly interested in works that place the subject within its broader historical, social, cultural, and political context and make interdisciplinary connections with print culture and information studies.
Fellow of the Society of American Archivists
Society of American Archivists
Established in 1957, the distinction of Fellow—the highest honor bestowed on individuals by SAA—is awarded for outstanding contributions to the organization and to the archives profession. Fellows must demonstrate and represent the highest qualities of the Society as articulated in the Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics.
Distinguished Service Award
Society of American Archivists
The Distinguished Service Award recognizes an archival institution, education program, nonprofit organization, or government organization that has provided outstanding service to its public and has made an exemplary contribution to the archives profession. The institution being nominated should have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways: Demonstrably contributing to archival theory and the development of new archival practice; Serving its constituency in an outstanding fashion; Showing extraordinary ingenuity and resourcefulness in improving efficiency of operations or methods of work; Going well beyond the normal performance requirements expected of an archival agency and thus providing a model for others; and/or
Developing over a period of years an archives program of such depth and scope as to warrant special recognition.
Sister M. Claude Lane, O.P., Memorial Award
Society of American Archivists
The Sister M. Claude Lane, O.P., Memorial Award was created in 1974 and recognizes an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of religious archives. Selection criteria include: Involvement and work in the Archivists of Religious Collections Section of the Society of American Archivists; Contributions to archival literature that relates to religious archives; Participation and leadership in religious archives organizations; and/or Evidence of leadership in a specific religious archives.
Spotlight Award
Society of American Archivists
The Spotlight Award recognizes the contributions of individuals who work for the good of the archives profession and of archival collections, and whose work would not typically receive public recognition. The nominee(s) should have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways: Participating in special projects; Exhibiting tireless committee or advocacy work; Responding effectively to an unforeseen or pressing need or emergency; Contributing innovative or creative ideas to the profession; Performing extraordinary volunteerism; and/or Quietly but effectively promoting the profession.
Diversity Award
Society of American Archivists
Established in 2011 and intended to address SAA’s strategic priority on diversity, this award recognizes an individual, group, or institution for outstanding contributions in advancing diversity within the archives profession, SAA, or the archival record. Nominees will have demonstrated significant achievement in the form of activism, education, outreach, publication, service, or other initiatives in the archives field. The award is given based on the long-term impact on improving and promoting diversity as defined in the SAA Statement on Diversity and Inclusion. Open to an individual, group, or organization. To encourage SAA member participation, preference may be given to SAA individual and/or institutional members.
Archival Innovator Award
Society of American Archivists
The Archival Innovator Award recognizes an archivist, a group of archivists, a repository, or an organization that demonstrates the greatest overall current impact on the profession or their communities. Nominee(s) should meet as many of the following criteria as possible: Creativity or innovation in approaching professional challenges; Demonstrated ability to think outside of professional or institutional norms; Ability to translate creativity, innovation, and new thinking into working solutions; Development of an archives program or outreach activity that has an extraordinary impact on a community; and/or Commitment to the advancement of professional knowledge through traditional or emerging information-sharing media.
The work should be undertaken within the past three years—it need not be completed, but it must be sufficiently advanced to demonstrate results.
Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award
Society of American Archivists
The Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award celebrates and encourages early-career archivists who have completed archival work of broad merit, demonstrated significant promise of leadership, and/or performed commendable service to the archives profession. The award is given based on the total experience of the awardee, including knowledge, leadership, participation, and/or achievements in the profession. Nominees must be SAA members and will have more than two years and less than ten years of professional archives experience. Nominees must meet as many of the following criteria as possible: Work of merit that has made a substantive contribution to an area (or areas) of the archives profession beyond the nominee’s local institution and that holds promise for future contributions. Demonstrated leadership through collaborative work or exemplary service to local, regional, and/or national archival and cultural associations. Involvement in successful outreach and advocacy efforts on behalf of the nominee’s institution and the archives profession.
Council Exemplary Service Award
Society of American Archivists
Created by the SAA Council in 1980 at the request of the Committee on the Selection of SAA Fellows, this citation recognizes a special contribution to the archives profession, and especially to SAA, that is not eligible for one of the other awards given by the Society. It is given on an occasional basis at the discretion of the Council or upon recommendation to the Council by the Awards Committee.
J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award
Society of American Archivists
The J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award honors an individual, institution, or organization that promotes greater public awareness, appreciation, or support of archival activities or programs. The individual’s or institution’s contributions may take the form of advocacy, publicity, legislation, financial support, or a similar action that fosters archival work or raises public consciousness of the importance of archival work. Contributions should have broad, long-term impact at the regional level or beyond. Nominees must be from outside the archives profession. Individuals directly involved in archival work, either as paid or volunteer staff, or institutions or organizations directly responsible for an archival program are not eligible for this award.
Philip M. Hamer and Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award
Society of American Archivists
This Philip M. Hamer and Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award recognizes an archivist, editor, group of individuals, or institution that has increased public awareness of a specific body of documents (which can be a specific archival collection or thematic aggregation) through compilation, transcription, exhibition, or public presentation of archives or manuscript materials for educational, instructional, or other public purpose. Work that has impact on a local, regional, national, and/or international level is welcomed. Nominee(s) should meet one or more of the following criteria and provide supporting documentation as evidence: Project was/is achieved through compilation, transcription, exhibition, or public presentation of archives or manuscript materials that go above and beyond conventional archival processing / arrangement and description work. Project effectively raises public awareness of a specific body of archival or manuscript documents (may include photos, films, etc.). Project has clear educational, instructional, or other public purpose with evidence provided of the impact of the educational/instructional work, etc. Project clearly conveys the value of the records.
C.F.W. Coker Award for Description
Society of American Archivists
The C.F.W. Coker Award for Description recognizes finding aids, finding aid systems, projects that involve innovative development in archival description, or descriptive tools that enable archivists to produce effective finding aids. To merit consideration for the award, nominees must set national standards, represent a model for archival description, or otherwise have a substantial impact on descriptive practices. The following types of works or activities may be considered: Finding aids, including, among others, multi-institutional guides, record surveys, repository guides, special subject lists, finding aids to individual collections or records groups, and narrative descriptions of holdings. Finding aid systems, including, among others, manual or automatic indexing systems, computer databases, or current awareness systems for notifying users of holdings. Descriptive tools that enable archivists to produce more effective finding aids, including, among others, subject thesauri, authority files, data element dictionaries, manuals establishing descriptive standards, and such reference works as atlases and administrative histories. Projects that involve innovative developments in archival description, including, among others, cooperative ventures that result in the exchange of finding aid information among repositories, efforts at building national information systems, and survey projects.
Waldo Gifford Leland Award
Society of American Archivists
Created in 1959, this prize encourages and rewards writing of superior excellence and usefulness in the field of archival history, theory, or practice. Monographs or documentary publications in print or digital editions published in English during the previous calendar year are eligible. Periodicals are not eligible.
Preservation Publication Award
Society of American Archivists
The Preservation Publication Award recognizes the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding published work related to archives preservation and, through this acknowledgment, encourages outstanding achievement by others. The work can be an article, report, chapter, or monograph in an audiovisual, digital, or print format. The work must contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of preservation in archives institutions by introducing new preservation theories, methods, or techniques; by codifying principles and practices of archives preservation; by presenting the results of innovative research on matters related to archives preservation; by investigating preservation issues of current interest and importance to the archives community; or by studying aspects of the history of the archives profession. The award was established in 1993 by SAA’s Preservation Section. Awarded to the author(s) or editor(s) of an outstanding preservation-related work that is of relevance to the North American archives community and published during the preceding calendar year.
Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award
Society of American Archivists
Established in 1982, this award recognizes an outstanding essay dealing with some facet of archival administration, history, theory, and/or methodology that was published during the preceding year in The American Archivist. Author(s) of an article published in The American Archivist during the preceding year.
National Medal for Museum and Library Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
The National Medal for Museum and Library Service is the nation’s highest honor for institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. Since 1994, IMLS has presented the award to outstanding libraries and museums of all types and sizes that deeply impact their communities.