Georgia College Awards Database

About the Database

This GC Awards Database is a resource for Georgia College faculty and staff. While comprehensive, it focuses on awards related to the disciplines practiced at Georgia College. The emphasis on SoTL and teaching awards reflects our core mission. Dissertation grants, travel awards, subventions, awards attached to academic conference presentations, awards with closed nomination processes, and institutional grants are not included. If there are awards within the scope of this database that are not yet included, you can make a recommendation to us here.


  • Use the filter fields above the table to filter the results. The filters are an AND search.

    Example: If you enter Accounting in the Discipline filter and choose everything with a deadline after today’s date in the Deadline filter, you will see results for all Accounting awards with deadlines today and after.

  • To select awards with specific deadlines that have not yet passed, click the From field under Deadline, and choose today’s date. Then leave the To field blank. 
  • Awards are catalogued by discipline. To search for awards that are open to scholars from multiple disciplines, leave “open” checked in the Discipline filter. Multiple disciplines can be selected in the dropdown menu under “Discipline”.
  • Awards with no specific application deadline indicated are listed as TBA.
  • Awards with “open” in the discipline are open to faculty in various disciplines.
  • Sponsoring bodies are listed by their full name rather than abbreviations.
  • After you run a filter, you can use the Search field (to the right, just above the table) to refine the results. It will search all columns for anything you enter here.
  • If you want to start a completely new search, click the Clear Filters button.
  • If you are using a phone or tablet, you should view this page in landscape mode.